Тема за 2012

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Според насоките на соке Масааки Хатсуми, тема за 2012-та година ќе
вештината на мечување (катана). Среќни сме што организацијата Буџинкан ќе почне да посветува повеќе внимание на
вежбањето со меч.
Како и секоја година, Буџинкан Македонија има и своја интерна тема, која што се
разработува во текот на дванаесетте месеци. Во 201
2-та одлучивме да се
концентрираме на школото
Фудо рју Таиџутсу (Школото на неподвижните божествени учења).

Програмата за 2012-та на Буџинкан Македонија веќе е поставена на нашата


Ве известуваме дека во текот на претстојните празници, Школото за
борбени вештини Пат кон Сонцето
, заедно со двете доџо-а Буџинкан Македонија и
Даито рју Македонија нема да работат во деновите:

-Буџинкан Македонија 06 јануари (Бадник) / прв тренинг на 2 јануари (2012)
-Даито рју Македонија
06 јануари (Бадник) / прв тренинг на 13 јануари (2012)

На сите наши членови и пријатели им посакуваме се најубаво
во новата 201
2 година. Нека ни е честит Божиќ !

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!

Report for 2011

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Last year`s report ended with promise that in 2011 we will achieve even better results. Today, with great pleasure we can say – we did.

According to the directions of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, 2011 was dedicated to the basics of the Budo, through the principles of Kihon Happo. Since the basics are trained continually in our dojo, we gave ourselves an additional internal theme: Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu.
We really enjoyed studying and practicing all katas of this samurai school throughout the year.

27122011045751izvestaj1.jpgConcerning the organization of international seminars, this year we invited only one martial arts master to teach at our dojo. We were more than happy to have been hosts to Sensei Antonino Cherta, the only non-japanese Shihan for Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono Ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda den).

Sensei Cherta is a teacher of instructor Igor Dovezenski, for both of the classical Japanese martial schools, and their relation is really special. During the five-day visit of this great master, a two-day seminar was held, and the instructor Igor Dovezenski used the rest of the time for private lessons with the teacher. 

In the years passed, we strove to organize at least two international seminars, but this year the students of Bujinkan Macedonia decided to take a pause so as to dedicate more time to our activities which are indeed many.

On the other hand, Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski attended several international seminars organized by our friends.
This year he started with a visit to the seminar with Shihan Pedro Fleitas in Serbia, accompanied by Sempai Marjan Proshev.
In April, Dovezenski attended a seminar in Belgium conducted by one of the first shihans of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, Kancho Unsiu Manaka, and at the same time he enjoyed the training sessions held by the rest of the instructors of the organization Jinenkan. Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski was the only representative of Bujinkan dojo who took part in the last seminar of Manaka Sensei outside Japan.
In June, Shidoshi Dovezenski attended the BuYu Kai seminar in Germany, where in front of 20 shihans of the Bujinkan Dojo passed the godan (5th dan) test. The ten-day stay was used for many training sessions, and particularly memorable are those which were held in the dojo of our great friend, Shihan Steffen Froelich.
Besides these, we attended several other seminars 27122011045803izvestaj2.jpgof different martial arts so as to better understand the classical Japanese schools (Ryu Ha) which we study in our dojo.
On all these seminars it was delightful to see the old, but also to meet new friends.

This passing year, will be remembered by a record in the number of our outdoor seminars. As you already know, they are a trademark of our dojo and we strongly believe that the only way to practice ninjustu is to “step“ deep into nature and be in harmony with it.

Thus, we organized 12 outdoor seminars, and with special emphasis on the traditional “The Way of Shugenja“ and “Survival“ which are a trademark of our dojo.

During the month of August, the far famous Summer NInja Camp was held, in which 20 students of our dojo took part. As always, the memories and the lectures taught during the camp remain forever in one`s heart.

In addition to the other activities, we would also mention the traditional “Workshop for self-defense for women“, where our kunoichi showed excellent progress. Their technique advances so much, that in the future the event might be renamed in “Workshop for self-defence from women“. 🙂

Sempai Marko Opachich and Sempai Marjan Proshev held a seminar in Gradsko, and they also successfully have took over the trainings in our second dojo in Skopje which is a place dedicated for training the recently enrolled students (beginners).

