Jissen Heiho® seminar held

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121120120742422.jpgInstructor Igor Dovezenski this weekend promoted the system Jissen Heiho (Real combat strategies), which attracted great interest from the members of Bujinkan Macedonia.
The two-day training was located in the Hombu Dojo of the organization Taiyou e no Michi, with participation of ten students.

Instead of a report for the event, we are going to write down some of the impressions of the participants, which were published in the formal Forum of Taiyou e no Michi.

„The spot that was missing is exactly Jissen Heiho. At least I felt that way, after what I saw and heard.
From valid reasons I was the only one who didn’t train, but believe me I enjoyed, even though I felt like crying, sitting next to the fireplace.
The kamae has a combat, aggressive stance. The trainings were hard, dynamic, good for the eye, and even 121120120743024.jpgfor the body. The students `slapped` each other nicely, they didn’t give up until the last moment, sacrificed themselves and pushed their maximum. They were happy and content, even though they had bruises everywhere. Their condition increased even more, because Jissen Heiho is like that – dynamic, fast, aggressive. Regarding the content, every strike and technique, Sensei explained it in detail. What was the reason to `insert` it, where it comes from and when it`s used. Everything has a reason. Nothing is done by accident or by memorization. That helped a lot to the students to better understand Jissen Heiho. I asked Sensei whether he planned to `insert` this to the trainings in Skopje? He answered: „NO, this is only for those who want more, who want to better themselves on this field. I am instructor for koryu, and it shall remain like that. This is only enrichment.“
I recommend Jissen Heiho, it will complete you as a fighter. In every way.“ – Marko O.

„Jissen Heiho is fun to the `bones`! Those five minutes of randori feel like an eternity and exhaust you as physically and mentally as one training in the dojo, but the feeling afterwards is FANTASTIC!
Two days with great company, a lot of `fighting` and laughter, far from the city and the problems. From the head, to the legs, I think there is no part of my body that is not aching, but the feeling is great.“ – Miron C.121120120742563.jpg

„It is good that my fingers don’t hurt, so I can type on the keyboard, after the seminar Jissen Heiho!
This is my first seminar in the Hombu Dojo and I have many impressions.
The technique that Sensei has `put together` is a lot different from what we train on the regular trainings. Even though the strikes are contained in koryu, the stances, the dynamics and the condition that is requires is something new.
We acquainted ourselves with part of the basics of Jissen Heiho and I think that it will get even more fun afterwards, but I’m not so sure about that, we haven’t even tried a real sparring yet :).
Fantastic training and weekend too with fantastic fighters.“ – Vlado A.

After the finish of the two-day training, by request of the students, it was arranged every second weekend in the month to be reserved for Jissen Heiho.

Jissen Heiho® seminar: Introduction

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05112012043318Jissen-Heiho.jpg Jissen (実戦) is combat. Heiho (兵法) means strategy.

Jissen Heiho is a combat strategy developed by
Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski with purpose to adjust the
traditional Japanese martial arts to the time we live in.

Jissen Heiho is not an art!!!

Shidoshi Dovezenski never had, nor will have any desire to create arts, nor to proclaim as their founder. He never doubted the practicality of koryu arts. Quite contrary, he believes that the traditional martial arts are the best way to protect ourselves and the others.

Why then the need of Jissen Heiho?

„Jissen Heiho is a self-defense system, in which the most practical techniques of all traditional martial arts, that I have studied and trained to this day, are incorporated. I didn’t invent anything new, nor I have the need to do such thing. According to me, koryu offers everything that is needed to one individual to defend himself effectively. I just want to gather all my experience on one place and to adjust it to the modern age. Today, in front of the judicature authorities is really hard to prove what self-defense is. The way of combat is changing, really unfair and dirty tricks are used. The combat is changing under the influence of the modern mixed martial arts (MMA). In these conditions it was about time a system to be developed which rely on koryu techniques and which will allow defense prepared in the shortest time.
I repeat, the foundation of Jissen Heiho is nothing else than the best of koryu. Jissen Heiho was born from koryu. Jissen Heiho is koryu.
Without training koryu it is not possible to train Jissen Heiho.“

During the training, safety gear is used to reduce the injuries.

