Report for 2010

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The year behind us, we can qualify as a successful one. According to soke Masaaki Hatsumi directions, 2010 was dedicated to Rokkon Shojo. In order to discover more on the subject, we organised two international seminars. One with one of the world`s greatest ninjutsu masters, Sveneric Bogsater, and the second with our great friend, Steffen Froehlich, highest-rank shihan from Germany.

The internal theme of our dojo this year, was the Koto Ryu Koppojutsu school. Twelve months we trained all the techniques and kata of this powerful art. We can say that our students enjoyed it a lot.

In 2010, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia held seven outdoor seminars with a wide range of themes. Among these, most important are „Survival“ and „The path of Shugenja“ which can already be considered as trademarks of our dojo. For the first time this year, we had a two-day outdoor seminar dedicated to Ono ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu, titled „Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac“. Because of the great interest and wonderful experience, we agreed that this seminar will be repeated every year in May – becoming a tradition.

This past year, instructor Dovezenski also held a couple of two-day indoor seminars. He was invited to teach in Kavadarci and Gradsko. As always, the interest was significant, the training hall full, and he fun great. On the seminar that took place in Kavadarci, there were over 50 students who were able to discover the basics of Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu.

In Gradsko, we opened a section of our dojo, with ten students. We follow their work and selflessly help them. Hard work awaits them, in order to achieve the standard of Bujinkan Macedonia. Years covered in blood and sweat, in order for us to grow in a real Dojo. But there is no other way –  only hard training. With honour and loyalty to achieve out goals.

We also visited some international seminars organised by both Bujinkan and other martial schools, all in order to get to know better the arts we train at our Dojo. Among these visit, the most notable one is instructor Dovezenski`s
long stay in the Hombu Dojo of the European Daito Ryu Aikibudo organization in Italy, where he practised hard as uchi-deshi to the only non-Japanese shihan in Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, sensei Antonino Certa.

At the moment, our dojo counts 40 regular members. This year, the number is the same as it was last year. We didn`t have any serious campaigns to attract new students, but most of the existing membership remain dedicated and loyal to Bujinkan Macedonia. Those are true students, who bravely walk the Path and patiently train with one cause – self-improvement in every field in life. They are not interested in Bujinkan politics, or quick advancement. They believe in the rule of our dojo: At least five years of tough training without missed sessions in order to earn a black belt. And each of them is happy for that.

This year we opened another dojo for two other classical Japanese samurai arts: Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda Den). With that, we are the only dojo for these two schools for the whole territory od south-eastern Europe. We see that as a privilege and a great obligation in order to justify sensei Certa`s trust given to us. The plans regarding these two schools are big, but more on that in 2011.

As far as public interest is concerned, we continuously decline most invitations to take part in any kind of media (and there are a lot). We do that because we consider classical martial arts to be for chosen people, who are supposed to find us themselves. From the many newspapers and television houses asking us for an interview, we accepted only three. So, Bujinkan Macedonia was published in the „Life Magazine“, where twice, with photographs we showed some practical means of self-defence for women. Also, we were guests to the weekly magazine „Tea Moderna“, as well as in the national Channel 5 television`s „Vo Trend“ show.

For the occasion of our 15th birthday, in July we organised a party, and there were both current and old members there. We had a great time there, almost unbelievably so.

In august, we had our Ninja Summer Camp. We had 18 students that for nine days day-and-night breathed and acquired koryu bujutsu knowledge.
As every year, we had a couple of humanitarian actions.
There were other things, also worth mentioning, among which the private classes that instructor Dovezenski gave to two competitors in mixed martial arts (MMA/UFC), as well as our new web-page dedicated to Daito Ryu Aikibudo (

Our biggest accomplishment this year – we bought some land in the valley of the Lipac mountain. With this, „Taiyou e no Michi“ has it`s own space where we can have our outdoor seminars whenever we wish so. In time, we want this place to grow into a beautiful dojo that will work throughout the weekends, whole year long.

At the end, a few statistics for our web-page. Beginning from the 1st of January 2010, and ending today, our website was visited by over 14.000 people, from a total of 84 countries – USA, Serbia, Germany and Croatia (sorted by number of visits, excluding Macedonia which has the most hits). While that may not be a big number to brag about, consider that we do not do any other kind of self-promotion – the number is not bad at all.

In 2011, we expect even better results. As always. Ganbatte!

