Seminar in Gradsko

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15032011080135gradsko2457.jpgOn the 27th of March (2011), sempai Marjan Proshev and sempai Marko Opachikj, will teach a seminar for the Gradsko sections of Bujinkan Macedonia.

The seminar is open to any beginner, regardless of age or sex.

Theme: Kihon Bujinkan Ryu-ha.

Location: venue “Krste Petkov Misirkov”

Time: 11.00-15.00

Anyone interested, can announce their attendance using our e-mail or our phone – 071 277 457.

Attendance to a seminar with shihan Pedro Fleitas

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14032011122757pedro786.jpgOn an invitation by the Tatsujin dojo in Belgrade, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, along with his student Marjan Proshev, took part in a seminar taught by the well known Bujinkan master, Pedro Fleitas from Spain.

The seminar with master Fleitas took place on Saturday and Sunday, while on Friday, there was a training session held by master Miguel Sanz, leader of the Madrid Dojo. With that, we were for the first time introduced to the technique of this young shihan, who is a personal student of Fleitas.

Besides the training sessions, these three days
 14032011122803pedro3478.jpgwe used to see all our friends who lead or train in the dojos around the Balkan Peninsula. As always, the moments with them were pleasant, and the conversations about the years passed in friendship and training simply brought back memories.

During the seminar, shihan Pedro Fleitas held a goda (sakki test), which was successfully passed by all five candidates. We congratulate them all.

Finally, we would like to extend our gratitude to the organizer Sasha Keshikj, for the organization of this seminar.

Outdoor seminar: Fukiya

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On the 20th of March, instructor Igor Dovezenski will teach at an outdoor seminar, themed: Fukiya.

This is a rather unusual weapon, used by the legendary
 21022011081151fukija574.jpgJapanese Shinobi warriors and was mandatory to learn as a part of the Togakure ryu Ninjutsu school.

The fukiya is actually a blowgun, and on this seminar we will learn all aspects of this weapon, beginning from it`s development all the way to it`s usage.

The seminar is open to the students of Bujinkan Macedonia/Taiyou e no Michi who are holders of a colored belt.

Equipment needed to practice: A fukiya and some darts.

Theme: Fukiya

Date: 20.03.2011 (sunday)

Location: Loka


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje

09.00 hours – arrival

10.00 -16.00 hours – theory and practice

17.00 return 

This seminar will take place regardless of the weather conditions.

A successful outdoor seminar - „The strength of Yari“

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13022011224856jari37.jpgOn the location called Slepo Kolo, on the hill Orljak, the seminar titled `The strength of Yari` took place today. The event was attended by 11 members of Bujinkan Macedonia, who learned the ways of spear battle, as well as formation fighting with this weapon for the entire day.

As usual, instructor Dovezenski included the tiniest of details in the techniques, and the students practiced and mastered them. Especially interesting for them, was the formation fighting, where a group armed with swords tried to penetrate the line set by the spear-wielders. By using different techniques (kakehiki) each of these attacks were deflected, and the attackers defeated quickly. Two such formations, left a lasting impression on the students – the
 13022011224914jari38.jpgso called `circle of defense` and `dangerous centipede` and they mastered them quickly.

Towards the end, each student had the chance to practice the techniques on targets (stuffed bags), by which they even better understood  the ideas and strength behind the yari (spear), as well as the importance of physical fitness during the utilization of this efficient weapon.

Opening of a new Bujinkan Macedonia dojo

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We would like to inform you that our school for classical Japanese martial arts is opening a new dojo near the Skopje neighborhood Taftalidze (near the bakery).

The training sessions will be held by sempai Marko Proshev and sempai Marko Opachikj, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 18.30 to 20.00 hours.

With this, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, stops his active teaching of beginners and will only practice with advanced students in the central dojo (Hombu). By this, the founder of Bujinkan in Macedonia and the man who brought the classical Japanese martial arts in our country, Igor Dovezenski, will dedicate himself even more ti his training and the further development in koryu bujutsu (classical Japanese martial arts).

Anyone interested to enlist in the new dojo is welcome to contact us by calling 071 277 457.

Bujinkan Macedonia in „Life Magazine“

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05022011123858lajf1.jpgThe popular monthly „Life Magazine“ in it`s new (February) edition, published a reportage about Bujinkan Macedonia`s latest outdoor seminar. The text titled as `A winter training session with the Macedonian samurai` was written by the journalist Katarina Stojanova, while the photographs are by the photo-reporter Andrej Ginovski.

As always, the school for classical Japanese Martial Arts `Bujinkan Macedonia` presented the organization led by soke Masaaki Hatsumi in the best possible manner, and our events are attracting the attention of the public repeatedly.  

The team from `Life Magazine` also wished to do an article about our traditional summer seminar – `Survival`, where out members are training in a temperature of +40 degrees Celsius, with no food or water for two days straight.

Outdoor seminar: The strength of Yari

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02022011074641Jari4523.jpg`The School Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu uses the following weapons: Yari (spear), Ono (battle axe), O Tsuchi (large war hammer), Tachi (sword) and Naginata. The Kuden says that one night, a demon (Tengu) came to the founder of this art in his dreams and taught him how to fight with the Yari. These techniques are still considered the biggest secret of the school.`

On the 13th of February, instructor Igor Dovezenski will hold an outdoor seminar themed: `The strength of Yari`.