The training is divided on:
– Shinobi Taiso® (conditioning the body, traditional and modern methods)
– Dakentaijutsu (positions, strikes and blocks)
– Jutaijutsu (grips, throws, strangleling, control)
– Ninpo Ne Waza® (combat on the ground)

Controlled free fight (randori) and Atemi no Tanren (conditioning the striking areas) is practiced too.

The training looks like a combination from of old „old school“ way of training in Bujinkan, but with implementation of new methods and techniques.


Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski does not „run away“ from the so called Takamatsu-den traditions, from the schools that are studied in Bujinkan, nor from the teachings of soke Masaaki Hatsumi. As always, the basics of his training is consisted of the knowledge acquired in Bujinkan. All those who trained in his dojo know that there are practiced strictly koryu arts and that rarely anyone pays that much attention to the details of the schools.

Jissen Heiho is just a way of training to practically implement the knowledge learned. As a matter of fact, as Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski likes to address those „worried“: „this is just one of the internal ways to `beat` each other honestly and to sweat our bottoms.
Jissen Heiho is strategy, it is not an art. Koryu is always our imperative!!!“

P.S. The training in the dojo in Skopje, as well as in the sections, remains the same – training the classical Japanese martial schools on the traditional way.
Jissen Heiho is going to be practiced every second weekend in the month in the Hombu Dojo and the participation to the classes will be voluntary.

Date: 10/11.11.2012

Location: Taiyou e no Michi – Hombu Dojo

Jissen Heiho® seminar: Introduction

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05112012043318Jissen-Heiho.jpg Jissen (実戦) is combat. Heiho (兵法) means strategy.

Jissen Heiho is a combat strategy developed by
Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski with purpose to adjust the
traditional Japanese martial arts to the time we live in.

Jissen Heiho is not an art!!!

Shidoshi Dovezenski never had, nor will have any desire to create arts, nor to proclaim as their founder. He never doubted the practicality of koryu arts. Quite contrary, he believes that the traditional martial arts are the best way to protect ourselves and the others.

Why then the need of Jissen Heiho?

„Jissen Heiho is a self-defense system, in which the most practical techniques of all traditional martial arts, that I have studied and trained to this day, are incorporated. I didn’t invent anything new, nor I have the need to do such thing. According to me, koryu offers everything that is needed to one individual to defend himself effectively. I just want to gather all my experience on one place and to adjust it to the modern age. Today, in front of the judicature authorities is really hard to prove what self-defense is. The way of combat is changing, really unfair and dirty tricks are used. The combat is changing under the influence of the modern mixed martial arts (MMA). In these conditions it was about time a system to be developed which rely on koryu techniques and which will allow defense prepared in the shortest time.
I repeat, the foundation of Jissen Heiho is nothing else than the best of koryu. Jissen Heiho was born from koryu. Jissen Heiho is koryu.
Without training koryu it is not possible to train Jissen Heiho.“

During the training, safety gear is used to reduce the injuries.

The training is divided on:
– Shinobi Taiso® (conditioning the body, traditional and modern methods)
– Dakentaijutsu (positions, strikes and blocks)
– Jutaijutsu (grips, throws, strangleling, control)
– Ninpo Ne Waza® (combat on the ground)

Controlled free fight (randori) and Atemi no Tanren (conditioning the striking areas) is practiced too.

The training looks like a combination from of old „old school“ way of training in Bujinkan, but with implementation of new methods and techniques.


Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski does not „run away“ from the so called Takamatsu-den traditions, from the schools that are studied in Bujinkan, nor from the teachings of soke Masaaki Hatsumi. As always, the basics of his training is consisted of the knowledge acquired in Bujinkan. All those who trained in his dojo know that there are practiced strictly koryu arts and that rarely anyone pays that much attention to the details of the schools.

Jissen Heiho is just a way of training to practically implement the knowledge learned. As a matter of fact, as Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski likes to address those „worried“: „this is just one of the internal ways to `beat` each other honestly and to sweat our bottoms.
Jissen Heiho is strategy, it is not an art. Koryu is always our imperative!!!“

P.S. The training in the dojo in Skopje, as well as in the sections, remains the same – training the classical Japanese martial schools on the traditional way.
Jissen Heiho is going to be practiced every second weekend in the month in the Hombu Dojo and the participation to the classes will be voluntary.

Date: 10/11.11.2012

Location: Taiyou e no Michi – Hombu Dojo

Women self-defence workshop held

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29102012055400zeni_1.jpg„I do not give up“ – this years` traditional Women self-defense workshop had this motto, organized by the School of classical Japanese martial arts Bujinkan Macedonia.

