The first seminar in south-eastern Europe with Mario de Mol

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04122011133536flaer2.jpgOn 21st/22nd of April, 2012, Bujinkan Macedonia organizes a seminar with Mario De Mol 6th dan Jinenkan (highest level so far).

The theme of the seminar is: Jinen ryu Tantojutsu.

is a great opportunity for everybody, regardless of your style or rang
to familiarize with the way of knife fighting based on the experience in
Koto Ryu and Gyokko Ryu by Sensei Fumio (Unsui) Manaka – one of the
first students of soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

All interested who want to take part in this seminar, please write us on:
or contact us on Skype: daito_macedonia.

Feel free to ask anything that interests you.

For participants from abroad, we offer help with accomodations and transport in Macedonia (from the airport to the hotel).


11.00-13.00 training
13.00-15.00 lunch
15.00-17.00 training


11.00-13.00 training
13.00-15.00 lunch

15.00-17.00 training

Shinken gata Tora no Maki seminar held

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Twenty of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia who today attended the Shinken gata Tora no Maki seminar, were literally dying in Dolnja Reka while they were trying to grasp as much knowledge as they can from this fighting system.

During the eight-hour training, shidoshi Dovezenski taught the students the basic techniques of this school. as well as the 12 katas from the first level named shodan. All that time, the students trained hard and without holding back they were trying their best to repeat the shown techniques by the instructor.

The seminar started with a brief lecture for Tora no Maki, afterwards continued with training in Kihon Gata. After the body postures (kamae) were learned, the training continued to ukemi, and after that – kihon suvari gata.
With the first kata from the shodan level it was already clear that the location meant for training will become a battlefield. That desire and energy stuck around until 17.00 o`clock, when the bodies and the minds of the participants started to renounce obedience, mostly because of weariness caused by the vigorous rhythm of training.

At the end, it is worth mentioning that the day was beautiful, with a blue sky and strong sun that made up for the lost energy. All that contributed to the great atmosphere during the seminar.

Seminar for Shinken gata Tora no Maki

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27022012025035Shinken-gata-Tora-no-Maki.„Shinken gata Tora no Maki has plenty of similarities with Kikushinden Ryu. That form was created in the late Edo period by Ichiyanagi Kazuma.

He was a student of Kano Yoshihiro, who was a master of Kukishin Ryu school.

For the foundation of Shinken gata Tora no Maki the techniques of Kukishin ryu (Daken) Taijustu were taken, as well as the experience which Ichiyanagi had from Shinden Fudo ryu Taijutsu (a school he also studied during his life.)

The combat system is consisted of Kihon and five levels called Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan and Godan. The techniques of ukemi, unlike in the other arts, contain ways of intercepting the strike of the opponent.“

On 18th of March, Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski will teach a seminar on the subject: „Shinken gata Tora no Maki“.

On the seminar all students of the Bujinkan Macedonia dojo / Taiyou e no Michi can participate.

Theme: Shinken gata Tora no Maki

Date: 18.03.2012 (Sunday)

Location: Dolnja Reka


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje

09.00 hours – arrival

09.00-16.00 hours – theory and practice

17.00 hours – return

Due to the specific nature of this seminar, if the weather conditions are inadequate for  outdoor training, this event will be held in our dojo.

Applications and additional information in our dojo or by e-mail.

Bujinkan lesson for the first graders in OU „Ljuben Lape“

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Shidoshi Ho Marjan Proshev with the assistance of kohai Maja 24022012095923kose8765.jpgIlievska, today in the elementary school “Ljuben Lape” in Skopje, gave a lecture to the first graders on the subject: „Classical Japanese schools in Bujinkan and their connection with the legendary ninjas and samurai”. The lecture was adapted to their age, and to be more fun, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia presented a part of the weapon’s arsenal that is used during the training in the dojo.

After the pupils got acquainted with the history of the classical martial arts and the causes for the appearance of the samurai and ninjas, Proshev and Ilievska held a training for the youngest in the sport hall of the school, where the basic exercises of junan taiso were shown, which are needed for their normal physical development. Afterwards, a short training in taijutsu and kenjutsu was held, upon which, the instructor Marjan Proshev pointed out to the first graders that they must never become bullies and they always have to oppose them, as well as to help the weaker when they feel threatened by the stronger ones.

The kids, who were obviously happy, wished the members of Bujinkan Macedonia to give them a visit again and to give them another lecture. Not being able to hide their excitement, the kids constantly hugged the instructors and sang them songs.

We, as members of Bujinkan, stay open for collaboration with all institutions who care about the health and the education of the youngest because we consider the kids to be the future and the strenght of our country.

A sucessfull Gyokko Ryu Kyusho seminar

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More than 20 students from the School for Classical 190220121347476587.jpgJapanese Martial arts Taiyou e no Michi, today studied the pressure points of the Gyokko Ryu School.

Even though at first this event was to take place in the outdoors, we revised that decision because of the nature of the theme practiced – it would be better to have it in the dojo, because of the melting, but still snow covered location that was first planned and the inadequately wet terrain surrounding the overflowing river near the said location.

The seminar was opened with an introduction to how to strike the pressure points of Gyokko Ryu by instructor Igor Dovezenski, as well as the principles that are to be respected during the application of them. Following the introduction, the attendants were introduced to the consequences of using such an attack.

