Ninja Kids to visit Homdu Dojo

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The instructors of Bujinkan Macedonia from the section „Ninja Kids“, in collaboration with the head instructor of the Organization dedicated to the study of classical Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, are organizing a one day excursion with included training sessions at the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, located in the valley under the mountain Lipac (62 km from Skopje).

Date: 03 October (Saturday)


– 08:00 departure from Skopje
– 09:00 arrival
– 10:00 – 12:00 training in the Hombu Dojo
– 12:00 – 12:30 lunch
– 13:00 – 14:00 visiting a countryside household with a farm
– 14:00 – 15:00 sword training (with a rubber sword)
– 15:00 – 16:00 a walk alongside a river
– 17:00 return

The children need to carry their training equipment, a spare t-shirt, water (for the road), snacks or a banana as a snack, and the lunch is taken care by the people responsible for the work of the Hombu Dojo. During the excursion, the children will be accompanied at all times by two instructors (Taki Gakovski and Sanja Simonova).

For additional information you can contact the instructor Taki Gakovski (tel: 071 358 226).

New group for the youngest - Ninja Kids II

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Bujinkan Macedonia in October is opening another group by request of the parents, called „Ninja Kids II“, that will work on Mondays and Wednesdays from 18:00 to 19:00 o’clock for the children that are not able to attend the classes in Tuesdays and Thursdays due to other activities (English courses, ballet, music school).

By doing this we hope to make it possible to all interested children to study the arts of the Japanese samurai and ninja warriors.

For additional information you can freely contact the instructor that will be in charge of the new group – sempai Todor Angelovski (071 510 593). 

Ninja Kids of Bujinkan Macedonia - guests on the national Macedonian Television

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Yesterday the kids section of Bujinkan Macedonia, the Ninja Kids, nobly presented our dojo on the show „Golem Odmor“ that is emitted daily on MTV1.
Led by the instructors responsible for their training, sempai Todor Angelovski and kohai Taki Gakovski, our youngest members demonstrated the techniques from Sanshin no Kata and the basic grips from Kihon Happo.
Besides the praises from the employees of the national television, during the day we got many mails that expressed support for the kids’ dedication and diligence, as well as compliments for the excellent demonstration of the arts we study at Bujinkan Macedonia.
We believe that the children will continue working as hard, and will readily defend the „colors“ of our dojo.

The classical Japanese martial arts in Macedonia have been promoted to an academic level

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On 14th of September 2015, at the Faculty Counsel at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, the members of the board unanimously approved the project proposal of Igor Dovezenski to open a „Laboratory for Eastern Cultures“ within the Institute, and for the first time in Macedonia, classical Japanese martial arts are taken to the academic level. With that, the students from the department IEA for the subjects „Ethnology of Asia“ and „Ethnology of Japan“ are going to have mandatory classes where through exercises, they will study the theory, as well as the techniques of the arts that are taught in the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“.
The instructor Igor Dovezenski would like to use this opportunity to express his tremendous gratitude to the Head of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Dr. Ljupcho Risteski, and to his colleagues as well for the enormous support throughout the realization of the idea.
At the same time we inform all high school students in the Republic of Macedonia who are interested in the Eastern Cultures, and all fans of the culture and the tradition of the „Land of The Rising Sun“, that with the enrollment and studying at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology would have the opportunity to acquire knowledge from the physical, social and spiritual culture of Japan.

Enrolment in Bujinkan Macedonia and the beginning of the second semester

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Even though the Dojo for classical Japanese samurai and ninja arts „Bujinkan Macedonia“ accepts new students throughout the year, September is the best time to open a new page in Your life’s story.

We inform all interested that the first class for the beginners is going to take place on 1st September, starting in 20:30 o’clock, while the advanced group continues its work one day later (in 20:00 o’clock).
For those who are not yet acquainted with our work, the dojo was founded on 02nd July, 1995, and for the time being it is the only dojo in our country acknowledged by the chief of Bujinkan, soke Masaaki Hatsumi.
Bujinkan Macedonia is considered to be one of the most dynamic clubs in Europe with numerous and active memberships and with the most organized activities throughout the year.
Within the dojo there are several sections for adults (from 13 to 113 years old), but also for children (from 5 to 12 years old).
Additional information about us on the following link
About the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia
About the timetable and the location
If You have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us on or 077 976 906.

International Summer Koryu Camp VII held

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The seventh in a row Summer Ninja Camp that was known as the International Koryu Camp this year – ended successfully . The renaming was justified if we consider that apart from the guest-teacher from Russia, Sergej Babkin, we also had a participant from Poland. 
The nine day event that is considered to be the most intensive and the most important in Bujinkan Macedonia, in the words of the participants,  this year was flawlessly organized. The training sessions were divided between the instructors Igor Dovezenski and Sergey Babkin, so the days were filled with activities from dawn till dusk.
Every day started with a morning jog and a body strech, and after the breakfast the participants studied the secrets of combat with a long staff (Bojutsu) of the art Kukamishin ryu. The instructor Sergej Babkin was in charge of that, who also held training sessions every day on how to rehabilitate the body through special ways of streching the muscles (Junan Taiso). 
Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski taught the art of combat using your body, Shinden Fudo ryu Jutaijutsu, and was rensponsible for the participants’ stamina or strenghtening the muscles of the body through special excercises (Junan Undo). Beside that, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia didn’t neglect the „Night Ninja Training“, that every year make this event so tempting and famous.
As for the company, as every year was on the highest level possible. The nine-day socialization creates incredible deep relations between the members of our dojo, that become a foundation for even greater collaboration in the following period.
Regarding the food, the organizers got the highest grades this year too. Natural and freshly gathered directly from the garden in front of the Hombu Dojo. Carrefully picked and served to refill all lost nutrients in the body, and and the same time to give strength for the hard and demanding training.
At the end we have the impressions of the participants to share that point out every year the legendary Camps of Bujinkan Macedonia are not only a synonim for a hard and demanding summer training, but are used more as a guide to other clubs in Europe on how to organize an event with a similar format. We will continue to raise the standard of Bujinkan worldwide, and of course will increase the quality of our Summer Camps. 
The next International Summer Koryu Camp VIII is going to be held on the same date (04-12 August, 2016), and again beside the instructor Igor Dovezenski another teacher renown worldwide will be invited, because we strive to invite different instructors every year with the purpose to enter deeper in the secrets of the traditional Japanese martial arts.
Till the next year…