This year, the event took place in the Hombu Dojo of Taiyou e no Michi, and around ten girls participated, who during two two days were restlessly learning the techniques for self-defense in a situation when the attacker will tumble the victim to the ground.

During the Workshop, instructor Igor Dovezenski tried to show the situation of an attack at the closest perspective, and at the same time to point out the most important parts of the act for a successful defense. He dedicated enough time to the mental preparation too, which is needed to face the villain, 29102012055338zeni2.jpgconstantly giving the participants various scenarios for attacks that happen as an attempt of rape or street violence.

Apart from the exhausting training, the free time was used for hanging out in front of the fireplace in the dojo, as well as for taking walks to the beautiful nature in the valley of the mountain Lipac.

At the end, the girls with great sadness accepted the fact that the Workshop was over and to the following one they will have to wait a whole year.

Women self-defence workshop held

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29102012055400zeni_1.jpg„I do not give up“ – this years` traditional Women self-defense workshop had this motto, organized by the School of classical Japanese martial arts Bujinkan Macedonia.

This year, the event took place in the Hombu Dojo of Taiyou e no Michi, and around ten girls participated, who during two two days were restlessly learning the techniques for self-defense in a situation when the attacker will tumble the victim to the ground.

During the Workshop, instructor Igor Dovezenski tried to show the situation of an attack at the closest perspective, and at the same time to point out the most important parts of the act for a successful defense. He dedicated enough time to the mental preparation too, which is needed to face the villain, 29102012055338zeni2.jpgconstantly giving the participants various scenarios for attacks that happen as an attempt of rape or street violence.

Apart from the exhausting training, the free time was used for hanging out in front of the fireplace in the dojo, as well as for taking walks to the beautiful nature in the valley of the mountain Lipac.

At the end, the girls with great sadness accepted the fact that the Workshop was over and to the following one they will have to wait a whole year.

Women self-defense workshop

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2709201205512148957.jpgEvery two years, and from now on, every year, the School for classical Japanese martial arts Bujinkan Macedonia organizes its far famous:

Women self-defense workshop.

The theme of this years` seminar is named:

I will not give up!!!

In this self-defense workshop dedicated to the gentler gender you will get an answer to the next question:

What if he tumbles me to the ground?

The workshop is organized specially for our female students, but everyone else is welcome too, regardless of their level of knowledge.

Required equipment: trousers and a t-shirt (without zippers and buttons). It is practiced on mats (barefoot).


27/28 October, 2012

Location: Taiyou e no Michi – Hombu Dojo

Additional information: 077 976 906 or by e-mail: daito_macedonia@yahoo.com

Interview with the instructor Igor Dovezenski for „Dnevnik“ on this subject:


Women self-defense workshop

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2709201205512148957.jpgEvery two years, and from now on, every year, the School for classical Japanese martial arts Bujinkan Macedonia organizes its far famous:

Women self-defense workshop.

The theme of this years` seminar is named:

I will not give up!!!

In this self-defense workshop dedicated to the gentler gender you will get an answer to the next question:

What if he tumbles me to the ground?

The workshop is organized specially for our female students, but everyone else is welcome too, regardless of their level of knowledge.

Required equipment: trousers and a t-shirt (without zippers and buttons). It is practiced on mats (barefoot).


27/28 October, 2012

Location: Taiyou e no Michi – Hombu Dojo

Additional information: 077 976 906 or by e-mail: daito_macedonia@yahoo.com

Interview with the instructor Igor Dovezenski for „Dnevnik“ on this subject:


„The Path of Shugenja ® VI“ seminar held

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240920120317207895.jpgFive of the veterans and one beginner of Bujinkan Macedonia, this year participated on the spiritual journey called The Path of Shugenja.

According to the measurement based on an old army map, during the previous day we walked approximately 45 kilometres. For that we needed ten and a half hours.
As every year, we chose unknown terrain, and during its conquering we relied on our sense of orientation, the sun and the army map.

