Bow and Arrow (Yumi Ya) at the Hombu 

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A seminar dedicated to the art of handling a bow and shooting arrows (Yumi Ya), was held this past Sunday in the yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”. 

The event was attended by around 20 people, who studied different shooting techniques using four different targets and four different types of bows.

Except for members from Bujinkan Macedonia, from all different age groups, the seminar was visited by three “civilians”,  or non-member friends of our Dojo. All of them were awestruck by the techniques that the Japanese shinobi warriors used while performing their missions and combat assignments.

This was the last Ninjutsu seminar for the first semester of 2022, with which the members of “Taiyou e no Michi” start to prepare for the main event – The Summer Ninja Camp.

There are only a few vacancies remaining, and they will be filled very soon, and so if you are thinking about being part of this legendary summer camp – it is time to make the right decision.

 June testing for student degrees 

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During the June testing for student (kyu) degrees, these students from Bujinkan Macedonia managed to  pass the tests to acquire a higher degree: Damjan P. (10 kyu), Dusica S. (10 kyu), Sara G. (8 kyu), Matej S. (6 kyu), Vedran C. (4 kyu), Konstantin A. (3 kyu) and Ksenija D. ( 3 kyu).

We would like to congratulate all of the candidates that managed to pass their tests and we would like for them to continue along along the Way of self improvement. 

Ninpo Ikkan!

“Seishin Teki Kyoyo” at the Hombu 

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This past weekend, at the Hombu Dojo of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi” a seminar exclusively for the older students (Sempai) was held on the topic of Seishin Teki Kyoyo (Spiritual improvement of the Ninja). 

During the event, the teacher Igor Dovesenski shared with his loyal students the secrets of the exquisite forms of being that the Shinobi warriors partook in throughout history.

The knowledge was transferred using Kuden (oral transmission) and it encompassed the following topics:

  1. Human weaknesses and how to overcome them.
  2. Personal virtues and how to recognize them. 
  3. How to nurture the spirit and grow the mind.
  4. Techniques for mental hygiene.
  5. Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho (dualism and the eternal fight between truth and falsehood).
  6. Manipulation, control and self-defense techniques.
  7. Education as a process of evolutionary development. 
  8. Secrets of tantric sex and how to maintain complete control over your body and your ograsam. Improvement of our lovemaking potential and how to transform our sexual endurance so we can always satisfy our partner. 

The final Ninjutsu seminar for the first half of 2022, will be held on the 10th of July and it will be dedicated to the topic of Yumi Ya (bow and arrow).

The “Kampo - traditional herbal medicine” seminar has been held 

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Upon the slopes and hills of the mountain of Lipac, this Sunday a seminar titled “Kampo – traditional herbal medicine”. This event was the first in a series that is planned to span the next seven years. 

To put matters into perspective, this new series of seminars is the last part of the trilogy of so-called survival seminars that began with “Survival in Nature”, continued with “Life in Nature” and now shall finish with “Kampo – traditional herbal medicine”. Each took seven years, for a final 21 years of survival seminars that help us harmonize ourselves with nature.

The seminar that took place this last Sunday, was attended by around ten members of “Taiyou e no Michi”, and the event was open to all, so we also had two participants from outside our organization. 

Till next time…

The international seminar “BuYuKai II” has taken place

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The second in a series of international seminars titled BuYuKai, was held this weekend at the yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”. This event, which was fully booked in just two days from its official announcement, gathered in one place practitioners from four different countries: Turkey, Austria, Bulgaria and Macedonia. And if the number of participants wasn’t capped at around 40, it is quite probable that the seminar would have witnessed even greater attendance.

Notably, this was the second BuYuKai seminar, the first one that was held in Turkey in 2019. The event, during which taught the teachers Igor Dovezenski (Bujinkan Macedonia) and Erjan Sharbat (Bujinkan Turkey), was envisioned as a way to compile and share the experiences of both instructors, and as a way for their students to socialize and get to know each other.

At the seminar’s conclusion, the teachers announced that the third international seminar titled BuYuKai will be held in Istanbul, near the end of October (2022), and also the possibility of another teacher taking part in this international assembly.

Yet another team building event at the Hombu 

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Just a week after the team building event with “Kreativa”, this past Saturday there was another one, this time with the graphical design company “Kontura”.

With a bit of an altered program, in accordance with their wishes, we held a short shuriken throwing lesson, coupled with a bow and arrow shooting course, and then the participants enjoyed some shinobi taiso downtime topped off with a few meditation exercises.

At the end of the day, completely satisfied by the extraordinary day, the employees and managers from “Kontura” already scheduled our next get-together. 

Team building at the Hombu Dojo

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Our longstanding relationship with “Kreativa”, where our instructors hold regular Japanese yoga classes, has further grown. This past Saturday we organized a “team building” exercise for them, during which we had a wonderful day, filled with friendship, activities and adventures. 

Unlike others, Bujinkan Macedonia organizes another kind of “team building”, where our clients can pick between different kinds of activities. 

The wonderful girls from “Kreativa” decided to visit the neolithic observatory and settlement “Cocev Kamen” and the “Konjuska Tvrdina”. Both localities can be found in the vicinity of our Hombu Dojo. And to top it all off, we had a communal vegan lunch (noodles with vegetables) cooked by the teacher Igor Dovezenski. 

All interested firms, that would like to organize a unique “team building” experience for their staff, can write to us using our inbox or they can call us at +389 75 564 011.

Hojutsu in the Hombu courtyard

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A seminar dedicated to the art of handling a rifle was held in the courtyard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization for the study of classical Japanese martial arts – Taiyou e no Michi.  

During the event, the students from Bujinkan Macedonia had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the techniques and shooting stances form the school of Geki ryu Hojutsu. To that end, instead of a japanese matchlock rifle, the participants used air-rifles, all the while taking care to stick to the principles and forms of the Tanegashima. 

It is interesting to note,  that during the golden days of the Japanese ryu-ha, in the Land of the Rising Sun there were around 400 Hojutsu schools. 

At the seminar’s end, it was agreed upon that if there is any further interest in repeating this event, it should become part of the standard yearly event calendar of Bujinkan Macedonia. 

“The strength of the Yari” - held for the thirteenth time

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Thirteen years in row the hills and valleys under Lipac reverberate with the thunderous voices of the Warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia that always make sure to use the last weekend of March to gather at the Hombu Dojo intent on perfecting their spear fighting (SoJutsu) techniques. 

This year, the seminar was held at the edge of the forest of Mlaka, in a clearing surrounded by many centennial weeping willows, and it was attended by 20 members of our Dojo.

Under the tutelage of the teacher Dovezenski and with the heartfelt help from his assistant Marko Opacik, the participants had the opportunity to enjoy the glorious SoJutsu techniques from the school of Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu. 

We expect that next year the number of participants shall grow and we will  finally be able break the previous record of number of participants at this legendary seminar called: “The strength of the Yari”.

A shuriken seminar in courtyard of the Hombu 

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A one-day seminar on the topic of Shuriken Jutsu was held this Saturday in the courtyard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”.

This year’s event attracted a lot of interest from the beginners group of Bujinkan Macedonia, which made the atmosphere that much grander. 

All of the participants showed solid results, but some of them showed great improvements, and so the teacher Igor Dovezenski awarded his student Vladimir Antovski a copy of the Densho (instruction manual) containing the techniques for throwing Shuriken.

In the evening there was a video presentation of the school of Asajama Ichiden ryu Taijutsu, afterwards there was a “ninja movie night” during which the participants enjoyed a classical shinobi movie from the eighties: “Pray for Death”