„The Strenght of Yari“ seminar held

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We had a really intensive weekend, with great company and training. Although the weather conditions weren’t so kind on us, that didn’t change our minds to do what we enjoy most.
The traditional Japanese martial arts training began on the Saturday morning, with the study and the repeat of already learned techniques for throwing shuriken. The next day, we had the training spear combat began, known as „The Strenght of Yari“, an event that continuously attracts many members of Bujinkan Macedonia.
The impressions of shidoshi ho Marko Opachikj would give you an idea about how we spent our time there:
– One more in the array of the unforgettable weekend seminars in the Hombu Dojo. The presence itself in such a „temple“, makes You feel separated from all of the problems that you are facing back home, to become one with the surroundings and to calm your mind and body.
The Saturday wasn’t really „fit“ for a training due to the bad weather conditions, but that was an additional test for our stamina, patience, and wittiness. In my opinion those that had their second or third throw of shuriken showed a slight improvement. Sensei transmitted us the whole densho with care, and I was looking forward to the throw where you do a kaiten at the same time.

The evening, as always, was reserved for a discussion with Sensei by the fireplace in Hombu. While he was telling us his experiences of his martial lifestyle, he was stamping the densho that he gave to me, to Zoki, and to Moni. And on an „old Japanese way“, that I saw for the first time in my life. Afterwards, we spread open the makimono of Gyokko ryu (with its length of 30 meters). Inside it contained all postures, kata, and levels. That was a day that you could see, hear, and learn many things. The next day the „madness arrived“. Spear! The weapon that I adore and gave the most effort to of the all outdoor seminars. It is difficult to handle and it requires a lot of trainig and sweat to get the hang of it. The densho for Yari, of all the densho I got from Sensei, carries the biggest meaning for me.
Regarding the Sojutsu training, this year the students had a really good practice and tried their best to overcome the material. They were greatly motivated, nobody gave up, and they definitely liked it, which was showing on their faces. I am happy that there are students that are still coming to the outdoor seminars during the weekends. I would like to mention sempai Zoki, who was correcting the younger every time they made mistakes and weren’t trying enough.

Одржан семинарот „Силата на Јари VI“

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Имавме многу интензивен викенд, исполнет со одлична дружба и тренинзи. Иако временските услови воопшто не беа благопријатно наклонети, сепак ниту за миг не не поколебаа да го правиме тоа во кое што најмногу уживаме. 
Усовршувањето на јапонските традиционални боречки вештини започна во саботата наутро, со изучување и повторување на веќе научените техники на гаѓање со шурикени. Веќе следниот ден, започна семинарот за борба со копје, познат под името „Силата на Јари“, инаку настан кој редовно привлекува многу членови на Буџинкан Македонија. 
За тоа како поминавме, ги пренесуваме чувствата на шидоши хо Марко Опачиќ:
– Уште еден во низата незаборавни викенд-семинари во Хомбу Доџо. Самото присуство во таков „храм“, Ве прави да се чувствувате некако отуѓено од сите проблеми што ги имате, да се соживеете со околината и да ги смирите умот и телото.
Саботниот ден не се „погоди“ баш за тренинг, поради лошите временски услови кои ги имавме, но тоа беше само еден дополнителен тест за нашата изджливост, трпение и снаодливост. Мислам дека има мал напредок кај тие што ова им беше второ или трето фрлање. Сенсеи се погрижи да ни го предаде целото деншо, а најмногу го очекував фрлањето додека правиш каитен истовремено. Прекрасно!!!
Вечерта како и секогаш беше резервирана за разговор со Сенсеи покрај каминчето во Хомбу. Додека ни ги раскажуваше неговите искуства од неговиот боречки живот, удираше печати на деншо-ата кои ни ги предаде на мене, на Зоки и на Мони. И тоа на „стар јапонски начин“, кој за прв пат го имав видено во животот. Потоа го отворивме и распославме макимоното за Гјокко рју (кое беше долго околу 30 метри). Внатре беа сите ставови, кати и нивоа. Тоа беше ден во кој што имаше многу што да се види, слушне и научи.
Следниот ден „лудилото пристигна“. Копје! Оружје кое што го обожувам и за кое сум се трудел најмногу од сите семинари во природа. Тешко е за ракување и потребно е многу тренинг и пот за да се совлада. Деншо-то за Јари за мене има најголема тежина од сите што сум ги добил од Сенсеи. 
Што се однесува до самиот тренинг на Соџутсу и оваа година учениците навистина одлично извежбаа и сите се трудеа максимално да го совладат материјалот. Беа одлично мотивирани, никој не се откажа, и дефинитивно им се допадна, а тоа можеше да им се прочита на лицето. Среќен сум што и понатаму има ученици кои доаѓаат на семинари во природа, за време на викендите.
Сакам да го споменам и семпаи Зоки, кој секогаш ги корегираше помладите кога грешеа и секогаш ги караше ако не се трудеа доволно. 

The Strenght of Yari VI

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The sixth in a row traditional seminar for Sojutsu (combat with a spear), this year is happening on 29th of March (2015). During this event, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia learn and master the secrets of combat with Yari (spear).
As every year, the instructor Igor Dovezenski teaches new techniques, and new ways and strategies to use this weapon more efficiently.
„The school Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu uses the following weapons: Yari (spear), Ono (war axe), O Tsuchi (a big hammer), Tachi (sword) and Naginata. The legends says that one night a demon (Tengu) showed on a dream of the founder of the art and taught him how to fight with Yari. These techniques are considered even today to be the greatest secret of the school.“
All interested students of the dojo Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can participate, regardless of their experience or degree.
Required equipment for training: bokuto and yari (hakama for the yudansha)
Subject: The Strenght of Yari
Date: 29.03.2015 (Sunday)
Location: Slepo Kolo
08.00 o’clock – departure from Skopje
09.00 o’clock – arrival
10.00 – 16.00 o’clock – theory and practice
17.00 o’clock – return
The day before (Saturday), we are having a training in the Hombu Dojo of „Taiyou e no Michi“ for all interested with the subject: shuriken jutsu.
Applying and information in inbox, by phone or on the Forum.

Seminar in Romania with Igor Dovezenski held

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The past weekend, the instructor Igor Dovezenski held a seminar in the city Iasi – Romania. The event had been organized by Catalin Soreanu, the leader of „Bujinkan Shingan Dojo“. This seminar counted around thirty participants from several Romanian cities, practitioners of various martial arts, as well as one participant from our country that traveled to Iasi specially for this event.

During the first session on Saturday, instructor Dovezenski explained the basic postures of the body, accompanied by the basic strikes and blocks with a sword. The second session was dedicated to iai jutsu, followed by the basic forms of kenjutsu.
During the second day, the training began with battojutsu, and afterwards the whole material that was taught during the seminar was repeated again.
What was really impressive for shidoshi Dovezenski, was the great improvement of Catalin Soreanu, acquired during his last visit in Macedonia, up until today. It wasn’t possible not to notice the love and effort Soreanu invested, and with that the results were evident. The same can be said for the remaining students, for their desire to go deeper into the secrets of traditional Japanese swordsmanship. Many of them, after the end of the seminar, expressed their wish for another seminar and a desire to learn more of kenjutsu.
At the end, instructor Igor Dovezenski is thankfull for the opportunity to teach, as well for the great organization by the hosts. The hospitality of Catalin left him speechless, and we would also like to thank his students Marius, Niku, Romeo and Nadia for the kindness and the help around the organization of the seminar.