„Life in the Wilderness“ - a two-day outdoor seminar

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After seven years of consecutive organization of the legendary seminar „Survival in Nature“, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, created the new project called „Life in the Wilderness“.

With this new seminar, the leader of the Organization for teaching classical Japanese martial systems – „Taiyou e no Michi“, isn’t trying to find a suitable replacement for the previous one, but to open a new chapter in the history of the dojo, that he hopes, as the previous one, would last at least the next seven years.

The two-day seminar called „Life in the Wilderness“, is an event where the members of the Organization are going to study techniques for living in a community in the wild, or far from civilization. We emphasize „techniques of living“, not surviving, because the latter means continuous living until getting out of the state of emergency.

„Life in the wilderness“ is going to be conducted by a natural catastrophe scenario or some other emergency that requires retreat on some unreachable location and organizing a long-term living with a group of people. By learning these skills, the members of the dojo will be able to take care of their family and to provide basic living conditions in the wild in case of danger.

During the seminar, the socialization of the members will allow them to get to know each other better and to deepen the friendship between them.

Be a part of the new history that is starting to be written on 26th/27th of July, 2014. Do not miss the opportunity to learn the techniques of living in the nature, that in case of a natural catastrophe or other emergency will be more than needed. 

On this seminar all members of the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can participate, regardless of their degree.

Required equipment: anything that can be used for survival in nature and that will fit in your backpack.

Date: 26th/27th of July (2014)

Location: in the surroundings of Lipac


Saturday 07.00 hours – departure from Skopje

Sunday 18.00 hours – return

Applying and information via inbox, by phone or on the Forum.

P.S. Residing in nature brings several dangers. All participants come at their own risk. Have the required doctors’ examination before you apply.

The June testing held in Bujinkan Macedonia

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At the yesterday’s testing for student degrees that took place in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia in Skopje, total of 15 students successfully passed the test.

The 10th kyu was passed by Jovan G., Jane N., Martin P. and Filip T., and the ninth by: Kristijan A., Martin G., Sofija D. and Daniela G.
The students Taki G. and Kristijan M. successfully passed the test for the eight, and Risto Ch. and Sanja S. for the seventh kyu.
The sixth kyu was passed by Mihail D., and the fifth by Vladimir A.
Bujinkan Macedonia also got a new sempai, and that is Todor A., who successfully passed the test for the second kyu.
We congratulate all members that earned a higher degree for their dedication and we wish them even greater success in the future.

The first book in Macedonia for classical Japanese martial arts has been published

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On the premises of the winery „Kartal“ in Skopje, yesterday a promotion for the first book in Macedonia dedicated to the classical Japanese martial arts was organized. This event was attended by almost all recent and many of the retired members of Bujinkan Macedonia, or the Organization for teaching traditional Japanese martial schools – Taiyou e no Michi.

The author of the book „Conversation with the students“ is shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, that so far has signed on several books and documentaries in the field of ethnology, but this is a first project that takes the old Japanese martial schools.
The promoter of the „Conversation with the students“ was Aleksandar Vuchkovski, a long-term member of Bujinkan Macedonia and a childhood friend of Dovezenski, that recalled of the beginnings of Taiyou e no Michi, but also gave a brief explanation of the contents of the book. 
During this event the atmosphere was fantastic, and the wine-tasting room, too small to fit all the interested. Several of the students of shidoshi Dovezenski asked him to continue writing books on similar subject in the future.
„This is the first book dedicated to the classical Japanese martial arts in Macedonia. The National University Library St. Clement of Ohrid so far had categorization only for BUDO (modern Japanese martial arts), but now specifically for us a new sub-categorization has been made for BUJUTSU. With this, another page in the Macedonian history was written and the path was opened for other authors. More than twenty years ago, I brought the classical martial arts in Macedonia, but now I am overjoyed when I see that many of my students are ready to continue the tradition and to transfer it to the next generations“, pointed out Dovezenski on the promotion. 
On the occasion of the publishing of the book, many friends of our dojo from the countries around the world congratulated the author, and several of them asked for an English translation of the book as well.

Seminar „Shinken gata Tora no Maki“ held

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The intensive seminar „Shinken gata Tora no Maki“ confirmed the physical and combat readiness that the member of BujinkanMacedonia posses.

During this weekend, the participants studied 12 kata from the fourth level known as „yondan“. Besides the numerous bruises and swellings on the arms and legs, which are always an extension of the school Kukishinden ryu and the system Tora no Maki, the students weren’t holding themselves back to avoid the pain. On the contrary, to the last kata, they energetically attacked and defended using the techniques from this ryu-ha.
At the end, we agreed that in a couple of months to organize another Tora no maki seminar, this time dedicated on the level „godan“. 

Shinken Gata Tora no Maki (yondan) - intensive seminar in Hombu

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„Shinken gata Tora no Maki has many similarities with Kukishinden Ryu. That martial form was created in the late Edo period by Ichiyanagi Kazuma. He was a student of Kano Joshihiro, who was a master of the school Kukishin ryu. For the foundaton of Shinken gata Tora no Maki, techniques from Kukishin ryu (Daken)Taijutsu were taken, as well as the knowledge that Ichiyanagi had of the school Shinden Fudo ryu Taijutsu, that he was also studying at a certain period in his life. The martial system is consisted of kihon and five levels called shodan, nidan, sandan, yondan and godan.“

On 10th and 11th of May, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski is organizing the fourth intensive seminar for this martial system. During the event kata from the fourth level – yondan will be practiced.

