The Ninja Kids of Bujikan Macedonia occupied the Hombu Dojo for the fourth time

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And the fourth invasion of the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia by the Ninja Kids ended successfully.
In fact, the are so suspenseful in entering every pore of our club, that it in nearly impossible to get them out of there.

Exactly 24 kids participated in the spring offensive that forced us to promise that this event will keep happening biyearly (fall-spring).

During the seminar, the future Warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia practiced techniques of throwing the opponent (Nage Wasa), with which the proved that they are rightly considered “the future of our dojo and our country”.

Naturally, the wonderful friendships were not left out, all kinds of different “ninja games”, the kids proved capable of handling the powerful lunch, which they managed to beat in just under 20 minutes, leaving behind them only devastation in the form of empty plates.

So long till the “Kids Ninja Camp”, which will take place this upcoming summer.

The traditional YumiYa Jutsu seminar was held.

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Its been fifteen years since the instructor Igor Dovezenski held a seminar on the topic of YumiYa Jutsu for the first time, and the interest for this ancient weapon is still growing and attracting new interested members from Bujinkan Macedonia.
Of course, regular participants are veterans who have decided to in some way ‘specialize’ in the primitive “ninja bow and arrow”.

The goal and wish of shidoshi Igor Dovezenski is to enable his student to be able to in just half an hour to make a primitive bow and arrows which will help them to survive meaning to manage if they ever find themselves in a hostile environment.

For this purpose, he carefully teaches them how to find the proper piece of wood, which will enable them to make solid weapons which will enhance their chances of survival if their lives are ever in danger.

The seminar which was held this Sunday started with a short lecture on the history of the bow and arrow, after which, after it was demonstrated how, the members of the dojo had the task of making a bow themselves with which they would latter practice.

After the preparations were done, the target was placed, upon which the participants had the opportunity to practice shooting from four different body positions, under the pretense of different scenarios.

As the training continued, the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia had increasingly better results, and evident was the advancement of those who were regular participants in this traditional event.

Satisfied by the things taught, in the end it was agreed upon that the seminar was to continued to be held in the same time as every year meaning the last weekend of April.



The seminar for Chigiriki has been held

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The members of Bujinkan Macedonia who took part in this Sundays seminar for Chigiriki, again gained and advantage and learnt to use another for them new, but ancient Japanese self defense tool. The yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“ was the place where the teacher Dovezenski selflessly taught his students the knowledge gained through years spent in practicing classical Japanese samurai and ninja arts.

The participants had the opportunity to train in all the basic forms of this unusual weapon which is made out a stick, chain and weight, but during training an wooden substitute is used connected with a rope which is weighted with a tennis ball, of course, to avoid any possible injury.

It appears that a few of the members of the dojo are already firmly set in their intentions to also master this skill, and many of the beginners also show interest, which promises that in the future too seminars on this topic will be held.

The seminar “The Power of the Yari VIII” was held

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As last was year, so was this year. “Grandma Marta” surprised the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia showing her unpredictability and power to change the weather several times during one day.

The seminar for fighting with a spear ( Sojutsu ), which every year attracts a large part of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, this Sunday was held for the eight time, in the same location (Slepo Kolo) on the hill of Orljak. And this time, the cry’s of the participants bore withes of the will to delve deeper in this ancient Japanese martial art. Although the morning promised nice weather conditions, which at least in the first part of the day came true, rising the mercury in the thermometer to 25 degrees Celsius, somewhere after 13:00 the temperature took a sudden plunge going down to 5 degrees. At the same time, a strong rain started to drop which mercilessly battered the participants of the event. Despite the great cold, the Warriors steadfastly finished all the katas from the first part of the densho ( Omote ), and afterwards started for the Hombu Dojo where they had the opportunity to watch tapes from former trainings during which shidoshi Dovezenski was shown teaching techniques from the school Koto ryu Koppojutsu.

In the end of the day, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia promised that this traditional seminar will keep being held every year in March, in the same location.

Shuriken Jutsu in Hombu

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In the yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“, this Saturday a special seminar was held on the topic of Shuriken Jutsu. In the event participated over ten members of Bujinkan Macedonia who during the day threw more than five hundred metal blades , characteristic of the ninja warriors from the time of medieval Japan. The participants, who were from different ages, had the opportunity to throw Senban and Iga shuriken, and at the end of the day the wooden targets were almost completely damaged from the powerful piercing strikes of the metal star like tools. Some of the students of shidoshi Dovezenski, who regularly and yearly take part in this traditional seminar, are already achieving significant results in this old Japanese art, while does who are just now getting to know it are taken away by its power.

The recognitions “Genin” were awarded to two members of Bujinkan Macedonia

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On the 27 of February ( 2017 ), the teacher Dovezenski awarded bronze medals “Genin”
to the junior Teachers Zoran Todorovski and Marko Opachikj, as a recognition of their decade long regular training in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia.

We hope that this reward will only grow their incentive and will be an even larger motivator for their future perfection of the  Way of the Japanese traditional martial arts.

Ninpo Ikkan !!!