This year we introduced a system called Shinobi Taiso which aim is to improve the condition needed for everyday trainings for classical Japanese martial arts. Instructor Igor Dovezenski gave a lecture on that subject, which drew great interest. We hope as the years go by, through practicing, the system will show results.

Regarding the public interest of our work, we continually reject most of the invitations by the media to be their guests. We believe that the traditional martial arts should remain for the little who will make the effort to find us themselves. Thus, this year we accepted only one invitation from “Life Magazine“ where two members of their editorial office made a report for our winter seminar.

27122011045812Izvestaj3.jpgOur greatest achievement of 2011 can freely be considered to be the start of the building process for our Hombu Dojo. We build it on our land, by our taste. It spreads on 100 m2 training area, and another 100 m2 as a place to stay for our students. According to plans, the dojo will be fully finished by July, 2012.

In Taiyou e no Michi, our organization, beside the dojo Bujinkan Macedonia, another on is succesfully functioning – the dojo for Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono Ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda den). We remain fully devoted in practicing these two koryu schools, and as their representatives, in the period to come we expect an increase of the activities connected to them.

In this moment, the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia counts approximately 40 regular, whilst in the beginner`s section train 12 students. In the Gradsko`s section regularly train around ten students. All of them have a goal to improve themselves in every aspect of their lives.

In the end, some statistical data for our web-page. Since the 1st of January, 2011 until today, our web-page has been visited by over 20.000 people, from 84 states, and this year the most regular visits are from USA, Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, Italy and Croatia (ordered correspondingly by the number of visits, excluding Macedonia which has the most “hits“).

We finish this report with the only bad thing that happened to us, and that is the severe injury of Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski `earned` in the fall of a seven-meters high cliff. Namely, the accident happened while free climbing of Elenachki Karpi. Although the doctor`s prognosis is bad regarding the injury`s development and consequences and prohibited all physical activity, Igor Dovezenski remains true to his love (koryu bujutu) and doesn`t miss a day without training. 

A lecture and introduction to Shinobi Taiso®

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10122011152117taiso766.jpgOn 17th of December (2011), at 17:30 o`clock, Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski will give the first lecture, at the same time – introduction in the system `Shinobi Taiso`.
What is Shinobi Taiso?
Shinobi is e term for a highly trained person in Feudal Japan which was specialized for various unconventional ways of combat.
Taiso is a generic term which stands for conditioning the body, composed from the words: Tai (body) and So (strenghtening).
The conditioning of the body implies: increase of the health and work capability, increase of the body practice and durability for undertaking certain efforts.  
Shinobi Taiso is a system created by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, with a goal to improve his own condition required for everyday trainings for classical Japanese martial arts. The system is consisted of different streching exercises, as well as strenghtening and muscle durability exercises.
The system itself represents a set of traditional methods of training for streching and strenghtening the body used in the classical martial schools. In different ryu-ha, the methods are known by the names: Junan Taiso, Junan Undo, Ryu Tai Undo, Ki Undo and Aiki Taiso.
Dovezenski`s experience gathered from the 23-year-long practice of koryu bujutsu, combined with the research of the latest scientific findings from the conditioning training field, as well as the research of the human anatomy and biomechanics (the research of the mechanical phenomena and processes in the living organisms), led to the creation of Shinobi Taiso®.
Why was there a need for creating such a system?

During the long years of leading a dojo, instructor Dovezenski noticed that some stretching excercises aren`t fit or contribute towards increasing one`s physical condition, when speaking about different kinds of practitioners. Towards that goal, he started a research and cooperation with various different people that are well-versed in that area, starting with personal trainers all the way to physical therapists. Thus, he sees the need for each different constitution is unique and requires a different approach when conditioning.  

Primarily developed for himself and his students, Igor Dovezenski decided to offer this system to anyone interested in improving their own physical condition.

The theme of the lecture on Saturday will be: Ailments in the lower part of the spine and excercises for their removal.

