„Survival in nature® VI“ seminar held

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While the media in Macedonia was reporting about30072012150840ium.jpg the fluctuations in the weather, caused by the hellish temperatures that seized our country, this weekend the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia successfully held the seminar „Survival in nature“.

This year in total six members participated, three of them were veterans (with more than three Survival in nature seminars).

As every year, so as this one, the seminar started on Saturday in the morning hours. After the short condition training, the instructor Dovezenski held Goshijutsu training. Afterwards started the lessons for survival and shelter building, as well as the state of mind that the warrior must reach so he can handle the challenges on the field.

Around 14.00 hours, three of the members had their first crisis, caused by the hot sun, and more by the lack of water. The dehydration struck, and as it increased, the will power of the students decreased. The instructor Igor Dovezenski succeeded to help those who had an intention to give up and to get them „back into game“. The afternoon continued with bo shuriken training, and the evening end with the exercise „In Yo Kankaku“.

The night was calm, under the beautiful sky above Lipac, while the guards were changing every two hours.

On Sunday, the kenjutsu training started early in the morning, and continued with meditation under the rocks of the dried waterfall in S`mkneno. Afterwards, a short march was held from the place called Stari Lozja, where under one old oak the cross dedicated to St. Tripun is located. That place for the last two years is known for the traditional „languidness“ or the two-hour anticipation for the end of the seminar.

After the arrival at Stari Lozja, the temperature (which rose up above 45 degrees Celsius), started to take its toll. Two of the veterans started to feel breathing difficulties, disorientation, nausea and a fast heartbeat. The symptoms were constantly worsening, so they had to give up from the seminar.

The remaining four, including the instructor Igor Dovezenski, successfully finished the seminar and returned to the starting location.

Just for clarifications for those who had not participated in this event. During the two days it is allowed to drink only one and a half liter of water. For you to understand how little that is, imagine you for two days in an open space under the sun (above 40 degrees Celsius), everywhere around you rocks, no vegetation. You have constant activity and training, and you must not sit on your bottom, nor lie down. Liter and a half water you spend through your sweat during your first training, and that process continues for the remaining time. Every movement on that high temperature causes loss of body fluids, even the talking and the breathing make the water evaporate. On all that effort, you have only three hours of sleep during the two days, so, with that, the exhaustion becomes unbearable and causes a great confusion in the mind.

Congratulations on those who successfully finished the seminar, and to those who quit too, because the sole participation on this seminar is a great courage.

At the same time, the instructor Dovezenski announced that the next year will be the last for this traditional seminar.

Survival in wilderness® VI

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12072012033525dhfgf.jpgMacedonia is known for the hellish summer temperatures caused by the so called „African heat waves“. It is hottest in the last days of July, when the temperature rises up above 45 degrees Celsius, and the sun radiation index is on maximum level. This is the perfect time for the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia to test their physical and mental endurance.

We do this every year, and to be part of this event is a privilege reserved to a few members of our dojo.

For the brave, for the valiant… Two hellish days, far from civilization, without food and only liter and a half water, without additional clothing and hygienic means. Two days of training, meditation and raw survival.

Location: S`mkneno (26 km from the nearest town and hospital / desert alike conditions)

Date: 28 and 29 July, 2012
Departure: Saturday at 07.00
Return: only God knows

Read carefully!!!

Before the seminar, each participant should take care of any medical examinations required and get a written or oral permission from their physician about their physical and mental health and readiness to undertake a two day extreme strain without food and water, along with hard training sessions and only three hours of sleep. Every potential participant comes at their own responsibility about the eventual consequences on his health or life!

The event is open to everyone, and every citizen of the Republic of Macedonia above the age of 18 can attend.

Allowed equipment: sleeping bag, tent wing, military
uniform (worn, pants and shirt), one t-shirt, a cap, one pair of underpants (wide), one pair of socks, rope, a knife and a bottle of a liter and a half (empty).

Important: it is forbidden to carry food, water or anything else not mentioned above. Before we depart, there will be a checkup.

