The members of Bujinkan Macedonia/ Taiyou e no Michi on the national MTV

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Shidoshi ho Zoran Todorovski, sempai Vladimir Antonovski and senpai Taki Gakovski, were guests in the “Weekly Magazine” on the national Macedonian Television. In front of the varied auditorium, the three veterans of the dojo talked about the history and activities of our Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”.

You can watch a recording of the appearance on the following link:

Уписи во Буџинкан Македонија

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Дваесет и трета година по ред, Организацијата за изучување самурајски и нинџа вештини „Пат кон Сонцето“ ги отвора вратите на доџо-то за новите кандидати кои имаат желба да навлезат во светот на традиционалните јапонски боречки традиции.
Нашата организација е единствената институција во Република Македонија каде што на едно место можете да вежбате буџутсу и нинџутсу, на начин како што векови наназад се вежбале во Земјата на Изгрејсонцето.Во состав на „Пат кон Сонцето“ се наоѓаат доџо-ата за нинџутсу „Буџинкан Македонија”, потоа „Корју Доџо“ во кое се изучува Даито рју Аикиџуџутсу, како и „Катори Македонија“ во кое што можете да ја вежбате најстарата документирана јапонска боречка вештина – Теншин Шоден Катори Шинто рју Буџутсу.

Иако „Буџинкан Македонија“ врши уписи во текот на целата година, сепак месецот септември е најповолен момент за да отворите една нова страница од Вашата животна историја.

Ве известуваме дека првиот час за почетниците ќе се одржи на 4-ти септември, а воедно Ве покануваме во текот на месецот да не посетите и да извежбате еден бесплатен односно пробен час, колку да ја почуствувате атмосферата што владее во нашето доџо.

За тие што се уште не се запознаени со нашата работа, Буџинкан Македонија е основана на 02 јули, 1995 година и засега е единствениот клуб во нашата држава признаен од страна на поглаварот на Буџинкан, соке Масааки Хатсуми.

Важиме за еден од најдинамичните клубови во Европа со многубројно и активно членство и со најмногу активности организирани во текот на целата година. Во рамките на доџо-то постојат повеќе секции за возрасни (од 13 до 113 години), но и за деца (од 5 до 12 години).

Повеќе информации за нас можете да добиете на следниот линк:

Ве молиме доколку имате прашања, не двоумете се да не контактирате преку или на 072 307 442

The jubilee of the “Sumer Koryu Camp Х“ has ended

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The tenth and also jubilee of the “Summer Koryu/Ninja Camp” went very well and left another permanent mark in the memories of the Warriors from Bujinkan Macedonia.

The topics for this year were the samurai arts of Daito ryu Aikijujutsu and Kukishinden ryu Naginata, and the participants in the end were amazed by both the ancient schools which have been transferred for centuries from one generation to the other .

Of course, the strong dynamic was strengthened also with ninja techniques such as: Kajitsu, Metsubushi, Tetsubishi, Sui Ren, etc.

All nine days spent in family concord and unitary betterment will remain in our memories for the rest of our days.

At the end of the camp, the instructor Igor Dovezenski announced that topics for the next year will be the schools of Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu, as also some weapons from Togakure ryu Ninjutsu (Kusari Gama, Kyoketsu Shoge and Kusari Fundo).

The second kids “Summer Ninja Camp” was held

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The second kids “Summer Ninja Camp” went even better than the first, which is understandable, if you take into account the experience from last year which helped us bring the whole event to perfection.

The kids which took part in the camp, enjoyed it to that degree, that the smile never left their faces during the whole seven days.

The topic for this year was the art of Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu, and also the study of  techniques for handling a short sword (kodachi.

Of course, there were a lot of other activities through which the kids had the opportunity to learn new life skills, and of course fun was an ever present activity.

Next year we expect even more participants and even more activities which will elevate the quality of the kids “Summer Ninja Camp” to an even higher level.

Одржан „Живот во Дивината V“

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Петото поглавје од оваа приказна не однесе на планина повисока од 1000 метри. Всушност, како место за одржување на овој настан беше избран врвот Перен (1326 нв) на планината Козјак.