Summer Koryu (Ninja) Camp VII

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The countdown has begun. In a week starts the seventh in a row „Summer Ninja Camp“, this time called International Summer Koryu Camp VII. Besides Igor Dovezenski, this year another teacher will attend, and that is Sergey Babkin from Russia – master for Kukamishin ryu Hyoho and for Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu.
The camp is taking place from 4th to 12th of August, in the hombu dojo  of the organization „Taiyou e no Michi“, located in the valley under the mountain Lipac. 
Usually, the month august is the only month when the members of Bujinkan Macedonia can rest from the hard training, but some of them give priority to the intensive training even with greater pace in the summer period.
Beside the great intensity, for what our summer camp is known for, we must mention the great company and entertainment, so we invite all, regardless of their style or the degree in any martial art, to take part and get to know our work from up close.
There are several more days to apply.
Additional information here:

The seminar „Life in the Wilderness II“ held

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After two days of living alongside a river, we can freely say that we’ve become a „river people“. At least that’s the impression the pasrticipants got from the second seminar called „Life in the Wilderness“.

During the event, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski selflessly transmitted his knowledge to the participants that were valienty enough to apply to this seminar, so they gained new knowledge for the techniques meant for survival in larger groups, this time alongside a river and a river bank.
The first day, Dovezenski taught how to choose an appropriate location to live by the river for a longer period od time, while the country is being occupated or in case of a natural disaster. Afterwards, we practiced techniques for supplying and preparing the food, as well as illuminating the surroundings with the help of primitive tools.
Throughout the second day, the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia taught how to supply drinking water if you suspect the water is poluted, and how to catch bigger fish with a knife and the most efficient way to prepare them.

At the end of the seminar all participants were truly grateful for the lessons learned and they pointed out that this was the „tastiest“ of all outdoor events.
For those who are unfamiliar with it, this outdoor seminar was 340th for shidoshi Dovezenski, so his experience is truly great. A big part of the techniques for survival in nature he had learned from his grandfather, who participated in the World War II and was distinguished for several actions, such as freeing the city of Skopje. Thourghout the war and after it, he was a scout, and these techniques helped him to survive in the dangerous situations that he encountered those tough years.   

Life in the Wilderness II

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Last year we started the new seven-year chapter in the history of Bujinkan Macedonia, which in fact represents the next phase of the legendary seminar „Outdoor Survival“.

The two-day seminar called „Life in the Wilderness“, is an event where the members of the Organization are going to study techniques for living in a community in the wild, or far from civilization. The seminar is going to be conducted by a natural catastrophe scenario or some other emergency that requires retreat on some unreachable location and organizing a long-term living with a group of people. By learning these skills, the members of the dojo will be able to take care of their family and to provide basic living conditions in the wild in case of danger.
Last year we started writing the new chapter of history, and this year we continue with the second chapter. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn the techniques for living in the wild, that in case of a natural catastrophe or other emergency would be more than welcome.
On this seminar all members of the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can participate, regardless of their degree.
You can read here about the unforgettable experience from the last years’ seminar —–> Life in the Wilderness I 
Required equipment: anything that can be used for survival in nature and that will fit in your backpack.
Date: 25th/26th of July (2015)
Location: in the surroundings of Lipac
Saturday 07.00 o’clock- departure from Skopje
Sunday 18.00 o’clock – return
Applying and information via inbox, by phone or on the Forum.
P.S. Residing in nature brings several dangers. All participants come at their own risk. Have the required doctors’ examination before you apply.

20 years Bujinkan Macedonia (2nd July 2995 - 2nd July 2015)

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With a great karaoke party on the day before yesterday we marked the 20 year anniversary of the foundation of Bujinkan Macedonia. The event was set up in the winery „Kartal“ in Skopje where more than forty members of the dojo attended.

The students of the instructor Dovezenski, different generations gathered on one place from, had the opportunity to share their memories and impressions from the past and present times spent in Bujinkan Macedonia. Many friendships, relationships, partnerships, even marriages were „born“ during these years spent training in the only traditional Japanese dojo in Macedonia, and most of the members of the dojo are still grateful for that.

As you may already know, Bujinkan Macedonia was founded on 2nd July 1995 by Igor Dovezenski, the only Macedonian citizen that carries several titles in different classical martial schools (ryu-ha). From the foundation, up until today, the organization works non-stop and holds training sessions for its members every day. For now, it is the only acknowledged dojo in our country by the chief of Bujinkan, soke Masaaki Hatsumi. Bujinkan Macedonia is still known as one of the most dynamic clubs in Europe, with numerous and active memberships, that further speaks for the quality of the knowledge that is transmitted in the dojo.
At the end of the party, the founder Dovezenski thanked all members and guests that participated on the jubilee gathering, who came to show their gratitude for the hard work that created a respected world class dojo called Bujinkan Macedonia, well-known and acknowledged by the best international organizations for Japanese martial arts.