„The Last battle“ took place

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29072013063048pre1.jpgWe survived the final battle with Nature and with that we put an end to one beautiful befriending and getting to know each other. We’ve put an end to one extreme testing for which the next generations of our dojo will talk about.

Seven years in a row, the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia put to test their endurance and persistence through unseen feat, known as „Survival in nature“. But, as all good things come to an end, we finished this journey.

Fortunately successful again!

This weekend, for the last time, eleven members of the dojo took part in the „last battle“ with the nature and with themselves. Eight of them managed to „survive“ and to win the battle with their minds and bodies. Three of the participants despite their great desire, failed to withstand the golgotha under the hot sun. Their bodies gave away and they had to quit sooner.

The seminar started in 08.00 o`clock on Saturday, when the group went for the place called S`mkneno. It’s a natural landslide located between two almost bare hills, where there’s no shadow or protection from the hot sun. The whole terrain abounds with sand, pebbles and rocks, and the environment itself is tempting only for several species of insects and wild animals.

Since the arrival, the training and setting the camp was immediately started that went on simultaneously until 23.00 o`clock, with purpose not to let the negative thoughts prevail, and at the same time the body and spirit to be held under great pressure.
The first day of the seminar, two participants quit. The hard training and the high temperature, which was 37 degrees Celsius, and the dehydration due to the small amounts of water allowed for drinking took its tool. They had pressure in the chest followed by stong heartbeat, uncontrolled sweating and heart rhythm disorder.

The night went well, with guarding and29072013063057prez2.jpg three hours of sleep, which is the only rest where complete sitting or lying is allowed.

On Sunday at 05.00 o`clock before sunrise, the warriors already awake headed to the nearby hill where kenjutsu training started. Around 05.30 o`clock, the participants greeted the sunrise, and then continued with the training. At 09.00 o`clock, they started with meditation in the bed of the dried waterfall, and then with strong march the group headed to the place „Stari Lozja“, where the usual activities continued.

The second day the temperature was lower for one degree (36 Celsius), but the fatigue was visibly greater, so another member had to quit because of a sunstroke that started to cause problems with the orientation, and afterwards caused great headache followed but vomiting.

At 16.00 o`clock, the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia announced the end of the seminar, and soon after the participants returned to the starting point where they got water and fruit to regain their strength.

So, this great event for Bujinkan Macedonia ended, which we organized for seven years in a row and we will remember it with great pleasure and pride.

To all participants who „survived“, we congratulate them that became part of the history of the dojo, and to the others that quit, we also congratulate for the shown courage to take part in the event.

Ninpo Ikkan!!!

Survival in nature® VII (The Last Battle)

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04072013134947183316_411856425543813_607We’ve reached the end. We came to the last seminar (seventh in a row) „Survival in nature“ that is held by the organization Taiyou e no Michi and Bujinkan Macedonia.

Last year shidoshi Igor Dovezenski announced in front of the participants of the event that he no longer has intention to organize a seminar on which the same students appear, and are already proven. He mentioned that in the last couple of years he sees no reason to organize an event where the younger students doesn’t see a challenge or have the courage to participate. This way, according to instructor Dovezenski, the seminar is going to be preserved in the memories as something unachievable for the most „common people“.

What is this all about? Seven years ago, Dovezenski created the seminar titled „Survival in nature“ where the members of Bujinkan Macedonia could test their will power and endurance to their limits. As the years passed, every year the standards and the challenges were greater, but at the same time fewer students applied for participation. In the last two-three years, only a small group of members remained consequent and fearlessly entered this adventure (and mostly) successfully overcame it.

Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski always said that Budo can be practiced everywhere and by everyone. The safety that is given by the atmosphere in the dojo doesn`t allow everyone to be called a warrior. And most importantly, Dovezenski always said that ninjutsu can be practiced only with a close contact with nature and through testing the endurance (physical and mental) to the limits.

Well, this is the last chance for it:

For the brave, for the valiant.

Two hellish days, far from civilization, without food and only liter and a half water, without additional clothing and hygienic means. Two days of training, meditation and raw survival.

Location: S`mkneno (26 km from the nearest town and hospital / desert alike conditions)

Date: 27 and 28 July, 2013
Last date for announcing participation is 18 July, so the weather conditions cannot be calculated.

Departure: 07:00 o’clock (Saturday)

Return: only God knows

Read carefully and thoroughly!!!

Macedonia is known for its hellish summer temperatures caused by the so called „African waves“. It is hottest in the last days of July, when the temperature reaches over 45 degrees Celsius, and the UV index is on its maximum.

Before the seminar, each participant should take care of any medical examinations required and get a written or oral permission from their physician about their physical and mental health and readiness to undertake a two day extreme strain (under the hot summer sun), without food and water, along with hard training sessions and only three hours of sleep.

Every participant comes voluntarily on this seminar and bears04072013120711Prezivuvanje9876pp9p.jpg the possible consequences on his health or life!

The event is open to everyone and all of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia (foreigners too) above the age of 18 can attend.

Allowed equipment: sleeping bag, tent wing, military
uniform (pants and shirt), one t-shirt, a cap, one pair of underpants (wide), one pair of socks, rope, a knife and a bottle of a liter and a half (empty).

Important: it is forbidden to carry food, water or anything else not mentioned above. Before we depart, there is a mandatory check-up.

