The Path of Shugenja ®

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18092011201311shugendo876.jpgTraditionally, every year on the last week in September, the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia hold The Path of Shugenja seminar.

This year we chose a route from the summit of the Mountain Lipac to the locality Kamena Svadba located in the village Kuklica (and back).

Shugendo is an ancient japanese method which explores the relations between man and nature. Translated, Shugendo means `The path of training and testing`, in other words it`s an ascetic discipline which aims to achieve self perfection through retreat on mountains, meditation under waterfalls and cold rivers, breathing practices on inaccessible terrain, that leads to achieving astonishing accomplishments through testing one`s body and mental strenghts. Those who practice this method are known by the name Shugenja, and this discipline is studied in Japan even today.

The founder of this teaching is considered to be En no Gyoja, 18092011201332shugendo987.jpgwho lived nearby Kyoto in the 7th century A.D. The other name this followers are known is Yamabushi or Mountain Warriors. They crossed the ridgelines on the Japanese islands visiting and protecting the numerous temples. Some scholars believe that this people, united with the deserter Chinese generals after the fall of the Dinasty Tang, are the founders of the art Ninjutsu.

Date: 25th September, 2011 (Sunday)

Location: Lipac – Kuklica – Lipac

07.00 hours – departure from Skopje
08.00 hours – arrival and the start of march
Returning home – only God knows!

Equipment: Take whatever you like. Everything is on your responsibility and conscience.

P.S. Encounter with wild animals, rain, storm and other unforseen things are not excluded.

* Before you make an entry, please check the information of the previous years on our web-site.

Одржан семинар за Даито рју и Оно ха Итто рју во Македонија

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12092011222906certa76.jpgВикендов во главниот
град на Македонија се одржа семинар за Даито рју Аикиџуџутсу и Оно Ха Итто рју
Кенџутсу (Такеда ден) под водство на единствениот нејапонски шихан за овие две
традиционални јапонски школи, Антонино Черта од Италија.

Семинарот беше организиран од страна на огранокот на Европската организација
Даито Каи за Македонија, „Корју доџо“, кое заедно со доџо-то „Буџинкан
Македонија“ ја сочинуваат единствената организација која ги негува класичните
јапонски боречки школи во нашата земја – Пат кон Сонцето.

Во договор со сенсеи Черта, одлучивме настанот да биде затворен за јавност и на
него да можат да учествуваат само членовите на нашата организација, додека
следната година семинарот ќе биде отворен за сите кои сакаат да научат повеќе
за овие вештини.

Инаку, сенсеи Черта пристигна во Македонија уште во четврток наутро, по што
веднаш го започна тренингот со неговиот личен ученик и претставник за
Македонија, Игор Довезенски.
Следниот ден, тренинзите продолжија во подножјето на планината Липац односно на
местото каде што се гради Хомбу доџо-то на Пат кон Сонцето.
Во саботата започна и официјалниот дел на семинарот, 12092011222930certa897.jpgна кој се работеа техники
од нивоата Икаџо, Никаџо и Санкаџо од Хиден Мокуроку, додека во пладневните
часови се вежбаа субури, кихон и кати од Оно ха Итти рју Кенџутсу.
Истиот распоред продолжи и во неделата, кога заврши и официјалниот дел од

За време на петте дена колку што сенсеи Черта беше во Македонија, тој имаше
можност да се запознае и со македонската култура и традиција кои што слободно
можеме да кажеме дека го оставија без зборови. Учителот посети неколку
македонски села и градови, каде што уживаше во македонската традиционална
кујна, а уште повеќе во разгледувањето на нашите преубави светилишта.

За квалитетот на подучувањето на сенсеи Черта, нема што многу да се зборува.
Како и секогаш, тоа е на највисоко ниво, а тој несебично се труди да пренесе
колку што може повеќе од ове две традиционални јапонски школи.

Упис на нови членови во Буџинкан Македонија

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24082011081755Upis_2011.jpgШколото за
класични јапонски борбени вештини Буџинкан Македонија, во текот на месец
септември ќе врши упис на нови членови во своето доџо. Сите заинтересирани
треба да го најават своето присуство на и-мејл или на телефоните: 071 277 457
или 077 976 906.

Пред да се одлучите да станете наши ученици, Ве молиме да прочитате неколку
факти, но и да размислите дали Буџинкан Македонија е вистинското место за Вас.

Нашето доџо (школо) е основано во 1995 година од страна на шидоши (учител) Игор
Довезенски, единствениот признат инструктор кај нас од страна на меѓународната
организација Буџинкан Доџо и нејзиниот соке (поглавар) Масааки Хатсуми. Шидоши
Довезенски има полагано за годан (5 дан) пред 20 шихани (мајстори од највисок
ранг) и е првиот и единствениот Македонец во светот носител на ова високо
признание. Тој поседува менкјо (лиценца) која му дозволува да раководи со
единственото доџо за класични самурајски и нинџа вештини во Македонија.

