Taihenjutsu seminar at the Hombu

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The participants in this Saturday’s Hombu seminar quickly understood the meaning of the words by the teacher Igor Dovezenski, which he expressed before the start of the event, that Taihenjutsu is one of the hardest physical challenges for any serious practitioner of Ninjutsu. And indeed, the very next morning, the pain that flooded the muscles of all the students proved it to them. 

During the seminar all the Taihenjutsu techniques from the school of Togakure ryu Ninjutsu were practiced, and so the four hours of the seminar passed by very quickly. But the key achievement was that all of the participants made a small step towards perfecting these key Ninjutsu skills.

A Tanbo seminar at the Hombu

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An exciting seminar on the topic of fighting with a short baton (Tanbo) was held yesterday at the Hombu of “Taiyou e no Michi”. 

During the event, the teacher Dovezenski paid special attention to the striking and blocking techniques with the Tambo, furthermore, the training included MaAi (distance) and ways of fighting with two batons at the same time. 

The participants were overjoyed with the things that they got to learn, and according to the interest that it garners, the Tanbo seminar shall probably find itself on the list of Hombu events a lot more often.

A seminar about the Ono has been held 

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A one day seminar about the Ono (a type of large samurai ax) was held this Saturday in the yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi”. 

Those present had the amazing opportunity to get to know, or maybe it is better to say perfect, the techniques that are used with this classical samurai weapon that is part of the Bujinkan traditions through the school of Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu. 

The teacher Igor Dovezenski was, as always, up to the task and gave it his all to transfer as much of his knowledge, down to the tiniest minutiae, to his students, whose great thirst for knowledge always draws them back to the training sessions at our pivotal Dojo in the valley under the mountain of Lipac. 

Two new bearers of the “Genin” accolade 

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During the Sunday Shinden Fudo ryu Iaijutsu seminar, the daughters of the teacher Igor Dovezenski received the bronze “Genin” medals. 

And so, Kosara and Ksenija Dovezenska are the sixth and seventh members of Bujinkan Macedonia that have received this high accolade. 

To clarify, the bronze “Genin” medals are awarded after ten years of consistent and dedicated training as part of “Taiyou e no Michi”, they are a recognition of the bearer’s work, dedication and loyalty towards their dojo, comrades and teacher. 

Sunday Iajutus seminar

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One day after the seminar on the use of the ninja net (Toami), in the Hombu of the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi” a seminar was held on the techniques of simultaneous drawing and cutting with a Japanese sword (Iaijutsu). 

Because of the rain that fell during the entire weekend, this event was held in the interior of the Dojo. 

With a wonderful atmosphere, many techniques from the school of Shinden Fudo ryu were selfishly transferred to the students by the teacher Dovezenski.

A one day seminar on the topic of Toami (Net) has been held 

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This past Saturday in the yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi”, a seminar was held on the ways of handling a ninja net – Toami.

During the event, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia spent four hours drilling the basic techniques of throwing a net.

We must mention that the seminar was held during some very inhospitable weather that did nothing to dull the will of the participants to continue improving and expanding their knowledge. 

A record number of participants during the 14th consecutive “Strength of the Yari” seminar  

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A day after the successful completion of the Shuriken seminar in the yard of the Hombu dojo, upon the meadows of the forest of Mlaka, the legendary spear fighting seminar (Sojutsu) took place. Known as “Strength of the Yari”, this event has been continuously held for the past fourteen years and is one of the most popular ninjutsu seminars in Bujinkan Macedonia.

Besides the thundering echo of the kiais from the Warriors of “Taiyou e no Michi”, the atmosphere was enriched by the songs of the birds heralding the beginning of spring, but also the start of a new season of seminars organized by the teacher Igor Dovezenski. 

A commendation worthy achievement is the fact that this 14th edition of the seminar set a new attendance record, namely 23 people took part in it.
The next seminar at the Hombu will be on the topic of Toami (fighting using a net), and so we would like to use this occasion to humbly invite You to take part in it and come hang out with us.

ShurikenJutsu seminar at the Hombu

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The art of throwing metal blades, known as ShurikenJutsu, was the first Ninjutsu seminar held in the year 2023, at the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia.

Nearly twenty people took part in the seminar which was held this past Saturday, and the techniques were practiced upon three different targets. 

In the evening, after the seminar was concluded, the comrades from Bujinkan Macedonia enjoyed each other’s company. Sitting next to the Hombu’s warm fireplace and playing their customary board game session.

The twelfth “Female self-defense workshop” has taken place 

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Over twenty female participants took part in the traditional “Female self-defense workshop”, that was held this weekend at the Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia. 

During the event, all kinds of different self-defense techniques were taught, all according to well known scenarios that happen almost everyday in the urban environment. 

During the event, the teacher Igor Dovezenski insisted upon equally training in the physical and psychological self-defense techniques, so as to better prepare women against all kinds of unwanted advances, and because of that his assistant from the Dojo play the part of ruffians, all with the goal of helping the participants get a feeling of how a real life attack might feel and the emotions it might cause.

We should remind you that Bujinkan Macedonia is the first Dojo in the Republic of Macedonia that began teaching specialized self-defense techniques, geared towards women, in the year 2008 and since then has been an example of quality training for the fairer sex.

All those that are interested in training at our Dojo or about some of our specialized self-defense courses, can reach us using our listed phone numbers or write to us at our e-mail address. 

A Shinobi Taiso seminar has taken place 

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This past weekend was utilized for a Shinobi Taiso seminar, during which the teacher Igor Dovezenski taught the fourth module of the third level (Okuden), which contains the secrets of Anma (Japanese massage). 

During the event, the participants had the opportunity to learn and train in head, neck and face massage techniques, and at the same time they acquired a lot of new information on the functioning of the human body.

The next Shinobi Taiso seminar is scheduled for sometime in late spring.