Sempai outdoor seminar: Taiden, Shinden, Kuden

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As the title itself suggests, this event is for28112011032543sempai987.jpg the older students of Bujinkan Macedonia, concerning those who will soon take the shodan test (first dan – master level).

On this seminar, Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski will get across his knowledge through three aspects of transmission:

– taiden (physical – combat strategy)
– shinden (spiritual – unity of the mind and body)
– kuden (oral – advice for practical efficiency)

Day: 04.12.2011 (Sunday)

Place: known for the attendees

Price: free

No report will be published on our web-site because of the nature of this seminar’s content.


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Dear friends,
I want to inform you that nine days ago I experienced an accident that
injured my spine and my pelvis. After a seven day treatment, I can say that I
feel better and the worst has passed.
I got the injury in a fall off a cliff during a free climbing
on the hill “Elenachki Rocks”.
Free climbing is something that, in the last few months, I
do regularly as part of maintaining my physical and mental stamina which is needed to
progress in martial arts. As you know, I am of those who believe that every
warrior should have great strength and fitness if he wants to be successful.

The prognosis of the doctors was that my injury will leave
lasting consequences over the years and may progress to degree of disability.
Only one of them gave me a small ray of hope because he said that with certain
exercises that process is possible to stop or slow down.

I believe that many of you will ask themselves if I needed
something like this. Currently, I am a little disappointed, but not from anything else,
but from my desire to go rock climbing without any protection.
What I know for sure is that I never regretted what I did because of my
great passion – martial arts. It may sound stupid, but I have no regrets about
it. I have been doing what I have always believed and what I have enjoyed.

I want to inform you that I have no intention to respect
the ban of the doctors to stop any kind of physical activity. I told them that I
would remain disabled (spiritually) if I stopped exercising.

After three trainings missed during the week, tomorrow I will come in
the dojo for training. Although I will wear metal bars clamp around the waist and many
of my movements will be restricted, I will continue with regular tutoring
and training as if nothing’s happened.

I might no longer be the “old” Sensei who will
do somersaults around, but I give you my word that I will do my best my handicap to be unnoticed.

Finally, I want to inform all of my mentors and friends from
Bujinkan, all friends from Jinenkan, all collaborators from other koryu
organizations, as well as my teacher of Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono Ha Itto
Ryu Kenjutsu, that I remain dedicated to martial arts.
All scheduled seminars and meetings will be held in the agreed

For those who plan in the future to enroll in our dojo, we encourage them to do that. Free rock
climbing is not part of our regular training, but is purely my private initiative. As for the training in our dojo, it
remains hellishly difficult as always.

I remain to ask you not to
call me or to express sympathy in any way. I’m not a man who wants or
requires compassion.
Moreover, I don’t have time to talk on the phone or answer your emails. I
have many friends and should spend all night on it. So, please enjoy
your day as if
nothing had happened.

Sincerely yours,
Igor Dovezenski Shidoshi
Dojo Cho
Bujinkan Macedonia
Daito Ryu Macedonia (Koryu Dojo)

Shinobi Arukiho seminar held

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Myths and legends tied to the invisible movement of the japanese ninja warriors have been completely clarified on the seminar that took place in the wonderful forest of Mlaka today, on the summit of mount Lipac.

The students that participated in this event, had the opportunity to learn three techniques meant for silent movement through different surfaces, namely dry leaves, wooden floors and narrow passages.

Instructor Dovezenski, in a deeply detailed manner explained the techniques followed by practice by the student on improvised obstacle courses.

The last practice that the students did, gave them an especially hard time and required tremendous attention to detail. The practice consisted of a wet paper placed upon an old log by shidoshi Dovezenski, and the students were required to remove0611201116314658796.jpg the tetsubishi out of their way by using a special kind of step after feeling the tetshubishi under their feet.
During the demonstration done by the instructor, the students were barely waiting to try the technique – but after some unsuccesful tries, they realized how much training is required for them to succeed.

During this seminar the weather conditions were more than good, considering we`re at the end of this month of the year.

Outdoor seminar: Shinobi Arukiho

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On the 6th of November, the penultimate seminar for 2011 will be held, with the subject: shinobi arukiho (methods of stealth movement).

