The second edition of the manga “Takamatsu in China” has been published

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A few days before the end of 2022, the second edition of the first Bujinkan manga in the world was published, this time with the title of: “Takamatsu in China – The mission to Xilinhot”.

This edition by the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi”, whose author is the teacher of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski, has been illustrated by his student Taki Gakovski, it was completed in just a year and a half after the publishing of the first comic book: “Takamatsu in China – The fight with Cho Shiryu”. 

The first edition sold over 500 samples, of which 400 were in english. “Takamatsu in China – The fight with Cho Shiryu” found its place in and reached all inhabited continents. 

At this very moment we are working on organizing the official promotion of the macedonian edition, and at the same time the member of Bujinkan Macedonia – Ksenija Dovezenska is working on the translation of the english version, which will then be published and sold all over the world.

Jissen Heiho seminar 

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As a way to round up the year 2022, Bujinkan Macedonia held a seminar on the topic of Jissen Heiho, so we can remind ourselves of the fanatical seminars that once upon a time were a regular event at our dojo. It’s not a case of falling standards, but a case of careful monitoring of the generational flow and the changing times, so we can adapt our curriculum to them. 

During yesterday’s seminar, the participants came mainly from the Senpais, meaning the older members of the Dojo who in the past regularly trained in Jissen Heiho. For those that don’t know, it is a system developed by the teacher Igor Dovezenski, with the goal of completely utilizing the martial strategies of the traditional japanese martial arts and to modify them to suit the demands of the modern way of fighting. 

This upcoming Friday the annual title testing shall take place, after which there will be a simple New Year’s party (BonenKai).

Shinken Gata - Tora no Maki

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On the 27th of November, in the Skopje Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, a seminar was held on the topic of Shinken Gata – Tora no Maki.

This combat system that originates from the traditional school of Kukishinden ryu Dakentaijutsu is known for its dynamic and combative style. This is reason enough for the members of the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi”, which are known for their willingness to partake in a hard and demanding pain filled training. 

During the event the teacher Dovezenski taught techniques from the first and second levels of Tora no Maki. 

The third international “BuYuKai” seminar has taken place 

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On the 29-30th of October, in the city of Istanbul (Turkey),  the third in a series of international BuYuKai seminars was held. In the event participated around 40 practitioners from Macedonia and from the host country.

This seminar is held twice yearly, and the instructors are the teachers Igor Dovezenski (Bujinkan Macedonia) and Ergan Sharbat (Bujinkan Turkey). Envisioned as a gathering and sharing of the instructors’ experiences, and to facilitate the creation of acquaintances and friends amongst the participants, the event keeps attracting a growing number of Japanese martial arts practitioners with each passing year. 

The next BuYuKai shall be held in Macedonia in may (2023), and during it it is expected that another renowned instructor from the Bujinkan Dojo shall be joining us.

The Autumn “Togakure ryu Ninja weekend” seminar was held 

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With this Autumn “Togakure ryu Ninja weekend”, the Dojo for classical Japanese martial arts Bujinkan Macedonia closed the 2022 Homby seminar season. In the seminar participated 14 members of our Dojo, and one guest from Turkey, making the seminar an international event.

During the event, the teacher Igor Dovezenski kept up a dynamic training rhythm,  often changing the techniques and weapons that the participants used to train the different attack and self-defense techniques. The multitude of combinations and variants only increased the exciting atmosphere, and the training sessions started to look a lot like a live battlefield. 

As is tradition, the leisure time was dedicated to social activities and board games, all with the goal of bringing the members of the most dynamic European Dojo closer together.

A significant event during this seminar was the awarding of a bronze medal “Genin” to sempai Taki Gakovski, as an acknowledgment of his dedication and service to Bujinkan Macedonia. We congratulate him and wish him the best during his advancement along the Way.

The teacher Dovezenski taught at the Serbian BuYuKai

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At the behest of Aleksandar Dujin from the ninjutsu club Bujinkan Novi Becej, whose dojo is a full member of Bujinkan Serbia, this past weekend the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, taught the school of Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu during the event titled BuYuKai Serbia.

The event was attended by teachers from Croatia, Austria, and several teachers from the host country, together with the teacher Dovezenski from Macedonia came seven of his students whose knowledge and energy piqued the interest of the other participants. 

Delighted by the ways in which the katas were taught and interpreted by the teacher Dovezenski, the hosts immediately extended an invitations to teach during next year’s event, the invitation was happily accepted. 

We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the event’s organisator who made sure that our stay went without a hitch and extended that extra bit of hospitality to the members of Bujinkan Macedonia.

A Yumi Ya (Bow and Arrow) seminar was held 

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One day after the seminar for Ono (samurai war ax), reinforced by several additional participants, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia had the pleasure of participating in another seminar, this time on the topic of Yumi Ya (Bow and Arrow).

During the event, the warriors from Bujinkan Macedonia tested their shooting skills, by targeting three targets with five different types of bows. 

The Yuni Ya seminar is one of the oldest events in Bujinkan Macedonia and has been continuously held since the Dojo was founded in 1995. 

See you at our next event.

Seminar for Ono (Samurai war ax) at the Homby 

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In the yard of the “Taiyou e no Michi” Organization, this past Saturday a seminar about the Ono was held. 

In the event ten members of Bujinkan Macedonia participated, some of whom had the pleasure of getting acquainted for the first time with this particular weapon from the arsenal of the Japanese feudal warriors. 

During the night, as is tradition, there was an amazing atmosphere and a lot of socializing between the comrades, and to top it all off there was a communal Okonomiyaki diner and some board games.

Summer Ninja Camp XIV

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The biggest and most magnificent event that is held under the patronage of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”, successfully wrote its 14th page in the history of our club.

In the period between the 4th and the 12th of August, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia had the opportunity to enjoy nine days of non-stop training, and all of that was further enriched by various activities and friendships. 

Because there are no words that can describe the thrill and happiness that always pervade our summer camps, all that we can truly do is to invite You to join us next year, and be a part of our beautiful event.

The summertime “Kids Ninja Camp VI” has successfully ended 

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The sixth in a row “Kids Ninja Camp” was held between the 27th of July and the 2nd of August, during which our youngest members had the opportunity to enjoy some unforgettable summer adventures organized by the only ninja school in this country – Bujinkan Macedonia. 

Same as every other camp, this one too was filled with countless children’s smiles, all caused by the overwhelming joy and the myriad of activities that populate this event. 

Two ninja training sessions a day, nighttime ninja actions, classes about art and history, quizzes of knowledge, tasty and healthy meals, a lot of parties and a lot of friends, all this is but a small part of our program specially tailored to the Ninja Kids of Bujinkan Macedonia. 

See you next year, same place, same time.