The seventh “Kid’s Ninja Summit”

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Under the leadership of Taki Gakovski, who is also the teacher for the kid’s group “Ninja Kid’s”, this past Saturday saw the successful completion of the seventh “Kid’s Ninja Summit”. 

Besides the regular agility and flexibility exercises that we teach to our youngest, the kid’s were also taught several self-defense techniques. 

And, as always, the seminar was filled with laughter, joy and play.

Kusari Fundo seminar in Skopje 

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Yesterday, at the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia a seminar was held on the topic of Kusari Fundo (Chain with Weights).

The dynamic and battle-like atmosphere was felt only by the privileged few students that had managed to set aside a few hours of their Sunday rest, so that they could spend their time bettering themselves through the ancient Togakure ryu Ninjutsu arts. 

We can talk for hours, trying to do justice to the techniques that the teacher Igor Dovezenski taught, but, the only true way to understand and experience this one, is to take part in one of our seminars. We can only waste our breath and words trying to explain something like the feeling of training in our dojo – it has to be felt on one’s own skin.

The “Kids Ninja Summit” has been held for the sixth time 

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Under the leadership of Shidoshi Ho Taki Gakovski, this past Saturday, the sixth “Kids Ninja Summit” took place. 

As is the case with all of these seminars dedicated to children, the dojo reverberated with their laughter and joy, the children have always loved this event. 

During the closing of the seminar, several of the children asked the instructor Gakovski about scheduling the next summit, which only goes to show how popular this event really is among the children. 

“Ways of Winter Survival XIV”

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The overwhelming interest and consistent number of participants during this winter ninja training, that is primarily dedicated to the techniques of survival in harsh natural environments, are a guarantee that this event shall remain part of the yearly schedule of seminars in Bujinkan Macedonia.
The mass attendance of this event is the reason why the teacher Igor Dovezenski takes great pleasure in transferring his knowledge to his students, whо look forward to the second weekend of January – when this seminar takes place. 

This year, the seminar went back to its roots at the forest of Mlaka in the valley below the mystic mountain of Lipac. Although the terrain and environment at the location itself, allow for a greater possibility of survival in the winter conditions, the temperature in the air, consistently below zero, served as a stark reminder to the participants that there can be no underestimating nature during these coldest of months. 

During this seminar, the teacher Igor Dovezenski decided that two shelters shall be built in parallel. At the same time, in an entirely separate location, the knowledge and ability to survive in winter conditions of shidoshi ho Vladimir Antovski was tested. Afterwards, Dovezenski carefully reviewed the shelter built by his student, and concluded that the candidate has successfully mastered the basics of winter survival, for which he shall receive a special certificate.

The year 2023 in review 

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The end of the year 2023 shall be marked by the successful organization of 44 seminars, which is just one short of the record holding year of 2018, during which we managed to organize 45 seminars. With this result, it is almost a certainty that we still deserve to be epithetized as the “most dynamic ninjutsu dojo” in the world.

Let us start this review with our international seminars. During this year the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski taught at four international events. The first one was held in Macedonia, where, together with his friend from Turkey (Erjan Sharbat), he taught at the now well known BuYuKai. After this followed his appearance at BuYuKai Serbia, that was held in Novi Becej, then came the guest visit to Istanbul where the teacher Dovezenski shared his knowledge with the members of Bujinkan Turkey. The international events were rounded out with a teaching visit to Dojo Satori in Novi Sad (Serbia) where he taught Daito ryu Aikijujutsu. It is of note, that the BuYuKai seminars are always completely booked, a good example of this is BuYuKai V, which, all thought attendance was capped at 40 participants, we had to “overbook” so that we can accommodate two more people at the behest of some close and dear friends of the Dojo. 

The key event of the year was that the teacher Igor Dovezenski took his son Petar to accompany him on his regular self-improvement trip to Japan, allowing him to train in the presence of and experience the aura of the Japanese ninjutsu teachers. The two week long visit and the accomplishments that were achieved at the Hombu Dojo in Noda (Japan) are impossible to describe in this short report, so it is better that we tell those stories during some of our seminars in nature.

During the summer, we held our legendary Ninja Summer Camps, both of them, the one dedicated to children and the one dedicated to adults. We would like to mention that during the fifteenth iteration of the camp for adults, a new attendance record was set with the participation of 25 trainees, and so, to accommodate this rise in popularity, in 2024 the number of available open spots shall rise to 33.

