Haragei II - outdoor seminar

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Hara ( 腹 ) is a Japanese word for stomach, and Gei ( 芸 ) stands for art. However, from martial arts perspective, this word carries a complete principle of inner and outer communication through self-discovering and revealing the changes happening around us. The teachers of Zen, centuries ago, taught that breathing with Hara (stomach) clears the mind from any thoughts and enables a view of one’s inner self. That perception exactly of the inner and outer changes, is believed to give the warrior the opportunity to sense the danger in time and react quickly. This training, meant for cultivating the inner energy, was called „an exercise of the immovable mind“ by the famous zen-priest Takuan Soho.
Imagine a situation, You and Your opponent are only two meters apart from each other with pointed katanas to your hearts. The tension increases and only one wrong breath or one blink of an eye can separate You from life and death. It is vital to sense the attack, and to feel the moment when you need to react.
Last year, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, for the first time „publicly“ organized this seminar, that so far was available only for the advanced students. On their request, the same subject will be taught again on the 1st of March, and additional exercises will be shown. This opportunity is offered to all of our members that want to learn the techniques to increase the awareness and to improve their martial art.
Date: 01.03.2015 (Sunday)
Location: Elenac
08.00 o’clock – departing from Skopje
09.00 o’clock – arrival
09.00 – 16.00 – theory and practice
17.00 – return
The seminar is open for the members of Taiyou e no Michi only, but you can attend with a recommendation from instructor that nurtures friendly relations with our dojo. Questions and applications by e-mail, phone, in the dojo, or on the Forum.
Link from the last year’s report for the seminar —–> here

Goshijutsu seminar for Ninpo Ne Waza® successfully held

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Yesterday, with a dojo full with smiles and several scratches and bruises, the seminar Ninpo Ne Waza was successfully held.

Fifteen members of Bujinkan Macedonia participated at this event, and were divided in two groups: beginners and advanced members. While the beginners were practicing the basic techniques for changing positions on the ground, including the basic grips, the advanced members had the opportunity to get to know the techniques for getting free of leg grips, as well as transitioning to a counter attack with a purpose to overcome the opponent as quickly as possible.
As every seminar, the seminar for Ninpo Ne Waza didn’t leave anyone indifferent despite the difficulties that some of the participants encountered, mostly from the rough nature of the system itself. However, as the years pass, the improvement of the students that show the most tenacity and desire to study the Japanese martial arts is more and more noticeable.  

Special Kenjutsu seminar for Bujinkan Shingan Dojo (Romania)

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The past weekend, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski held a seminar exclusively for the members of the Romanian Bujinkan Shingan Dojo, on subject: „The Basics of classical Japanese swordsmanship“. The event was held on the premises of Bujinkan Macedonia dojo in Skopje, and the young instructor Marko Opachikj helped with the teaching.
The instructor Cătălin Soreanu along with three of his students, who flew from Romania purposely for this seminar, were practicing and repeating the basic techniques of Japanese kenjutsu restlessly during the weekend, while following the lessons and advice of instructor Dovezenski with great precision. Throughout the event, the participants from Romania were showing such passion and desire to master the art of samurai swordsmanship, that not even for a moment they stopped their training.
The free time, lacking due to the intensity of this seminar, was used to visit the central city area of Skopje, where the Romanians enjoyed the beauties of the city. They also tasted well known Macedonian specialties, and they noted that our cuisine is one of the tastiest they had tried so far.
Pleased with the learnt, the members of Bujinkan Shingan Dojo invited istructor Dovezenski to hold another seminar, this time in their home city Iasi, famous cultural and academic center in Romania.
The seminar will take place in March, and we use this opportunity to invite all interested, regardless of their knowledge or skill, to take part and get acquainted with the basics of samurai kenjutsu.
For additional information, you can address the instructor Cătălin Soreanu directly through his web-site: http://www.shingan.ro 

Ninpo Ne Waza® - Goshinjutsu Seminar

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The first Ninpo Ne Waza seminar in 2015 is going to be held on the 1st of February, with subject „Goshin Jutsu“. As the title says, this time we will turn our attention to the possibilities of self-defense from the moment when the opponent stumbles us to the ground, until we return in standing position.

This seminar is meant for all member of the Organization dedicated to the study of traditional Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, regardless of their degree or skill.
Date: 01.02.2015 (Sunday)
Location: Skopje (in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia)
Time: 11:00 – 15:00 o’clock
Subject: Ninpo Ne Waza Goshinjutsu (techniques for self-defense on the ground)
Fee: symbolic 300 denars that are going to be donated to humanitarian purposes
Additional information for Ninpo Ne Waza ——> here