The seminar is open to students of the Bujinkan Macedonia/Taiyou e no Michi dojo.

Required equipment: bokken and yari

Theme: The strength of Yari

Date: 13.02.2011 (Sunday)

Location: Slepo Kolo

08.00 – departure from Skopje
09.00 – arrival
10.00 – theory and practice
17.00 – return

Succesfully done winter survival seminar

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The precise measurements made by the well known village store Dacko 56 ™, showed that during this seminar the air temperature was between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius. The minimal temperature was at the times of passing the river, while the maximal was around 13.00 hours.

Certainly, because of the desire to master the survival skills in winter conditions, the attendants of today`s seminar weren`t reluctant to finish it because of the harsh weather conditions.

There were 15 students of Bujinkan Macedonia on this seminar, as well as a journalist and a photo-reporter from „Life Magazine“, who showed interest for our work and will write a report on it in their February issue. We would like to extend our congratulations to the reporters who managed to stay for more than three hours (out of eight) following us through different terrains.

The seminar started by mastering the technique of passing rivers with increased water-flow. Kriva river showed it`s teeth on this occasion. The river`s source is located in the high and snowy mountains, was so cold, that after mere few meters we weren`t able to feel out feet and legs anymore.

Afterwards, the students learned ways to build a winter hideout and light a fire by rubbing stones together. The hideout was built in about 20 minutes, and we managed to light the fire although the ground and air were moist.
After mastering this technique, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, departed for the location called Sm`kneno, where instructor Dovezenski held a short lecture about getting drinking water in winter conditions. Afterwards, there was a taijutsu training (unarmed combat), buki mamori buki (weapon versus weapon), as well as techniques for fighting in a formation, with spear and sword.

After this event was over, each of the attendants was satisfied with what they learned, and by the things they said, they can barely wait for the next seminar in February, themed: Yarijutsu (spear-fighting techniques).

Winter ninja training „Means to survive in the wilderness“

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07012011010746zima2.jpgThe instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, will hold the first outdoor seminar scheduled for 2011.
As the title says, at this seminar we will learn ways to survive in winter conditions, at low temperature and harsh surroundings. The date of the event (16th of January) is chosen in order to test the techniques in the most practical sense.

On this seminar, we will study these skills:

– crossing rivers with increased water-flow with and without rope.

– getting food and water

– building shelter and camp

– winter conditions combat

– using nature as a weapon for combat etc.

This seminar can be attended by every psychophysically healthy student of Bujinkan Macedonia (at their own risk, of course). 

Equipment required:

– field pants (with a layer beneath them), t-shirts, a shirt and sweater, a jacket, hat, shawl, boots, three pairs of underpants and training weapons. 

Warning: the temperatures will most likely be under zero. The terrain is open and windy. The presence of wild life is something normal this part of the year. At least seven consecutive hours of non-stop training, at extremely cold weather. Crossing naked a frozen river is mandatory.

Date: 16.01.2011 (Sunday)

Location: Sm’kneno


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje

09.00 hours – arrival

09.00 -16.00 hours – theory and practice

17.00 return

Good luck!

Theme for 2011 / Happy holidays

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According to soke Masaaki Hatsumi`s directions, the theme for 2011 will be Kihon Happo. We are happy to hear that Bujinkan is dedicating it`s attention to the basics of the martial arts. That is something that our dojo has continuously payed attention to and considers most important.

As every year, Bujinkan Macedonia has it`s own internal theme, which is explored during the twelve months. In 2011, we decided to dedicate ourselves to the study of Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu (The school of the willow spirit).

The 2011 program of Bujinkan Macedonia is already on our page.


We would like to announce that the coming holidays, the School for martial arts Taiyou e no Michi along with the two dojos, Bujinkan Macedonia and Daito Ryu Macedonia will not be working on:

-Bujinkan Macedonia – 31st of December (2010) and 7th of January (2011) / First training sessions on the 3rd of January (2011).
-Daito Ryu Macedonia –  1st of January (2011) /  first training on the 8th of January (2011).

To all our members, we wish all the best in the new 2011. Also, a marry Christmas.

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!


30122010083359polaganje_2010-2.jpgYesterday, in the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, we had a degree testing for student degrees.

The 9th kyu test was passed by Toshe A., Hristina S. and Frosina N., while the degree of 7th kyu was earned by Filip A., Gorjan S., Kosara P. and Iskra B. 

The 5th kyu test was passed by the students Maja I., Anton P., Tina D. and Katerina D.

Deserved, the 3rd kyu degree was earned by Darko B., Blagica S., Zoran T. and Manueal D., and the first kyu degree was earned by Marjan P. and Marko O.

For their effort, perseverance,  loyalty, regularity and love for the art and the dojo, commendation diplomas were granted to Anton P., Kosara P. and Filip A. Anton is the most regular student in the Bujinkan Macedonia dojo, from the day of it`s opening until today. Namely, from the 1st of January until yesterday, he hasn`t missed a single practice session.

This year, the certificates for support in the development of Bujinkan Ninjutsu in Macedonia were given to Aleksandar V. and Darko B. (all names are written shortened because of our respect to the privacy of our members).