Accepting new members in Bujinkan Macedonia and the start of the second semester

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Although the Dojo for classical Japanese samurai and ninja arts „Bujinkan Macedonia“, enrolls new members throughout the whole year, the month September is the best moment to open a new page in Your life history.

We inform all interested that the first class for the beginners is on 2nd September, starting at 20:30 o’clock, while the advanced group continues with its work one day earlier (at 20:00 o’clock).

For all those unacquainted with our work, the dojo is established on 2nd July, 1995, and for now, it is the only dojo in our country acknowledged by the chief of Bujinkan, soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

Bujinkan Macedonia counts as one of the most dynamic clubs in Europe with many and active memberships and with the most organized activities throughout the year.

Within the dojo several sections for adults (from 12 to 113 years), as well as for kids (from 5 to 12 years) exist.

Additional information about us you can get on the following link

About the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia

About the timetable and the locations 

If you have any questions, please contact us by or on 077 976 906.

Уписи во Буџинкан Македонија и почеток на второто полугодие

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Иако Доџо-то за класични јапонски самурајски и нинџа вештини „Буџинкан Македонија“, врши уписи во текот на целата година, сепак месецот септември е најповолен момент за да отворите една нова страница од Вашата животна историја.

Ги известуваме сите заинтересирани дека првиот час за почетниците ќе се одржи на 2 септември, со почеток во 20:30 часот, додека напредната група продолжува со својата работа еден ден порано (во 20:00 часот). 

За тие што се уште не се запознаени со нашата работа, доџо-то е основано на 02 јули, 1995 година и засега тоа е единственото доџо во нашата држава признаено од страна на поглаварот на Буџинкан, соке Масааки Хатсуми.

Буџинкан Македонија важи за еден од најдинамичните клубови во Европа со многубројно и активно членство и со најмногу активности организирани во текот на целата година. 

Во рамките на доџо-то постојат повеќе секции за возрасни (од 13 до 113 години), но и за деца (од 5 до 12 години). 

Повеќе информации за нас можете да добиете на следниот линк

За инструкторот на Буџинкан Македонија

За термините и за локацијата

Ве молиме доколку имате прашања, не стеснувајте се да не контактирате преку или на 077 976 906.

The sixth in a row Summer Ninja Camp ended

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The biggest yearly traditional event, known as the „Summer Ninja Camp“, where the members of Bujinkan Macedonia for whole nine days train continuously and study traditional Japanese martial arts – ended.

One day after the departure of the students and subsiding of the emotions, we can freely say that this camp was one of the most intensive and most successful so far.
The participants of the camp, had the opportunity to enjoy training jujutsu techniques for getting free from various grabs of the body, as well as mastering the combat with katana and wakizashi. 
Regarding the training for strengthening the body, this year the exercises were really demanding, so the students’ stamina increased even more.
The free time, that we barely had, was used for swimming and training in the nearby river, as well as visiting different cultural and historical monuments near the Hombu Dojo of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“.
The late evening hours were planned for the night ninja actions, something that our dojo is well known for.
As always, the food was organic and healthy, arranged in such way to ensure enough calorie and nutrient intake needed for the hard training, and for that always local and fresh products gathered directly from the garden surrounding our dojo were used.
The last night, even though is always reserved for having fun around the campfire, as every year was slightly sad because of the farewell of the members until the start of September, when the first class is planned in the dojo in Skopje.

Заврши шестиот по ред Летен Нинџа Камп

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Најголемиот годишен традиционален настан, познат под името „Летен Нинџа Камп“, на кој членовите на Буџинкан Македонија цели девет дена постојано вежбаат и изучуваат традиционални јапонски боречки вештини – заврши. 

Еден ден по заминувањето на учениците и спласнувањето на емоциите, слободно можеме да кажеме дека овој камп беше еден од најинтензивните и најуспешните досега. 
Учесниците на кампот, имаа можност да уживаат во вежбањето на џуџутсу техники за ослободување од разни зафати на телото, како и во усовршувањето на борбата со катана и вакизаши. 
Што се однесува до тренингот за зајакнување на телото, оваа година вежбите беа навистина напорни, со што кондицијата кај учениците уште повеќе се зголеми. 
Слободното време, кое што едвај го имаше, беше искористено за капење или тренинзи во блиската река, како и за посета на разни културно-историски споменици кои ги има во околината на Хомбу Доџо-то на Организацијата „Пат кон Сонцето“. 
Ноќните часови беа предвидени за ноќните нинџа акции, нешто по што исто така нашето доџо е надалеку познато. 
Како и секогаш, храната беше органска и здрава, прилагодена да обезбеди доволно калории и хранливи материи потребни за напорните тренинзи, а за тоа секогаш беа користени локални и свежи продукти набрани директно од градината околу нашето доџо.
Последната вечер, иако секогаш е резервирана за забава околу огнот, како и секоја година беше помалку и тажна поради разделбата на членовите која што ќе трае до почетокот на септември, за кога е закажан првиот час во доџо-то во Скопје.   