On this seminar all students of the Bujinkan Macedonia dojo can participate, as well as of the Organization for teaching traditional Japanese martial arts – Taiyou e no Michi.

Subject: Shinken gata Tora no Maki (yondan)

Date: 10th/11th May, 2014

Location: Hombu Dojo – Taiyou e no Michi

Equipment: keiko gi and obi (mudansha) / keiko gi and hakama (yudansha)

Applying and information of the Forum, in the dojo or by e-mail.

„The Strength of Yari“ seminar succesfully held

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As every year, the seminar „The Strength of Yari“ attracted a lot of attention and students of Bujinkan Macedonia to take participation on this traditional event.
The seminar took place at the already well known location „Slepo Kolo“. The energy that surrounds this place is unbelievable, and the view from the hill Elenac and the mountain Lipac gives additional strength for more dynamic training. 
The event started with lectures about the basic postures of the body, and was followed by practice of the basic strikes and jabs with spear. Next was the training for the kata, and at the end the participants were acquainted with the ways of using combat formations. 
At the end of the seminar, instructor Dovezenski announced that from the next year, those who participated on five seminars for spear (yari), are going to get a copy of his densho, as a reward for the effort and the dedication to the schools of Bujinkan.

The Strength of Yari V

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The fifth in a row traditional seminar for Sojutsu (spear combat) is set on 23rd of March, 2014. During this event,

the members of Bujinkan Macedonia are going to learn and master the secrets of combat with Yari (spear).

Every year, instructor Igor Dovezenski teaches new aspects of the art, new techniques, ways, and strategies for more efficient use of this weapon.

„The school Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu has the following weapons: Yari (spear), Ono (war axe), O Tsuchi (big hammer), Tachi (sword), and Naginata. The legend says that one night a demon (Tengu) came to the dream of the founder of the art and taught him how to fight with Yari. These techniques are considered to be the greatest secret of the school even today.“

On this seminar all interested students of the dojo Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can participate.

Required equipment for training: bokuto and yari

Theme: The Strength of Yari

Date: 23.03.2013 (Sunday)

Location: Slepo Kolo


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje

09.00 hours – arrival

10.00 – 16.00 hours – theory and practice

17.00 hours – return

Applying and information via inbox, by phone or on the Forum.

Macedonia got new Shidoshi-ho

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In the Hombu Dojo of the Organization for teaching Japanese traditional martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, testing was held today for shodan (first dan). After the successful presentation of his knowledge, our long-term member Zoran Todorovski earned the master degree „shidoshi ho“ and with that became the fourth Macedonian carrier of this prestige title. The new yudansha, managed to get to it after seven years of non-stop and regular training in Bujinkan Macedonia and participation in lot of international and domestic seminars. The success is even greater if you know how strict is grading of degrees in the organization Taiyou e no Michi and rigorousness of the main instructor, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski.
Shidoshi ho Zoran Todorovski is one of the most respected members in the dojo and at the same time a leading motivation. He started training in Bujinkan Macedonia on his 37 years, when for the first time in his life met with martial arts in general. Todorovski showed and proved that age is not important as long as you have love for the art and will for success. We congratulate the new shidoshi ho from the heart and wish him many more successes in the future.
Ninpo Ikkan!

„Haragei“ seminar held

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In a fantastic atmosphere, the outdoor seminar „Haragei“ was organized today. Instructor Dovezenski taught his students how to become aware of the changes in the surroundings, through practicing twelve techniques chosen for this event.

Following below are some statements from the participants about the seminar.
Vladimir A: „I will need more time to „digest“ this seminar. It showed me how little I know about ninjutsu, as a martial method, as a way of thinking and acting, as a strategy, as an art that is strongly connected to nature. At the same time it revealed to me how much potential the man possesses for success and how easily it can be destroyed by ourselves.
The modern society where we live in might facilitate some things, but definitely dulls and destroys the primary functions of our bodies, our spirits and our minds. It takes a lot of effort to understand some things that are a lot more important than the things we currently think are.“
Marko O: „The techniques were on a very high level, but this day and this seminar showed me a new perspective and a way of thinking. I now know  that not everything is in jujutsu, in daken and that these techniques are inseparable part of ninjutsu. Sensei transferred this subject in a way as it should be, so we all can understand it. This is another great indicator that ‘I haven’t learned everything yet’ from him and that there is a lot more to learn. The exercises were excellent, some of them harder, some easier, some completely puzzling, but all of them were extremely fun. I really liked the lecture about the human behavior, his psychology, the ways of living and thinking of the individual. Unfortunately, this cannot be taught in the dojo, as for technical, so as for practical reasons. The atmosphere was great, everyone was positive with a desire for progress, with pure hearts and clear minds. Sensei thanks for this beautiful day and gratitude that you opened another door on our Path!!!“
Risto Ch: „The seminar was fantastic, one of the best that I’ve ever been so far. It wasn’t hard physically, but mentally… I still can’t arrange my impressions. Sensei taught us 12 techniques, 12 wonders from the „depths“ of ninjutsu. Every one of them was extremely interesting and challenging, and with a purpose to learn how we can use our minds, and not our minds use us.“