Succesfully done outdoor Kenjutsu seminar

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21112010191728Koto54.jpgTowards the end of the forest region in the Mlaka location, on the very coast of Kriva river, was held a Kenjutsu seminar which was attended by six students of Bujinkan Macedonia. As always,
the practice session was serious and hard, and each of the students tried as hard as they could to learn as much as possible. Instructor Dovezenski went into the deepest details, explaining not only the technique, but also the idea and principle it carries. That kind of high level of explanation, as well as the dynamics of the techniques practiced, resulted in fatigue among the studens. However, neither the concetration needed to follow the lessons, nor the mental fatigue couldn`t conceal the amazement and enthusiasm from the seminar.

Differen body postures (kamae) were practiced, as well as
21112010191752Koto67.jpgdifferent slashing techniques (kiri waza), movement (tai sabaki and taihen) and fifteen kata that helped in understanding of this school better.

The sunny and calm november day, couldn`t have ended better – there was a small ceremony by which we celebrated the birthday of our student Iskra B., to whom instructor Dovezenski gave a calligraphy as a present – representing her warrior spirit and his wish to share the joy of this day with the rest of the membership of Bujinkan Macedonia.

A new website for Daito Ryu Aikibudo

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With great pleasure, I`d like to announce that starting from today, we have another web page, dedicated to two classical Japanese martial arts: Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda Den).

I would like to thank my student Darko Bozhinovski for a job well done, regarding the design and creation of the website. Any kind of praise should go to him.

By year-long and hard work, we have grown into an insitution that works with classical Japanese martial arts on the highest level.

Taiyou e no Michi does not stop here. Our dedication will bring new accomplishments in the future.

Fugenjikko! Action is stronger than words!

Outdoors kenjutsu seminar

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08112010182321Koto_ken.jpgOn the 20th of November, instructor Igor Dovezenski will hold an outdoor seminar, titled : „The relation between Koto Ryu Koppojutsu and Kenjutsu“.

During this seminar, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia will have the opportunity to learn how to differentiate the truth from the myths associated with this Japanese martial school.
The seminar is allowed only for advanced students.

Date: 20.11.2010 (Sunday)

Location: Mlaka

08.00 hours – departure from Skopje
09.00 hours – arrival
10.00 – 15.00 hours – theory and practice
16.00 hours – departure for Skopje

p.s. The next outdoor seminar will take place during January 2011 (themed So Jutsu).

A succesfull seminar with Steffen Frohlich

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25102010073046Frolo1.jpgThe Budo Taijutsu seminar, titled Takagi Yoshin Ryu, will stay in the best of memories among those that attended it and practiced hard for two days in the „Yasmin“ venue in Kavadarci.
At the event, there were 35 people that took part in it from both Bujinkan Macedonia and Bujinkan Kavadarci Dojo. Master Steffen Frohlich did a great job with this seminar. In his unique way, he showed the way in which this art is practiced in the Hombu Dojo in Japan.

Shihan Frohlich, who is a good friend of instructor Dovezenski and completely enamored with Macedonian tradition and culture, during the five days in our country visited many interesting archaeological sites and historical locations. The leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, an ethnologist by profession, told a great part of the Macedonian history in a picturesque way, during these visits. Shihan Frohlich, in return tried to transfer his experience about Bujinkan training in Japan.

On Saturday, instructor Frohlich, together 
with 25102010073054frolo2.jpg
the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, arrived in Kavadarci, where for the first time happened a seminar with a 15th dan Shihan.
The techniques developed through this year`s theme given by Bujinkan Dojo – Rokkon Shojo. The most dominating aspect of these teachings were taijutsu kata, as well as Tachi (sword). During the seminar, the shihan asked instructor Dovezenski to show kata from Takagi Yoshin Ryu and Koto Ryu, and before it was over, he asked every student to demonstrate a technique they learned here.Our students demonstrated what they learned in the best way they could, which earned them a lot of praise.

The organization by the leader of the Kavadarci Dojo, m-r. Blagoj Tanevski, was great. Great socializing during both days in his city, as usual. It is an example of good cooperation and how one should walk the path in order to achieve something worthy of respect.

Seminar with Steffen Frohlich in Macedonia

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07072010112407web.jpgThe school for classical japanese martial arts,
Bujinkan Macedonia
and the Ninjutsu club Bujinkan Kavadarci, are ogranizing a friendly seminar
with the german shihan Steffen Frohlich.

Theme: Takagiyoshin Ryu

Date: 23/24.10.2010

Place: Sport centre Yasmin – Kavadarci

This is the first Tai Kai organized in Kavadarci, with
one of the first German shihan and students of soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

Steffen Frohlich is a very good friend of the
instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia,
Igor Dovezenski.

He loves our country and is a fan of the Macedonian
culture and tradition. A master with a big heart, who would use this trip to Macedonia to
fill himself with positive energy in our renowned ancient holy places. As
always, he comes for a whole 5 day practice and fun.