Other events of note in 2023 were: in January the new Takamatsu manga, created by Dovezenski and Gakovski and titled “The mission to Xilinhot”, was promoted to the wider public, in February (Сечко – its traditional Macedonia name, which can be roughly translated to: the Month of Piercing Cold) the “Female self-defense Workshop” took place, there were a record breaking 23 participants during our traditional seminar “Strength of the Yari”, there are three new bearers of the “Genin” bronze medal (Kosara Dovezenska, Ksenija Dovezenska and Kristijan Mitevski), a company team building event was organized  (TTG – MK) and a new name was added to the NafudaKake at the Hombu (Marko Petrusevski).

So, to best sum up our results during 2023, we shall take a look at the numbers: 7 ninjutsu seminars at the Skopje Dojo, 21 seminars at the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, 4 international seminars, two summer camps, a two week long visit of Japan and nine Daito ryu Aikijujutsu seminars at the Hombu Dojo, Skopje Dojo and abroad. 

Last but not least, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, Daito ryu Macedonia and the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi”, who through their tireless work managed to grant us the chance to spend another year enjoying the incredible world of the traditional Japanese martial traditions. We can’t promise you that next year shall be as successful as this one, but what we can promise is that, as long as we are breathing this Macedonian air, our love for the classical martial arts that we have inherited from previous generations of warriors shall never waver. 

The topic for the first semester of 2024 shall be Takagi Yoshin ryu Jutaijutsu.

One Dojo – one family. Bujinkan Macedonia – loyalty, dedication, honor. 

My story – my life. 

Ninpo Ikkan!!!

Shinken at Bujinkan Macedonia 

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In a wonderful, celebratory and warm atmosphere, this past Friday at the Skopje Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia the December testing (Shinken) for degree advancement was held. 

All of the candidates that were tested showed superb knowledge and technique, which can be attributed to their consistency and dedication towards their training during these past six months. 

From the beginners group, led by shidoshi-ho Marko Marcedonian Opacik, the 10th kyu was awarded to: Nikica Kitanovski, Jovana Sisirkoska and Aleksandra Eftimova, while the 9th kyu together with a mon and orange belt was received by: Ana Bozinovska, Ana Tomev, Eva Markovska, Sofija Markovska and Leona Despotovska.

The title of Kohai was granted to Petar Dovezenski, who successfully passed the test for the 7th kyu, while the name of Marko Petrusevski shall find itself on the NafudaKake (Board of honor) at the Hombu Dojo. Namely, he passed the test for the 5th kyu and with that gained the honor of having his name displayed next to the names of trainees from previous generations of Ninjas of Bujinkan Macedonia.
For trainee of the year 2023 was declared Ana Bozinovska, who was awarded a Citation by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski.

After the testing was done, there was a humble event at the Dojo (BonenKai) with which the end of another successful year was celebrated.

December testing (Shinken) in the Ninja Kids group 

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This past Thursday, a degree advancement exam for the youngest warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia was held. Their dedication and their psycho-physical advancement, were rewarded with certificates that shall bear witness to their humble beginnings on the long road to achieving perfection in that legendary Japanese art – Ninjutsu. 

We would like to congratulate the children on their new degrees and we would furthermore like to wish them much more success, good health and advancement in all parts of life in the new year.

A New Year’s celebration for our Ninja Kids 

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On the 27th of December 2023, our youngest members from the “Ninja Kids” group were visited by the Japanese Ninja Santa Claus. 

It happened during the last ninja kids training, and as a reward for their dedication towards the ninjutsu arts, they got some great gifts and a wonderful program that they shall remember throughout their years of growth and maturity, 

Ninja Kids Summit V

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The December Ninja Kids Summit managed to one again gather up all of the youngest members of Bujinkan Macedonia.

This fifth iteration was dedicated to self defense techniques for kids, and to Taihenjutsu or “ways of changing the body” that teaches the youngest how to gain greater flexibility, agility, speed and coordination.

The next Ninja Kids Summit shall be held in January of 2024.

Gyokko ryu Kosshijutsu seminar 

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A seminar dedicated to the school of Gyokko ryu Kosshijutsu was held yesterday at the Skopje Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia. In the event partook members from all ages and skill levels.

The teacher Igor Dovezenski taught the katas from the second level of this art form – Churyaku no Maki, and the participants took immense joy in learning the techniques of this ancient ninja school. 

The next Ninjutsu seminar shall be on the topic of Koto ryu Koppojutsu.