Буџинкан Македонија е еден од најголемите и најдинамични Буџинкан клубови во
целиот свет. Ние се согласуваме дека квалитетот е поважен од квантитетот, но
сме убедени дека квалитетот неминовно носи квантитет. Полното доџо е само
потврда за големото знаење и напредок кое се стекнува кај нас.

Тренингот во нашето доџо е тежок, а Патот е исполнет со многу пот, солзи и
откажувања. Доколку сте подготвени да промените некои работи од Вашиот живот,
тогаш придружете се и бидете дел од нашето семејство – Буџинкан Македонија.

Дознај нешто
повеќе…(тука) и (тука)

Our summer ninja camp 2011 has finished

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The third Summer Ninja Camp ended in a manner one can expect when there are so many good and honest students in one place, who with each passing year advance in all fields in their lives.

The nine days passed in an unforgettable atmosphere, the training sessions were hard and the capacity for this camp was completely filled in April – two weeks after the announcement was made.

We started practicing at 08.00 with Junan Taiso, and continued after the breakfast in 09.30 with Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu. Afterwards we had a Junan Undo and Atemi no Tanren training, after which the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia set off for swim in the river, to relax the muscles and `heal` the wounds and bruises in the fresh water.
The fourth training session was dedicated to Togakure Ryu Bikenjutsu which was a real pleasure for all the students. The late hours of the night were used for night ninja trainings and watching old Japanese samurai movies.

The food was prepared in a traditional Macedonian manner as usual, by using mostly fresh and ecological products from our own produce, and the menu was filled with local specialties and varieties.

All students left satisfied and happy for a great and active summer vacation, and most of them immediately reserved spots for the next Summer Ninja Camp 2012. All of them saw that this camp is one of the best ways for quality advancement, detailed learning and study of the kata and techniques of the traditional Japanese martial schools.

We survived!

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31072011210148Image4225.jpgWith the least attendants so far, the Survival® seminar, by which the School for classical Japanese martial arts is well known, was successfully completed. Of a total of five members of our dojo that attended, everyone completed this seminar.

This time we were lucky enough to avoid the heat characteristic for this time of the year in Macedonia, but we met another obstacle. Namely, according to the locals living nearby mountain Lipac, yesterday night was the coldest summer night until now. Between the hours of 02.00 and 06.00 the temperature descended to just a few degrees celsius above zero, and the humidity of the air was so high that our sleeping bags got entirely wet. In such conditions, the night was indeed long and hard.

During the Saturday, besides the lessons in
31072011210118Image4212.jpg shelter building,  shidoshi Igor Dovezenski taught the students knife-fighting techniques, as well as techniques of unarmed self-defense.
Sunday morning, traditionally was reserved for kenjutsu, followed by a meditation by the small waterfall, which is also performed each year during this seminar.

After this, the attendants of this seminar headed towards `Stari lozja`, a place of big importance with the locals until the beginning of the 20th century. After that period, the place was abandoned, and the rituals performed there completely forgotten. Because of this, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, during last year`s Survival decided to help restore this place, and this year the work was completely finished. With that, `Stari lozja` again gained it`s stone cross buried deep beneath the ground (and broken), and the holy oak tree was completely cleaned of bushes and thorns around it. With this action, we proved that the members of Bujinkan Macedonia wish not only to study classical Japanese martial arts, but are also taking care of the Macedonian culture and tradition.


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13072011124751465.jpg„Only the strongest survive“.
Under this motto, the warriors from Bujinkan Macedonia will one again have the opportunity to put to test their physical and mental endurance. As every year, again we will test our abilities and skills in practice:


Two hellish days, away from civilization, without food and with only a liter and a half of water, without additional clothes or hygiene-related items. Two days of practice, meditation and bare survival.

Location: S`mkneno (26 km. from the closest city and hospital / desert conditions)

Date: 30th and 31st of July, 2011

Departure: Saturday, at 07.00

Return: Only God knows

Read carefully!!!

Before the seminar, each participant should take care of any medical examinations required and get a written or oral permission from their physician about their physical and mental health and readiness to undertake a two day extreme strain without food and water, along with hard training sessions and only three hours of sleep. Every potential participant comes at their own responsibility about the eventual consequences on his health or life!

The event is open to everyone, and every citizen of the Republic of Macedonia above the age of 18 can attend.

Allowed equipment: sleeping bag, tent wing, military
130720111248072354.jpguniform (worn, pants and shirt), one t-shirt, a cap, one pair of
underpants (wide), one pair of socks, rope, a knife and a bottle of a
liter and a half (empty).

Important: it is forbidden to carry food, water or anything else not mentioned above. Before we depart, there will be a checkup.