Summer Ninja Camp VI

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The countdown begun. In five days starts the sixth in a row Summer Ninja Camp organized by the dojo for classical Japanese martial arts – Bujinkan Macedonia.

As every year, the camp is being held for the period from 4th to 12th August, in the hombu dojo of the organization Taiyou e no Michi, and is located in the valley under the mountain Lipac. 

While some of our members use August as the only month for rest from the demanding training, others give priority to the Summer Ninja Camp of Bujinkan Macedonia. So, the training continues with even greater speed, „enforced“ with unbelievably good fun and socializing.

This event is open for all, regardless of the style or the degree in any martial art. This is a chance to get acquainted with our work closely and to get to know the members of Bujinkan Macedonia. 

Several days remain for applying. 

Additional information here:

„Life in the Wilderness“ seminar held

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With the start of the event „Life in the Wilderness“, we began writing a new page in the history of Bujinkan Macedonia regarding the outdoor seminars. As previously announced, we plan on having this event in the next seven years, where the members of the dojo can learn how to live in a community and in harmony with nature, according to the scenario for natural disasters or a situation that requires us to retreat far from the civilization or into the wild.
Every year, this seminar is going to be held on a different location that will provide the study of techniques for living in the wild in different conditions. So, this year the event was held in such conditions that enabled us to feel the cruelty, as well as the boons that the mountain offers, as for the next year techniques for living in community – alongside river are already planned to be taught. But let us come back to the seminar that was held this weekend.
Early in the morning, after the arrival at the location near the peak of the mountain Lipac, the participants of the seminar begun building a camp. Instructor Igor Dovezenski immediately started teaching the techniques for survival for a larger group of people, as well as organizing the life in the wild for a longer period of time.
For all those not familiar with, shidoshi Dovezenski had organized over 300 outdoor seminars so far, and his experience on this field is really vast. Many of the techniques for survival in the wilderness were learned from his grandfather, who was a participant in the Second World War and had been decorated for his service, such as the liberation of the city Skopje. During the war and after it, he was a scout in a tank squad and the techniques for survival in nature helped him to overcome many dangerous situations.
During the Saturday, shidoshi Dovezenski successfuly transmitted all of the techniques planned for the first day of the seminar and everything was going according to plan, but during the night, at 03:50 hours sharp, a natural disaster stroke as it wanted to check the efficiency of the techniques that were taught during daytime. 
Almost instantly, clouds covered the stars and from every side of the mountain thunders started striking, and lightnings dreadfully glistered all around. A torrential rain accompanied with a strong wind were getting the already wet clothing stick even more to the participants’ bodies and lowered their body temperature. In those conditions, when it was clear that the camp won’t have any chance to survive the storm, the instructor Dovezenski ordered immediate evacuation from the location and a search for a new shelter that would provide a better protection. Without delay we started descending to the lower areas of the mountain. Due to the darkness and the impassable terrain, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia had a hard time passing through the dense vegetation, but after fifty minutes, they successfully found an old ruin from the 18th century that kept a part of its porch that offered a protection from the rain. After the arrival, the instructor Dovezenski stated that as of that moment an „army discipline“ starts that is necessary so everyone can go home safe and sound. Afterwards, he ordered all members to take off the wet clothes, and following that a fire was lit to warm and dry the clothing. Despite the high precipitation, the instructors’ experience had shown to be priceless because the fire was lit as soon as possible, and with that the possibility to warm the bodies. Couple of hours later, the clothes were already dry, and with that the second day the seminar continued as scheduled.
We transfer to you small pieces of the participants’ impressions, that in full were published on our Forum:
Zoran Todorovski – A big rain drop woke me up as it hit me on my eye cap. As if it wanted to warn us