The journey began around 08:00 hours with the climbing of Lipac from his north-western side. The first barrier emerged while we were going over the top Kula, because of the high steepness which was almost as a vertical line.
Afterwards we continued south and after an hour of walking we reached Pezovo.
From there, we changed the direction to east and moving towards the eastern part of K`shanje, we entered the area of Tatomir. Before entering the village, we „cut“ to north and moving between Shopsko Rudare and Konjuh we encountered a beautiful canyon (which we used as a path which carried us to the starting point). After two hours breaching the impassable rocks we arrived to Kriva Reka, and afterwards everything was easier.

As every year, during the Path 240920120317429485.jpgwe had an opportunity to enjoy the remarkable landscapes which are breathtaking. We saw places that weren’t touched by a human being for years, we encountered species of plants and animals unknown to us, canyons and streams, springs and old fountains.

In Bujinkan Macedonia we often use the term „saloon ninjas“ as a joke. That term refers to the constant training in the dojo, without using the arts outdoors, on unfamiliar terrain, without facing the danger of the unknown.

At the end, congratulations to the veterans who walked the Path of Shugenja for 2012 without problems, but also to the beginner who had the courage to apply for this seminar. Although he had crisis and difficulties at some times, he finished the seminar successfully.

„The Path of Shugenja ® VI“ seminar held

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240920120317207895.jpgFive of the veterans and one beginner of Bujinkan Macedonia, this year participated on the spiritual journey called The Path of Shugenja.

According to the measurement based on an old army map, during the previous day we walked approximately 45 kilometres. For that we needed ten and a half hours.
As every year, we chose unknown terrain, and during its conquering we relied on our sense of orientation, the sun and the army map.

The journey began around 08:00 hours with the climbing of Lipac from his north-western side. The first barrier emerged while we were going over the top Kula, because of the high steepness which was almost as a vertical line.
Afterwards we continued south and after an hour of walking we reached Pezovo.
From there, we changed the direction to east and moving towards the eastern part of K`shanje, we entered the area of Tatomir. Before entering the village, we „cut“ to north and moving between Shopsko Rudare and Konjuh we encountered a beautiful canyon (which we used as a path which carried us to the starting point). After two hours breaching the impassable rocks we arrived to Kriva Reka, and afterwards everything was easier.

As every year, during the Path 240920120317429485.jpgwe had an opportunity to enjoy the remarkable landscapes which are breathtaking. We saw places that weren’t touched by a human being for years, we encountered species of plants and animals unknown to us, canyons and streams, springs and old fountains.

In Bujinkan Macedonia we often use the term „saloon ninjas“ as a joke. That term refers to the constant training in the dojo, without using the arts outdoors, on unfamiliar terrain, without facing the danger of the unknown.

At the end, congratulations to the veterans who walked the Path of Shugenja for 2012 without problems, but also to the beginner who had the courage to apply for this seminar. Although he had crisis and difficulties at some times, he finished the seminar successfully.

The Path of Shugenja ® VI

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The warriors of the traditional Japanese martial arts dojo, Bujinkan Macedonia, for the sixth time are going on the spiritual journey called „The Path of Shugenja“.

This time, we will pass the mountain Mangovica, but the route will be a lot longer than the previous years` routes. The route`s width is 23 kilometers.

Shugendo is an ancient Japanese method which explores the relations between the human being and nature. Shugendo means „The Way of training and testing“, in other words it is an ascetic discipline whose goal is to achieve self-improvement through withdrawal on mountains, meditation under waterfalls and cold rivers, breathing exercises on hard to reach terrains, all to achieve incredible deeds through testing one`s physical and mental stamina. Those who practice this method are known as Shugenja, and the teaching is still practiced in Japan to this day.

As the founder of this teaching is considered En no Gyoja, who lived near Kyoto in the 7th century A.D. The other name this followers were known under was Yamabushi or Mountain Warriors. They walked the mountains on the Japanese islands visiting and protecting numerous temples. Some scholars believe that exactly these people, who joined the Chinese refugee generals after the fall of the  Tang dynasty, are considered to be the founders of the art Ninjutsu.

Theme: The Path of Shugenja / Spiritual journey

Date: 23rd September, 2012 (Sunday)

Location: Lipac – Mangovica – Lipac

07.00 hours – departure from Skopje
08.00 hours – arrival and start of the march
Return – only God knows!

Equipment: Take everything you want. Everything is on your responsibility and conscience.

P.S. We may encounter wild animals, rain, storm and other unpredicted things. Everyone comes at his own risk.

* Before you apply, check the information on our web-site from the previous years.