Price: only 20 euros, for a shihan who is respected by the entire Bujinkan.

anyone do better than us?  

Successfully finished seminar in Gradsko

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09102010211534gradsko-2266.jpgOn the stage of „Krste Petkov Misirkov“ venue in Gradsko, the seminar themed „Introduction to the schools of Bujinkan“ took place. At this event, 25 people from the community took part, as well as students from Bujinkan Macedonia. 

Under the guidance of unstructor Igor Dovezenski, with the help of his senior students, the people attending this seminar had the chance to practice basic techniques from four of the schools of Bujinkan: Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu, Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu, Koto Ryu Koppojutsu and Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu. As always, the training was hard and demanding, but in the end everyone was satisfied with what they learned. This
09102010211551gradsko_27376.jpgis especially true for the students of Bujinkan Macedonia, who feel great joy when repeating the basis of our arts, which proves that they are indeed mature as warriors – who understand the power of Kihon. 

After the training session was over, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, together with the seminar organizer Panche Kocev, visited the far famed archaeological site Stobi, where the enjoyed the rich history of our beautiful country.

Bujinkan in the kindergarten `Bambi`

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06102010111046deca12.jpgAs a part of the “Week of the children” manifestation, the senior students of Bujinkan Macedonia, Marjan Proshev and Marko Opachikj, visited the kindergarten `Bambi` in Skopje, where they introduced to and entertained the youngest with the traditional martial arts.

Proshev and Opachikj first explained the children about the history of the ninja and the samurai, followed by a demonstration of a few kata from the Bujinkan Ryu-Ha.
This concluded in a short training session, where the children were taught to roll (kaiten) and fall (ukemi). All this was presented in a naive and childish way, comprehensible and fun for their age.

The training ended with answers to the many questions asked
06102010111040deca11.jpgby the children, about ninja and samurai.

With this, our dojo made it`s contribution towards making the “Week of the children” better, and we remain to stay open towards any kind of help needed about the children of this country which are it`s future, as well as any vulnerable categories of this society.

Seminar in Gradsko with Igor Dovezenski

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04102010085534flaer-za-gradsko-za-web.jpOn an invitation of a group of citizens from the Gradsko community, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia Igor Dovezenski, will hold a seminar with the theme “Introduction to the schools of Bujinkan”.

The seminar will take place on the 9th of October in the “Krste Petkov Misirkov” venue starting at 11.00 and finishing at 17.00. This seminar has the support of the mayor of this community.

On this event, a few members of the security forces (police and army) of the Republic of Macedonia, who live or come from Gradsko will also take part.

Everyone interested are welcome to call us on 077 976 096 or contact us on out e-mail address:

Successfully finished Path of Shugenja ®

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of twelve attending students on the Path of Shugenja, yesterday all of
them successfully finished the seminar. That alone speak a lot about how
the physical and mental readiness of our students grows with each
passing year. The results from the regular training sessions, which are
hard and tiresome, do their part.

The goal was the walk the entire flow of Zhivusha river, from the
place where it enters Kriva river, all the way to its source at Mokro
lake, on the Kozjak mountain.

The predicted fourty kilometers,
soon grew to fifty, considering that we climbed the western slope of the
mountain, through a place where no visible paths exists,  but also
because of the
route, which continued the way because we didn`t cut through the hills
towards Lipac. This decision cost us a few additional hours.

After the short preparations, at 8.40, the group lead by Igor Dovezenski began it`s spiritual journey.

Following the flow of Zhivusha river, we passed through Strezovce,
followed by Oblavce village. From here we entered Suv Orah village from
where we reached our goal.

Along the way, health issues presented
themselves in one of the students, but with regular breathing and
strong will, we marched onwards to the lake.

we reached the goal, instructor Dovezenski held a short lecture
(Seishin Tekki Kyoyo), followed by a descent to Karpinski monastery. The
students were amazed by the beauty of this Macedonian holy place, as
well as the surrounding landscapes – which we can freely say are one of
the most beautiful in the entire country.

After the short lunch (prepared from home and put inside the heavy
bags), the attendants began their journey back towards the starting
point. Arounf 22.00 hours, after almost 13 hours of uninterrupted
walking, we reached the starting point.

Taking part and
successfully finishing the Path of Shugenja means a lot. It is a way of
getting to know ourselves – our physical and mental weaknesses. This can
tell a person what parts of us we should work on more. The path of
shugenja builds our character and develops our abilities to the furthest
of limits.

This is more than a seminar. Ninpo Ikkan!