На претходните четири настани, инструкторот Довезенски ги подучуваше своите ученици како можат подолг период да преживеат во група доколку се засолнат на планина пониска од 1000 метри, како и на организирано живеење покрај река, во шума и во предел каде што владеат пустински услови.

„Живот во Дивината V“, имаше задача да ги научи членовите на Буџинкан Македонија како да преживеат на високите планини кои во Македонија се распоредени на целата нејзина територија.

Семинарот се раководеше според сценарио на природна катастрофа или друга несреќа која бара повлекување на некое непристапно место и организирање живот на подолго време за одредена група на луѓе. Со совладувањето на новите вештини, членовите на доџо-то ќе бидат способни да го згрижат своето семејство и да му обезбедат основни услови за живеење во дивина во случај на опасност.

Ви пренесуваме многу краток дел од импресиите на учесниците кои беа споделени на нашиот интерен Форум.

„Пешачењето кон врвот Перен траеше околу час ипол, при што ми покажа дека се уште сум слаб кондициски и дека морам да го поправам тоа понатаму. Во еден момент кога застанав, бидејќи почуствував нагон за повраќање поради напорот, кохаи Сања ми рече ‘Ајде не зезај, ова е ништо во споредба со Патот на Шугенџа каде што пешачиме и по 12 часа’. Овие зборови ме кренаа и едноставно не сакав повеќе да застанам. Кога стигнавме, Сенсеи ни одржа едно подолго предавање, а потоа започнавме со изградба на засолништето. На крајот, сето тоа беше перфектно направено и премногу удобно. Покрај сите работи кои ги научивме, вкусивме и јајца од мравјалници, што на мое изненадување имаа некаков чуден и благ вкус“. –  Филип Трајановски

„За време на семинарот, едноставно се чувствуваше убавината на тоа што природата може да го понуди. Суровост, страв, предизвик, адреналин. Тоа е една бескрајност која никој и никогаш не ја открил до крај. Сите ние се раѓаме и заминуваме, а природата останува со сите нејзини мистерии и неоткриени нешта. Тоа што можеме да си го дозволиме, е колку-толку (по можност што повеќе) да се насладуваме од нејзината убавина, да чепнеме во тој огромен свет, да научиме како да се вклопиме во природата, како да ја почитуваме и да и се воодушевуваме. Таквите знаења, ќе ни се најдат многу во животот. Добро е што доџото постојано држи отворени врати за секој кој сака да загази или да се надгради и на ова поле, затоа што комплетноста на вистинскиот Воин е комбинација од вештините научени внатре во доџото и надвор во природата“. – Борис Аговски

Шестото издание на „Живот во Дивината“ ќе се одржи покрај некое од македонските езера.

The Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu seminar was held

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This weekend in the Hombu dojo of the organization “Taiyou e no Michi” a seminar was held on the Topic of Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu, on which the participants had the opportunity to train in the basic techniques as also the katas of the first level – Jo Ryaku no Maki.

The event brought seven members of Bujinkan Macedonia which with great pleasure hardily trained the forms of this old ninjutsu school, sparing no energy even for a moment.

Of course, the free time was used to enjoyed the beautiful yard of the Hombu, but also for swimming in the nearby river, which is very capable of returning the vigor to the muscles after a hardy training session.

For this semester, only one more seminar is planed – “Life in the Wild” which will be held this coming weekend.

The second seminar 10.000 B.C. was held

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After last year’s adventure on Cocev Kamen, this year the Warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia had the opportunity to perfect their survival skills near the waterfall Dlabocica on the mountain of Kozjak.

Located in pristine nature, between mountains and forests which with their beauty take the breath away, the waterfall was the ideal place to connect with nature, which is the point of this seminar.

After the event ended, two of the participants shared on the Forum their impressions:

“The weather was not on our side during this seminar, but that too is part of our events. If the weather is nice and pretty, then how shall we forge ourselves into Warriors?
Comfort never brought true character to the surface. During the entire trek to the location where we were to make camp it was raining. Mud and water everywhere, and we with smiles and impatient – to see the magical place. The road itself was like out of a samurai movie. The rain, clouds and fog created a sort of magical atmosphere while we were walking. Those images are forever ingrained into my memory and I will always carry them with me. There are no word to describe that beauty. After a three hour trek, we arrived in a place that was truly majestic. I stood in front of the waterfall and was dumbstruck for a moment, I wanted to remember this moment forever.
Slowly we gathered around and Sensei immediately gave us tasks because the situation demanded work and only work for the necessary conditions to be secured for survival in this place. We made a temporary camp and two fires that gave us a lot of trouble till we got them going.