Most important: this seminar is only meant for tough guys and girls. The training conditions will be exceptionally hard with an iron discipline. Those that do not feel psycho-physically ready to `enter hell` –  we would ask you not to come to this seminar. Allowed drinking water for both days: 1.5 liters. Consider that the air temperature might rise above 45 degrees Celsius. It is forbidden to sit on your behind during the seminar (both days), or lying down on all four extremities. Only three hours of sleep, constant training for the remaining time.

It is forbidden to make excuses, whine or anything similar during the seminar.

P.S. The survival in nature doesn’t look as fun as on the satelite tv series. There are no cameras, no team who will support you, no doctors and no helicopters and comfortable hotels after the shooting. The real survival is completely different from the fancy series on TV.

Kyu testing

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01072012171513yhb.jpgOn Friday, in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia in Skopje testing for student (kyu) degrees was held.

From mukyu (without a kyu) to 10th kyu transited the students Damjan D., Nina G., Kristijan J. and Darko P.

For 8th kyu passed Elena A. and Mihail D., while for 6th kyu the students Monika Sh. and Stefani G.

The 4th kyu was passed by Tina D., Katerina D., Filip A. and Todor A., and the 2nd kyu by Darko B., Blagica S. and Anton P., who gained the title „sempai“ (older students).

At the end of the testing all the students were not only pointed out their mistakes during the demonstration of the techniques, but the whole progress during the last six months. So, from now on adequate progress is expected of them which corresponds with the advice and the points given.
The next kyu testing is going to be in December. 

The seminar „Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac“ held

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11062012033807Ken_lipac876.jpgThe heat wave that caught our country and the temperature above 34 degrees celsius in the shadows did not hesitated the warriors of Taiyou e no michi to give their best during the two-day seminar for Ono ha Itto ryu Kenjustu (Takeda den).

On this seminar, which every year is being attended in honor of sensei Certa, participation took 13 members of our dojo. During the two days, it was trained for six hours, and the remaining time was used for hanging out and conversations related to the traditional martial arts.

On Saturday, despite the repetition of the material, more time 11062012033818Ken_lipac887.jpgwas devoted to the technique do uchi, while on Sunday we concentrated on the technique yokomen uchi.
For the Saturday`s dinner, as every year, beans with dry ribs were cooked in a kettle, on traditional Macedonian way. We were sleeping in bags under the stars of Lipac, more precise on the top of the hill Elenac. The awaking during the sunrise was incredible, and the gold reflection of the sun gave the river in the valley magical charm.

Having this seminar, helped instructor Dovezenski and his students to write another page of the history of the dojo.
To the end of the summer one outdoor seminar remains. 

Seminar in Gradsko held

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28052012025843gradsko89897.jpgShidoshi ho Marjan Proshev and shidoshi ho Marko Opachikj, this Sunday held a seminar for the section of Bujinkan Macedonia in Gradsko. This is the last of the series of seminars that the younger instructors taught in this community, and the reason is the upcoming kyu-testing which will take place at the end of June.

This is the first testing in the section in Gradsko, and also the first testing that Proshev and Opachikj will lead. After the event, the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, officially is going to appoint the younger instructors responsible for the work of Bujinkan Macedonia – Gradsko (shibu dojo).

For the time being, shidoshi ho Proshev and shidoshi ho Opachikj are content with the work of this section and they expect the progress to continue, and that can only be achieved with hard and merciless training.

P.S. On this photo is one of the younger members of Bujinkan Macedonia – Gradsko Shibu Dojo, candidate for the test of 10th kyu.

Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac

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The school of classical Japanese martial arts Taiyou e no16052012045746Ken_Lipac9u9h.jpg Michi, beside the schools of Bujinkan, also nurtures other koryu arts, among them Ono ha Itto ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda den). We are members of the organization Daito Ryu Aikibudo Daito Kai, led by sensei Antonino Cherta, the only nonjapanese shihan for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu. Therefore, in his honor, every year we keep this traditional seminar named: „Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac“.

The school Ono ha Itto ryu was mandatory for the members of the powerful samurai clan Takeda. The legendary warrior Sokaku Takeda, also known as the last samurai, had gotten a menkyo kaiden (license for acquired knowledge) for this kenjutsu ryu ha.

This is what we eagerly awaited for months. Two-day outdoor training, on the top of the legendary mountain Lipac. During the day, three trainings will be held, and the evening will be reserved for hanging out around the fire, followed by tasty beans and several beers.