The seminar in nature - Haragei IV - was held

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We welcomed spring in the best way possible. With a seminar in nature on the wonderful Elenac, under the very rocks that hang above the old spring.

Exactly 12 exercises for cultivating the inner energy we managed to practice during the event that attracted 12 participants from all ages in Bujinkan Macedonia.

Special attention attracted the techniques for meditation who had the goal of teaching us how to concentrate the energy in the spot called Tanden, which is found around three centimeters under the bellybutton. Neither did the techniques for noticing changes in the environment left the Warriors of the dojo unmoved, and their advancement was noticeable, first off all because of their regular attendance of the event.

The next seminar in nature will be held in March, in the area called Slepo Kolo on the hill of Orlak, and the topic will be: The Power of the Yari (Fighting with a Spear).

Haragei IV - seminar in nature

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The last weekend in February for the fourth year in a row will be reserved for the seminar called “Haragei”. At the same time the warriors of the Organization  „Taiyou e no Michi“, use this event to welcome the spring as it is fitting – in nature. 
Hara (腹 ) is a Japanese term for a stomach, and Gei () means art. However, in the martial arts this word bears another meaning, one of an inner and outer communication through discovering one’s self and the changes happening around us in due time. Zen teachers taught centuries ago that breathing with the Hara (stomach) clears the mind from any thoughts and enables a deep view in the inner self. Exactly that insight of the inner and outer changes is believed to grant the warrior a chance to recognize the danger and react to it at the same time. The famous zen monk, Takuan Soho, called this type of training for cultivation the inner energy an „exercise for the immovable mind“.
Imagine a situation, You and Your opponent are two meters apart with pointed katanas at each other’s hearts. The tension increases and only one untimely breath or one blink of an eye could separate you from life and death. To recognize the attack, to feel the moment when you should react is the key.
This year for the fourth time, instructor Igor Dovezenski will teach his students how to amplify their attention, and with that improve their martial capabilities.
Day: 26.02.2017 (Sunday)
Place: Elenac
08.00 hours – leaving from Skopje
09.00 hours – arrival
09.00 – 16.00 – theoretical and practical part
17.00 – starting back
This seminar is open only for the members of Taiyou e no Michi, but you could participate only with a recommendation from a person that nurtures friendly relations with our dojo. Questions and applying on e-mail, by phone, in the dojo, or on the Forum.

The third in the row "Shinobi Taiso" seminar in the Skopje dojo has been held

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Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski held the third in a row “Shinobi Taiso” seminar in the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia. Besides the members of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”, in the event also took part professors from the Natural-Mathematical Faculty from Skopje, as well as students of medicine from the University “Saint Kiril and Metodiy”. 
The twenty participants in the event had the opportunity  to learn in detail the techniques for managing the pain in the lower part of the back, but the rest of the body was not left out, including  the shoulders, elbows, as well as the joints of the arms. 
Right after the event, sempai Todor Angelovski published his impressions of the event on the internet Forum of Bujinkan Macedonia. 
“This was the third seminar on the topic of ‘Shinobi Taiso’ that was held in Skopje. I have been part of all of them and I remember the techniques quite well. Before the first event of this type was held, Sensei held a lecture in the barracks at NMF, somewhere in December of 2011. That was after his injury, and he talked about  recovery and the reasons for the creation of this system. 
The first seminar was held in January, 2012, in the gym of the school ‘Brother’s Miladinovci’ and it was introduction to the system through the presentation of different exercises. The second events was in November, 2015, and the topic was ‘Junan Taiso’ meaning techniques of stretching the body. And then Sensei presented us with a lot of new exercises, he also of stretching the body. And then Sensei presented us with a lot of new exercises, he also taught us about muscle balance, as well as the great importance of stretching the body. 
The day before yesterday, the number of excurses was smaller, but they were taught with attention to detail and to the highest professional level. Problems with ‘hiperlordosis’ and ‘hipolordosis’ were worked through in detail, as well as ways of prevention and healing of the same. But I have to point out that although the topic is always the same, each seminar brings different information and techniques. Each and every one of us can gain some minimal level of knowledge that he can use to help himself. Not to mention how useful this is for the members who have chosen to specialize this system and visit the intense seminar for Shinobi Taiso in the Homby Dojo. I am glad for those who took interest and are improving  themselves in this  field. As Sensei often says, he who is regular and attends for long enough in the dojo, will learn a lot and will accumulate a great store of knowledge. 

Another seminar has been held on the topic of: "Jissen Heiho - The Next Step"

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In the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, this Sunday another Jissen Heiho seminar was held , in which participated fifteen members of “Taiyou e no Michi”.
The event was actually a continuation of the December Jissen Heiho , and so it was logical that the subheading should read “The Next Step”.
Contrary to the previous event, when the instructor Dovezenski taught more about the poses of the body, as well as the basic punches and blocs with the arms and legs, this time combinations of already known techniques were practiced. 
For four entire hours, the members of the dojo mercilessly and relentlessly threw themselves at the training, and in the end everybody went home happy, knowing that their tehniaues have been elevated a level. 
The next seminar in the Skopje dojo will be on the topic of: Shinobi Taiso.