The fifth „Winter Ninja Training“ held

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Due to the low temperatures the surrounding earth and water were frozen, however the sunlight made the yesterdays’ seminar special, where the members of Bujinkan Macedonia for the fifth time practiced the techniques for winter survival in the wilderness.
As every year, we repeated what we’ve learned, because it’s the only way to preserve the knowledge, and at the same time we introduced and practiced new techniques, that drastically increase the chances of winter survival in harsh conditions. 
The students thought that the building of the shelter, known as „the chest“, was especially interesting, and orienting in the surroundings, as well as the new ways of starting a fire and preparing food attracted great attention.
At the end of the one-day training, some of the participants shared their impressions:
Marko Opachikj – „Every night before a seminar, the excitement and desire is what keeps me awake late into the night, thinking how will tomorrow go, what else new is there to learn, how will I manage in a given situation, what will the weather be like etc. It was the same this time. Firstly, because it is my jubilee – fifth in a row winter survival, and also, because I knew that we were going to learn how to build a new type of shelter.
Based on my experience from the previous years, I could only imagine what it would look like, but my depiction wasn’t even nearly as good as the so called „chest“. Very interesting and skillful way of building, by filling the side walls, as well as the roof. What makes is interesting, is that every year we repeat what we already know from the previous years, but at the same time we learn something new. This year we learned about the differences of survival in deciduous and evergreen forests, other ways of lighting a fire, preparing food, protecting the limbs from freezing, orienting in the surroundings, the dangers of dehydration, and how to keep the fire lit throughout the night. 
All this was intertwined with the peoples’ smiles that participated in the seminar, and the sun that was peeking through the leaves of the big trees.“
Mihail Drakalski – „Yesterday was my fourth winter ninja training and I can say that even though every year we learn something new, this one there were a lot of differences, as in the type of the shelter, the techniques of setting up a fire, preparing the food, orienting etc. This is one of my favorite seminars and in my opinion everyone should take part at least once to be assured in it. A great thanks to sensei, and to the other participants that were helping me constantly in the completion of the tasks.“
Sanja Simonova – „Yesterdays’ training had a great working atmosphere, and every minute was used to its maximum and filled with much love and dedication to the tasks that we got. I learned many new things, and at the same time I gained confidence in what we already had learned in previous outdoor seminars. Who seeks shall find. If you seek with faith and love in your heart, what you’re after – is after you at the same time. Even when we were searching for dry branches, wet leaves, lilies, or stems. This was a great seminar, we will see each other on the next in February dedicated to haragei. And, at the end, one question: what is better that a one-day outdoor seminar? Well – a two-day outdoor seminar!“

Winter Ninja Training - Means for Survival in the Wilderness V

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The low temperatures that caught our country this year are ideal for the fifth in a row „Winter Ninja Training“. During this event, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia will be able to learn survival techniques when in the wilderness, for winter conditions. These days, when the thermometer shows below -20 degrees C, where the ground is covered with snow, and with the occasional wind blowing, is a great challenge for all those who want to face the cold and cruel weather.

As you already know, the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia always considered that training solely in dojo, where a safe and friendly atmosphere surrounds us, can make anybody a good „sportsperson“, and a great „lounge ninja“. However, what makes us different from the rest, is the knowledge and the confidence that we feel when we are confronted with the toughest dares while we are far away from the cities that we live in. Actually, we experience the cruel nature as a natural habitat where we feel as a „fish in water“, and we find ourselves in our natural surroundings.
This seminar is a scenario-based where we are snowbound or lost far away from our home, somewhere on a mountains or in the woods, and we need to take precautions to be able to go through the night and increase our chances of survival. On this event, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski is going to teach these exact techniques that represent the required arsenal for a more serious approach in the art known as ninjutsu. 
Required equipment: knife, hemp rope, and a piece of cotton. In case anyone has trouble finding the items mentioned, he can freely ask, and the dojo will provide them.
Warning: the temperatures will most likely be below zero. The terrain is open and windy. The presence of wild animals is normal this period in the year. You will be exposed to extremely cold weather constantly for about seven hours. Everyone comes at their own responsibility.
Bring warm clothing with you.
Date: 11.01.2015 (Sunday)
Location: Mlaka
08.00 o’clock – departure from Skopje
09.00 o’clock – arrival
09.30 – 16.30 o’clock – theory and practice
17.30 o’clock – return
This year the seminar is open for the members of Bujinkan Macedonia/Taiyou e no Michi only. Questions and applying by e-mail, phone, in the dojo, or on the Forum.

Report for 2014

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Humbleness aside, the past year was one of the most successful in the history of Bujinkan Macedonia, and also of the Organization dedicated to the study of classical Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“. The main highlight was that several of the younger students „surfaced“ with their dedication and self-sacrifice, and slowly, but steadily are making a place for themselves in our dojo.

Let’s begin from the international seminars. In April we organized a multiple day seminar for Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu, under the guidance of our mentor for the oldest Japanese martial art school, shidosha Erik Louw. He was accompanied by six of his older students. Among them, we had guests from Greece and Albania, that for the first time had the opportunity to get acquainted with this beautiful art.

Regarding the domestic seminars, we had plenty this year. We had a total of six intensive Hombu dojo seminars, as well as seven successfully held outdoor seminars. In the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia in Skopje, we held six which sums the number to a total of 19 seminars, at which the teacher Igor Dovezenski selflessly transmitted his knowledge to the members of our Organization.