Date: 09/10 June, 2012 (departure from Skopje at 07.00)

Location: under the stars of the mountain Lipac

Equipment: tent (those that have), sleeping bag, keiko gi, kyahani or tall socks (against the ticks), bokuto (you can take a spare one), food and water.

For additional information you can reach us by phone.

The seminar is open for everyone, beside the style or the art.

If you need equipment, freely contact us.

This event will be held no matter of the weather conditions.

Seminar „The strenght of yari - advantages and disadvantages“ held

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14052012043711jari764568.jpgThe seminar devoted to the art of spear combat (sojutsu) proved that the regular training and dedication bring great results. The progress of the members who every year visit this seminar was obvious, and their technique of handling a spear is constantly getting better.

The event was held on the hill Orljak, on the location called Slepo Kolo, and several members of Bujinkan Macedonia attended. The seminar started with repeating the basic techniques of attack with yari (spear) which at first were practiced with imaginary opponent, and afterwards with a partner. The instructor Igor Dovezenski continuously was trying to explain to his students the advantages, as well as the disadvantages of the spear. Details were shown not only regarding the technique, but also for using the principles of long weapons such as the spear.

In the end, every student had the opportunity to show what they learned through a demonstration of the technique, concerning the direction of movement, with goal of improving their practice of the art.

We should mention that during the seminar, the whole day, the wind was blowing at us brutally, but that didn’t make us change our belief that the warrior should always be prepared for defense, no matter of the weather conditions.

The strength of Yari - advantages and disadvantages

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Slowly, but steadily, the seminar on which the students of 02052012051628jari0987.jpgBujinkan Macedonia tackle the secrets of combat with a spear (yari), became traditional.

Every year instructor Igor Dovezenski teaches the art of Sojutsu (spear combat), discovering new techniques, ways and strategies during the usage of this weapon. So, this year, greater interest will be devoted to the advantages and disadvantages of the yari, through practice of the traditional katas.

„The school Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu uses the following weapons: Yari (spear), Ono (war axe), O Tsuchi (big hammer), Tachi (sword) and Naginata. The legend says that one night the demon (Tengu) came to a dream to the founder of the art and taught him how to fight with Yari. These techniques are considered to be the greatest secret of the school even today.“

On this seminar all students of the dojo Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can participate.

Required equipment for training: bokuto and yari

Theme: The strength of Yari – advantages and disadvantages

Date: 13.05.2012 (Sunday)

Location: Slepo Kolo


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje

09.00 hours – arrival

10.00 – 16.00 hours – theory and practice
17.00 hours – return

International seminar with Mario De Mol held

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24042012033920986rt7.jpgFive days of incredible time with Mario De Mol. Five days filled with trainings, friendship and laughter. Five days hiking mountains, streams, visiting churches, monasteries and national restaurants. Five days which will be forever remembered.

On this seminar over twenty students of our dojo took part, as well as the representative of Jinenkan Germany, Oliver Fuchs. Several techniques from Kenjutsu and Tantojustu were trained, in which we greatly enjoyed. Mario`s knowledge is immense, and his skill is incredible. He completely justified the trust of his teacher Fumio (Unsui) Manaka to carry the highest dan in the organization Jinenkan.

For the quality of the seminar there is nothing to be said, for it could only be felt by attending. Once again we have proven that being a part of other organizations is not an obstacle for collaboration, as long as the training is done on the right way: vigorously, sincerely and with devotion.

Once again gratitude to Mario De Mol for all that time spend together and the selfless help during the transmission of the knowledge from the area of martial arts.

Degree testing in the beginners` dojo

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In the beginners` dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, yesterday 11042012051819ydagd.jpgunder the leadership of the younger instructors Marko Opachikj and Marjan Proshev, a degree testing was held. The tenth (jukkyu) degree was passed by the students Igor K. and Marko P.

This is the first kyu testing held by shidoshi ho Opachikj and shidoshi ho Proshev. Last year they achieved the master degrees, and with that the opportunity to be a part of the transmission of the tradition of the schools of the Bujinkan Dojo.

As of today, the students who successfully passed the test, will continue their trainings in the hombu dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia.
We congratulate all.