The work around the fire, the preparing and building of the shelter brought us even closer together and everybody worked hard and studiously. Here I would like to praise all those that took part in this kind of seminar for the first time. The truly helped a lot and I hope that we will see each other frequently on these kinds of seminars.
The night left us undisturbed by rain. Everything went as it should have and I am sure that everybody enjoyed their sleep and their guard hours.
The next day we were greeted by beautiful sunshine. Again we took to work and food making. The food on these seminars, may look to others like torture and starvation, but for us it is a feast that nothing on this world can replace.
Before starting back, we cleaned up the place where we camped and returned in to its natural state, and afterwards we went off to carefully gather forest fruits, tea herbs and mushrooms. Here nature provided a bounty, as if forest fruit came from the sky in buckets. Cherry, raspberry, strawberry, plums and what not. We got enough vitamins to last us for a year.
After the ‘feast’ and the lecture on herbs form Sensei, we had to start back (sadly)…
The way back is harder. We had to say goodbye to a beautiful place in which we could only stay a short while, and it gave us so much. The next day was spent daydreaming and wishing to go back. We have to visit it again! Bujinkan Macedonia forever in our hearts!” – Vladimir Antonovski.

“It is hard to forget the feeling, while you sleep, on your right side a burning fire caresses you, and on the left you hear the soft rumble of the waterfall Dlabocica. It cannot be described! You simply have to go there, to fill your eyes with this beauty.
I am happy that my first seminar was of this character with a topic that everyone has to experience at least once in their lives. A great challenge, during which, I learned of ways to maintain a fire, but also how to make the tastiest yeast-free ninja bread with pepper and salt. And their taste was better than anything, because they were prepared by the hands of a group of wonderful people who had an enormous drive to teach you and with a warm hearth ready to help at a moment’s notice.
I learned also how to build a shelter with the material that nature itself gifts to you.
Taking part in this kind of seminar, again confirms my decision that I consider the best one of my life yet – becoming part of Bujinkan Macedonia.
The happiness that comes with being a part of this unforgettable adventure I felt only when I returned to Skopje, with a sunburn face and a million blisters on my hands.” – Jana Dimitrievska.

Another Chigiriki seminar in the Hombu

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The second Chigiriki seminar for this year took place in the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia.

Sunday and the yard of the dojo echoes with the cries of the Warriors of the dojo who with an incredible fire practiced the techniques of this classical Japanese weapon, which always bring joy to the participants.

The participants had the opportunity to train in and repeat down to the tiniest details all the things that will help them to better overcome the secrets of Chigiriki.

The atmosphere was as always totally positive or as the members of the dojo like to say – like a family.

The next weekend is reserved for the seminar titled 10000 B.C.

The seminar YumiYa Jutsu was held

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How to make a primitive hooting bow, how to use it, from which positions you should shoot the opponent, the history and physiology of the weapon, different combat scenarios – all this was taught by shidoshi Igor Dovezenski to his students during the Saturday seminar that took place in the Hombu Dojo – of Bujinkan Macedonia.

In the event took part around ten members of the dojo, who proved that they could quickly master the techniques which centuries ago were used by the Japanese Ninja Warriors. All that thanks to the regular training and frequent seminars, which of course help in the mastering of the basic principles which are the cornerstone of all traditional Japanese martial arts.

The Ninja Kids of Bujinkan Macedonia for the sixth time occupied the Hombu Dojo

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This past Saturday our smallest Warriors made another successful attack on the Hombu dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, during which for sixth time they conquered the hearts of their instructors.

This time the topic of the seminar was ground fighting meaning Ninpo Ne Waza, and the Ninja Kids showed solid knowledge and an even bigger wish to learn some new tools that will help them in their further development as individuals, but also as future Kobudokas.

Whit this excursion ended all the winter and spring events connected with our youngest members, so it remains to get ready for the grandest event: Kids Summer Ninja Camp.