Enrolment in Bujinkan Macedonia and the beginning of the second semester

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Even though the Dojo for classical Japanese samurai and ninja arts „Bujinkan Macedonia“ accepts new students throughout the year, September is the best time to open a new page in Your life’s story.

We inform all interested that the first class for the beginners is going to take place on 1st September, starting in 20:30 o’clock, while the advanced group continues its work one day later (in 20:00 o’clock).
For those who are not yet acquainted with our work, the dojo was founded on 02nd July, 1995, and for the time being it is the only dojo in our country acknowledged by the chief of Bujinkan, soke Masaaki Hatsumi.
Bujinkan Macedonia is considered to be one of the most dynamic clubs in Europe with numerous and active memberships and with the most organized activities throughout the year.
Within the dojo there are several sections for adults (from 13 to 113 years old), but also for children (from 5 to 12 years old).
Additional information about us on the following link http://hombu.koryu.mk/article/show/474
About the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia http://hombu.koryu.mk/article/show/478
About the timetable and the location http://hombu.koryu.mk/article/show/492
If You have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us on daito_macedonia@yahoo.com or 077 976 906.

Уписи во Буџинкан Македонија и почеток на второто полугодие

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Иако Доџо-то за класични јапонски самурајски и нинџа вештини „Буџинкан Македонија“, врши уписи во текот на целата година, сепак месецот септември е најповолен момент за да отворите една нова страница од Вашата животна историја.
Ги известуваме сите заинтересирани дека првиот час за почетниците ќе се одржи на 1 септември, со почеток во 20:30 часот, додека напредната група продолжува со својата работа еден ден подоцна (во 20:00 часот). 
За тие што се уште не се запознаени со нашата работа, доџо-то е основано на 02 јули, 1995 година и засега е единственото во нашата држава признаено од страна на поглаварот на Буџинкан, соке Масааки Хатсуми.
Буџинкан Македонија важи за еден од најдинамичните клубови во Европа со многубројно и активно членство и со најмногу активности организирани во текот на целата година. 
Во рамките на доџо-то постојат повеќе секции за возрасни (од 13 до 113 години), но и за деца (од 5 до 12 години). 
Повеќе информации за нас можете да добиете на следниот линк http://hombu.koryu.mk/article/show/448
За инструкторот на Буџинкан Македонија http://hombu.koryu.mk/article/show/461
За термините и за локацијата http://hombu.koryu.mk/article/show/454
Ве молиме доколку имате прашања, не стеснувајте се да не контактирате преку daito_macedonia@yahoo.com или на 077 976 906.

International Summer Koryu Camp VII held

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The seventh in a row Summer Ninja Camp that was known as the International Koryu Camp this year – ended successfully . The renaming was justified if we consider that apart from the guest-teacher from Russia, Sergej Babkin, we also had a participant from Poland. 
The nine day event that is considered to be the most intensive and the most important in Bujinkan Macedonia, in the words of the participants,  this year was flawlessly organized. The training sessions were divided between the instructors Igor Dovezenski and Sergey Babkin, so the days were filled with activities from dawn till dusk.
Every day started with a morning jog and a body strech, and after the breakfast the participants studied the secrets of combat with a long staff (Bojutsu) of the art Kukamishin ryu. The instructor Sergej Babkin was in charge of that, who also held training sessions every day on how to rehabilitate the body through special ways of streching the muscles (Junan Taiso). 
Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski taught the art of combat using your body, Shinden Fudo ryu Jutaijutsu, and was rensponsible for the participants’ stamina or strenghtening the muscles of the body through special excercises (Junan Undo). Beside that, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia didn’t neglect the „Night Ninja Training“, that every year make this event so tempting and famous.
As for the company, as every year was on the highest level possible. The nine-day socialization creates incredible deep relations between the members of our dojo, that become a foundation for even greater collaboration in the following period.
Regarding the food, the organizers got the highest grades this year too. Natural and freshly gathered directly from the garden in front of the Hombu Dojo. Carrefully picked and served to refill all lost nutrients in the body, and and the same time to give strength for the hard and demanding training.
At the end we have the impressions of the participants to share that point out every year the legendary Camps of Bujinkan Macedonia are not only a synonim for a hard and demanding summer training, but are used more as a guide to other clubs in Europe on how to organize an event with a similar format. We will continue to raise the standard of Bujinkan worldwide, and of course will increase the quality of our Summer Camps. 
The next International Summer Koryu Camp VIII is going to be held on the same date (04-12 August, 2016), and again beside the instructor Igor Dovezenski another teacher renown worldwide will be invited, because we strive to invite different instructors every year with the purpose to enter deeper in the secrets of the traditional Japanese martial arts.
Till the next year…

Одржан Интернационалниот Летен Корју Камп VII

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Седмиот по ред Летен Нинџа Камп кој оваа година беше одржан под името Интернационален Корју Камп – успешно заврши. Преименувањето беше сосема оправдано ако се земе предвид дека покрај гостинот-предавач од Русија, Сергеј Бабкин, оваа година за прв пат имавме и учесник од Полска. 

Деветдневниот настан кој се смета за еден од најважните и најинтензивните во Буџинкан Македонија, според зборовите на