Shidoshi Dovezenski during the entire seminar selflessly shared his knowledge of this traditional school through the kata of Koshi Sanpo / Moto Gata. After practicing the basis, several variations were tried as well, during which the instructor in the smallest detail explained the angles and ways of the attack, as well as the effects that it can cause over the different body parts of the opponent.  

At the end of this seminar, every student received a present – a schematic drawing of the kyusho, and their contentment with this seminar was shown through the plea for having another seminar on this theme as soon as possible.

Seminar: Gyokko ryu Kyusho

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26012012072054kyusho.jpgKyusho 急所 are vital points located throughout the human body which when attacked cause great pain.

In Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu, in order to attack these points the tips of the fingers are used – more accurately the thumbs, with fast and sudden strike or pressure.

On 19th of February, Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski is going to do a seminar with theme: “Gyokko ryu Kyusho“.

On this seminar all students of the Bujinkan Macedonia dojo / Taiyou e no Michi can participate.

Theme: Gyokko ryu Kyusho

Date: 19.02.2012 (Sunday)

Place: Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia

Time: 11.00-15.00

All participants on this event are going to receive a schematic drawing with the vital points from this traditional Japanese martial school (ryu ha).
Apply for this seminar in our dojo or by e-mail.

A successfull winter seminar “Means to survive in the wilderness II“

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the means for winter survival are a lot easier when taught a second
time on a seminar with the same subject. In this were assured the
students who took part in this same event last year.

This time, thirteen people took part in this seminar who were divided in
several groups were learning the skills for winter survival, concerning
the building of a shelter using only natural materials from the
surroundings and without using any tools or instruments (with bare hands
only). Every group was consisted of one veteran and one beginner, and
their task was to show how much of the knowledge acquired the last, they
would be able to use this year.

After the students finished the task, instructor Igor Dovezenski
performed a check on every shelter where he pointed out all the flaws on
which the students need to be more careful in the future.

from that, the participants had a several practical lectures for easier
orientation in nature, setting a fire using quartz, as well as mental
preparation for this kind of sutuation for surviving in winter.

At the end of the seminar, a training was held with theme: knife combat.
Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski on this occasion taught new and advanced
techiques for the so called `fluid fighting`, which the students
followed with great attention.

Additionally, during the seminar the minimal temperature was around -4, and the maximal rose to +3 degrees Celsius.

Means to survive in the wilderness II

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09012012081859Zimski2.jpgAfter the first seminar which took place in the dojo (Shinobi Taiso) and the great reception of it, Bujinkan Macedonia is organizing it`s first outdoor seminar. As the last year`s seminar in January, so as this one has the same title: Means to survive in the wilderness.

The difference is that this time the ability of students to build themselves a shelter will be put to the test – they will need to show that they have overcome all the challenges of the Macedonian cold winter.

Afterwards, a training will be held with a theme: knife combat.

All the participants except the outdoor equipment, should bring a wooden knife for the training session, and if they don’t have one, they can freely ask for assistance in obtaining one.

Warning: the temperature will most likely be below zero. The terrain is open and windy. Presence of wild animals in the period of the year is a normal occurence. At least seven consecutive hours of non-stop training, at extremely cold weather.

Date: 22.01.2012 (Sunday)

Place: Mlaka


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje

09.00 – arrival

09.00 – 16.00 hours – theory and practice

17.00 hours – return to Skopje

Apply for this seminar in our dojo or on our Forum.

Seminar for Shinobi Taiso®

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03012012094023tiso.jpgAfter the great reception of the system Shinobi Taiso, developed by Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, with the goal of conditioning the body of the students, on 08.01.2012 a seminar will be held where the participants will have an opportunity to learn the exercises for lower back pain relief.

The seminar will take place in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, from 11.30, and it will finish in 13.30 o`clock. Participants should wear comfortable clothes, and a notebook and a pen if they need to take notes.

For more information, you can freely call us on our phone or you can write us by e-mail.

What is Shinobi Taiso? ——-> here

Macedonia got new Bujinkan masters

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30122011183615plaganje87586.jpgYesterday, in the Bujinkan Macedonia dojo we had a testing for student and master degrees.

The 9th kyu test was passed by Kristijan B., Borjana M., Metodija L., Darko G., Kristijan S. and Mihail D., and the 7th kyu degree was deservedly given to Ana Marija B., Tatjana O., Stefani G. and Monika Sh.

The 5th kyu was passed by Todor A., and the 3rd by the students Anton P. and Miron C.

Deservedly, the 1st kyu test was passed by Zoran T.

Macedonia got two new Bujinkan masters. Marjan Proshev and Marko Opachich successfully passed the first dan test (shodan), so they have the honor to be the second Macedonians who got master degrees from the Hombu dojo in Japan. They earned this title after five years of training in our dojo, without missing more than ten training sessions (for the entire period). They have participated almost on every international seminar, as well as on all outdoor seminars organized by Bujinkan Macedonia.

We congratulate the new shidoshi ho (younger instructors) with whole our hearts and wish them even greater success in the future.

For their effort, persistence, loyalty, regularity and love 30122011183600plaganje898.jpgfor the art and the school, acknowledgements were given to the students Marjan P., Anton P. and Filip A.
All of them missed only one training in 2011.

This year, same as the last, a diploma for supporting the development of Bujinkan in Macedonia got Aleksandar V.

P.S. (all the names were shortened in order to protect out student`s privacy).