As more characteristic events for 2014, we will mention: the traditional seminar „Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac“, where the members of the dojo practiced the sword-fighting school „Ono ha Itto ryu – Takeda den“ for two days under the top of the mythical mountain Lipac and slept in the chambers of the beautiful Beljakovski Monastery. Afterwards, we have to mention the new event knows as „Life in the Wilderness“, that this year was organized for the first time and that left quite the impression on the participants. Also, we have the „Self-defense Workshop for Women“, that is traditionally held every year in October and is meant for the members of the gentler sex. And at the end, we would mention the greatest of all events, and that is the nine-day „Summer Ninja Camp“.

In our Daito ryu Aikibudo dojo, in 2014, three intensive seminars for Aikijujutsu were organized. One of them were organized in the Hombu Dojo of „Taiyou e no Michi“, and the other two in the dojo in Skopje. It is worth mentioning that the last intensive seminar lasted six days. We already arranged a visit by our teacher Antonino Cherta for spring, next year.

We will also remember this year by the new shidoshi ho (younger instructor) in Bujinkan Macedonia – our long-term member Zoran Todorovski successfully achieved a master degree shodan (first dan), and shidoshi Igor Dovezenski wrote and published the first book in Macedonia dedicated to the classical Japanese martial arts, titled „Conversations with the students“.

You can get the book in kupikniga.mk     

In case we need to point out the most important event this year, that definitely be the journey teacher Igor Dovezenski made to Japan. In order to avoid repeating ourselves, more information about it can be found —-> here

Regarding media attention, this year we showed up in several mediums „with soul“, as Igor Dovezenski calls the „small“ magazines and portals. We will mention the interviews given for „Tea Moderna“, afterwards for the rubric „BookBox“ on off.net.mk, as well as the interview given to the business portal bi.mk.

On the other side of the story, we rejected collaborating with all of the big and mass media machines, that aggressively and vulgarly broadcast to the Macedonian public pathetic TV and pap-entertainment shows purposely produced in the neighboring countries, while damaging the Macedonian culture and tradition.

At the end, we would like to congratulate all of our membership for showing excellent understanding rewarded by a higher degree at the testing two days ago. We are especially proud of our members that got acknowledgements for their effort. During the whole year, Todor A. and Kristijan M. didn’t miss any regular classes held in our dojo, and Taki G. had only one absence. 

The theme for 2015 in Bujinkan Macedonia is going to be „Jissen Gata“.

We wish all of our members even greater success in the following year.

Ninpo Ikkan!

„Togakure ryu Ninjutsu - Kihon waza Keiko ho“ seminar held

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The past Saturday, the last seminar of this year was held, titled „Togakure ryu Ninjutsu – Kihon waza Keiko ho“.

Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski dedicated his attention mostly to details from keri waza (leg kicks), at the pleasure of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia who participated in this event. Despite the basic techniques for striking forward, backward, from the side, and during jumps, several almost forgotten leg kicks were practiced too, which were commonly used at the beginning of the 90’s of the past century by great masters in the Organization Bujinkan.
During the seminar, techniques for rolling (taihenjutsu) weren’t left out, we also practiced attacking with a kusari fundo, and after that, defending from a hanbo (staff), as well as barehanded combat techniques.
The first seminar in the new year of 2015 is going to be an outdoor seminar, with subject: „Winter Ninja Training – Means For Survival in Nature“ 

Togakure ryu Ninjutsu - Kihon waza Keiko ho

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As the title says, this one-day seminar will cover the basic techniques of the ninjutsu school Togakure ryu. According to the plan, the instructor Dovezenski intends to acquaint his students how Togakure ryu was practiced in the organization „Bujinkan“ in the end of the ’80s and the beginning of the ’90s of the past century, or more accurately when the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia started his journey that still continues today. 
On this event, shidoshi Dovezenski is going to teach the basic techniques of rolling (taihenjutsu), kicking (keri waza), techniques for sneaking and attacking with a chain (shinobi aruki to kusari fundo), as well as a defense from barehanded attack, but from an armed attacked too (taijutsu).
Required equipment: keiko gi and obi, rope (kusari), wooden knife and hanbo. In case somebody lacks some of the equipment, he should let us know in time and he can use the dojos’ equipment.
Date: 20th December (Saturday) 2014
Location: Skopje (in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia)
Time: 11:00 – 15:00
– Togakure ryu Ninjutsu – Kihon waza Keiko ho
This „you don’t want to miss“ seminar will be the last in Bujinkan Macedonia this year.
P.S. The photo from 1993 with shidoshi Igor Dovezenski is taken during the outdoor seminar titled „Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu“.

Seminar „Ninpo Ne Waza® - Ju Yoku Go O Seisu“ held

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Beginners, advanced members, and professional fighters too – they all helped each other and collaborated during today’s Ninpo Ne Waza seminar. The atmosphere was incredible, while the demanding training increased the precipitation in the room that much, that water was dripping slowly from the windows.

Instructor Dovezenski this time went deeply into the details, so all the participants had the opportunity to fully comprehend the techniques for combat on the ground. Attacks and defenses were taught from the most different positions, such as uma nori, kesa gatame, kocho tai, as well as grips during rolls, jumps, using the hands, the legs, even the head.
Ninpo Ne Waza always attracts great attention, so we agreed in the near future to organize another seminar that will teach the techniques for combat on the ground.