On this seminar all students of Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no michi can participate.

Required equipment for training: strong legs and tabi (sneakers with soft soles for those who don`t have tabi).
Theme: Shinobi Arukiho (methods of invisible movement)

Date: 06.11.2011 (Sunday)

Place: Mlaka


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje
09.00 hours – arrival
10.00 – 15.00 hours – theory and practice
16.00 hours – return to Skopje

A succesfull `The strength of Yari - tactics and strategy` seminar

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17102011065618jari765.jpgThe seminar titled `The strenght of Yari – tactics and strategy`, which yesterday took place on the hill Orljak, opened new prospects for the students who attended the event.

Namely, while last year they enjoyed exploring the efficiency and power of the spear, this time they were completely convinced of it`s efficiency and supremacy against an opponent armed with a different weapon.

The seminar began with a lecture and a training about the basic techniques of striking and blocking with a katana (sword) and with yari (spear). Then it carried on to a practice of different battle scenarios (katas) which included spear against sword and spear against spear.
At the end, formational combat techniques were practiced, and same as last year, the students of 17102011065636jari987.jpgBujinkan Macedonia enjoyed the variety of tactics and strategy of this way of combat.

Regarding the weather conditions, during the day they were constantly changing from sunny to cloudy and vice versa, but the temperature at some times was extremely low while the north wind was trying to diminish the will of the attendees unsuccesfully. After the end, some of them asked this seminar, next year to be a two-day seminar.

The strength of Yari - tactics and strategy

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06102011054035jariseminar.jpgAfter last year`s `The strength of Yari` seminar, this year we decided to have another one with a similar theme. The difference will be in that we won`t be learning any kata this year, but techniques concerning defense from swords, spears as well as formation fighting. Toward that end, we will practice on specially prepared practice dummies, in order to feel the spirit from the past as well as to gain a more realistic picture of spear combat.

`The school of Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu uses the following weapons: Yari (spear), Ono (war axe), O Tsuchi (warhammer), Tachi (sword) and Naginata. The legend says that one night, a demon (Tengu) came to the founder of the art in a dream and taught him the secrets of Yari combat. These techniques are even today considered the biggest secret of the school.`

On the 16th of october, the instructor Igor Dovezenski will hold the 10th outdoor seminar this year.
This outdoor seminars in the Bujinkan Macedonia dojo are it`s trademark and regularly held from the very founding of the Taiyou e no Michi organization.
We believe that training in an urban and closed environment can never get us close to feeling the battle conditions on the battlefields, so we regularly hold outdoor seminars and try to get a glimpse of the spirit of the past.

Any member of the Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can take part on this seminar.

Required equipment: bokken and yari

Theme: The strength of Yari

Date: 16.10.2011 (Sunday)

Location: Slepo Kolo


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje

09.00 hours – arrival

10.00 -16.00 hours –
theory and practice

17.00 hours – return to Skopje

A sucessfull Path of Shugenja ® seminar

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26092011104917shu7.jpgAll of the eleven attendants that were announced to this year`s `Path of Shugenja` seminar succeeded in finishing the 50 kilometer route in twelve and a half hours.

This event began at 08.00 in the morning, when the members of Bujinkan Macedonia headed towards their goal – the location `Kamena Svadba` in the Kuklica village.
As every year, we visited every sacred place on the way, each of them radiating with their energy around, creating a positive effect on us.
Around 15.00, we arrived at our goal, followed by a half-hour rest and continuing back towards our starting point.
Around 20.30 hours, we returned beneath Lipac, from where we started.
During the day, we passed through the villages Beljakovce, Konyuh, Shopsko Rudare, Vak`v, Kuklica and Dimonce, by which we made a big circle around out intended route.
The biggest impression on us made the village Kuklica, which is indeed big with so many sections that are rich in various beautiful landscapes. Some of it`s parts are so mysterious and hidden from civilization, that we were literally able to see places that have been left untouched by human hand for years.
The attendants showed real strength of spirit, even though they were intentionally provoked and tested by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski.

Once again, it was proven that the Path of Shugenja seminar is one of the hardest, but at the same time most attractive seminars in organization of our dojo.