Most important: this seminar is only meant for tough guys and girls. The training conditions will be exceptionally hard with an iron discipline. Those that do not feel psycho-physically ready to `enter hell` –  we would ask you not to come to this seminar. Allowed drinking water for both days: 1.5 liters. Consider that the air temperature might rise above 45 degrees Celsius. It is forbidden to sit on your behind during the seminar (both days), or lying down on all four extremities. Only three hours of sleep, constant training for the remaining time.

P.S. It is forbidden to make excuses, whine or anything similar during the seminar,

Would you like to discover if there is life after death?
Come to this seminar and you will have the opportunity to uncover this great mystery.

A successfull Sui Ren seminar

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After two years, we again held the traditional Sui Ren seminar. Even though the sun was intense, the water of Kriva river slowly got warmer, because of the recent extreme temperatures, the highest for this summer. The horse flies that flew and `feasted` on our bodies didn`t at all ruin the great atmosphere that was present during this seminar.

The seminar started by a lecture on Sui Ren, followed by practical application. According to the plan, we were to learn a sum of 7 techniques during the day, and after a seven-hour `trial by water`, out plan was successfully completed. The hardest obstacle for the beginners was breathing underwater with a pipe (fukia), while the most interesting for them were the camouflage techniques. It wasn`t easy to train with a `gi` (cotton training gear) in the cold waters, especially after a few hours passed inside it.

At the end, the students of Bujinkan Macedonia, event though frozen cold, sucessfully completed this seminar, mostly because of the discipline and will gained through training with shidoshi Dovezenski as elements required for success.

Student degree testing

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04072011074909574.jpgIn the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, last week we had a student degree testing. The test for the 9th kyu was successfully taken by: Panche K., Ivan M., Kiril M., Stefani G., Monika S. and Gjoko H.

The 7th kyu test was passed by Damjan S., Stefan R., Goran B., Goran M., Dragan N., Todor A. and Vladimir A.

The 5th kyu test was passed by: Filip A. and Kosara P.

We congratulate them on their advancement.

Sui Ren - outdoor seminar

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On the 10th of July, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, will teach the seventh outdoor seminar for this year.

The theme of this seminar will be Sui Ren – battle training while in water, which was mandatory for all shinobi warriors. This event will take place at the river which is located at the base of mountain Lipac. All advanced students of Taiyou e no Michi, Bujinkan Macedonia dojo have the right to attend this seminar.

Date: 10.07.2011 (Sunday)

Location: Dolno Proodishte

09.00 hours – departure from Skopje
10.00 hours – arrival
10.30 -17.30 hours – theory and practice
18.30 return

In case the weather conditions prove to be exceptionally bad for a prolonged training while in water, the theme of this seminar will be changed to: Feeding in the outdoors (The food is all around us).

Macedonia got it`s first Shidoshi!

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21062011211600buyukai3.jpgDuring the period from the 12th to the 21st of June, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, was in a working visit of Germany, where he took part in the biggest seminar in that country, called Buyu Kai. At the event, he passed the godan test (5th dan), better known as Sakki (deadly intent). By that, Igor Dovezenski became the first Macedonian citizen to pass this test and gained the title of Shidoshi (one of the higher titles in Bujinkan).

For those not acquainted with this test, it is taken with the
21062011211536buyukai2.jpgcandidate sitting in seiza (sitting posture), while one of the chief instructors (who should have a special permission from Soke Masaaki Hatsumi) attacks them with a wooden sword from behind their back. If the candidate feels the attack in a timely fashion and rolls forward along with escaping from the strike, he becomes a Shidoshi. In order to achieve that, one needs years and years of hard practice.

21062011211519buyukai1.jpgTo make it even harder, Dovezenski took this test in front of 20 Shihans from all around the world, who witnessed the event. He did that on demand from master Steffen Froelich, one of the first German ninjutsu masters, who has gotten his special permission to perform the test on Dovezenski from Soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

Before the seminar, who lasted four days (16th-19th of June), the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia held a dozen training sessions with his friend Ivan Ivanov, also a former student of Dovezenski and a current student of Shihan Froelich. Also, he held a training session in the dojo of Shihan Froelich along with his old friend Steffen Shultz, who can be freely called one of the best ninjutsu practitioners in Germany.

During the ten-day stay in the country, Dovezenski had the
21062011211617buyukai4.jpgopportunity to learn and practice with many other shihans, among which: Holger Kunzmann, Sheila Haddad, Giuseppe Costa, Andre Frost etc. Also, one of the more interesting training sessions was the one with Tyon Kit Sien, a master of Wudang Kung Fu (Wu Shu), who selflessly transferred a part of his knowledge in this art.

Especially emotional was the meeting between instructor Dovezenski and the Shihan Ed Martin (Papa san) during one of the training sessions in the dojo of Shihan Froelich,
as well as their meetings during the next few todays of the seminar in Katlenburg.

There is a lot more to write and tell about this great event, but instead of a long text, at the end we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the organizer of Buyu Kai 2011, Steffen Froelich, for the great organization and his honest and most valuable support towards Bujinkan Macedonia.