Most important: this seminar is only meant for tough guys and girls. The training conditions will be exceptionally hard with an iron discipline. Those that do not feel psycho-physically ready to `enter the hell` and are not ready to kill their own ego –  we would ask them not to come to this seminar. Consider that the air temperature might rise above 45 degrees Celsius. It is forbidden to sit on your behind during the seminar (both days), or lying down on all four extremities. Only three hours of sleep, constant training for the remaining time.

It is forbidden to make excuses, whine or anything similar during the seminar.

Clarification: Quantity of water allowed for drinking during the two days: 1.5 liters.
We’ve heard several times so far that „since liter and a half of water is allowed, it is not that scary“.
We should make this clearer to You, that quantity of water, under the hot sun, is lost in the first couple of hours in training. The liquids from Your body evaporate through sweating, breathing and talking. You will constantly have activities during the two days that will make you sweat, while you mustn’t sit and for a moment rest. There are no shadows, no additional quantities of water. Think well!!!

We’ll see each other soon in the „hole“.

Yumi Ya seminar held

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02072013060640yumiya435.jpgThe bad weather conditions followed by rain and thunders obstructed the Sunday seminar Sui Ren, so it was replaced with an intensive training for Iaijutsu (fast drawing and simultaneous cutting with a samurai sword).

The Saturday seminar for bow and arrow (Yumi Ya) was somewhat successful, although the rain that fell during the weekend changed the schedule constantly.
So, the students managed to pass the training for crafting a bow and arrow, however, the studying of the techniques for shooting one were prevented from the lightnings and the rain.

It has come to an agreement this two arts to be taught during the Summer Ninja Camps in August, so these kind of blockages not to happen in the future.

Two-day outdoor seminar on subject: Yumi Ya / Sui Ren

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Shinobi warriors who studied the school Togakure ryu Ninjutsu were required to have trained 18 martial disciplines called Ninja Juhakkei (忍者十八系). One of those disciplines is Sui Ren (水練), training in water.

On 29/30 June, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, is going to have two seminars which traditionally are organized by the School of martial arts Taiyou e no Michi.

The first day (Saturday) will be dedicated to the techniques for crafting and shooting with ninja bow and arrow (yumi ya jutsu), as for the second day (Sunday) the techniques for combat in water will be practiced (sui ren).

On this seminar only the members of the organization can participate, regardless of their rank and title.

In the past, shidoshi Dovezenski taught these two arts every summer, but two years ago he decided these events to be organized every second year. Those that will miss them now will have to wait whole two years.

The seminar in Saturday will begin at 10.30, and in Sunday at 10.00 o’clock. For all participants free sleepover in the Hombu Dojo of Taiyou e no Michi is provided. 

„Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac IV“ seminar held

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On the slopes of the legendary mountain Lipac, 0306201305305623r23.jpgthis weekend the seminar that we organize every year in honor of our teacher for Daito ryu Aikibudo, shihan Antonino Cherta, was held.

On this event 12 members of the School for martial arts Taiyou e no Michi participated, who restlessly practiced the techniques of the Japanese traditional martial school Ono ha Itto ryu (Takeda den) during the two days.

On Saturday, six hours, and on Sunday in total of five hours were trained. If you add the climbing on the mountain during the two days, then you can freely say that we maintain our combat readiness and condition successfully.

Unlike the previous years, when we slept under the open sky, this year we were situated in the quarters of the beautiful monastery „St. George“.
Apart from the hard training and the enjoyment in the beautiful and untouched nature of Lipac, inevitable were the beans in kettle which are always prepared for the Saturday’s dinner.

After the seminar finished, the host of 03062013053116rtert.jpgthe monastery offered every year to open the quarters to us for sleepover, and that offer we gladly accepted with a goal to attract the younger members who are not yet accustomed to sleep under the open sky to attend this event.

In the end, all of the participants immediately announced their attendance the next year, which only speaks for the quality training and the beauty of this simple martial school which allures with its simplicity and efficiency.    

Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac IV

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16052013173255vdf%20%282%29.jpgAs the title says, this year for the fourth time we are organizing the seminar dedicated to our Daito ryu Aikibudo teacher – shihan Antonino Cherta.

We, of the School of martial arts Taiyou e no Michi, are completely dedicated to the learning of several traditional Japanese bujutsu schools, amongst them Ono ha Itto ryu (Takeda den).
This powerful swordsman school was mandatory for all members of the famous samurai clan Takeda.
The legendary warrior Sokaku Takeda, known as one of the last Japanese samurai, earned menkyo kaiden (licence for gained knowledge) specifically for this kenjutsu ryu ha.
Our members are waiting for this event impationately for the whole year. During the two-day training in nature, on the top of the mistical mountain Lipac, the students of all degrees will get to know each other.
During the day, three trainings will be held, and the night will be reserved for hanging out near the fireplace, accompanied by tasty beans and several beers.

Date: 01/02 June, 2013 (departure from Skopje in 07.00)
Location: under the stars of the mountain Lipac.

Equipment: tent (who has one), sleeping bag, keiko gi, kyahani or high socks (protection of ticks), bokuto (you can bring a spare one), food and water.

For additional information contact us on our phone number.

The seminar is open for all, regardless of the style or the art.

If you need equipment, feel free to call us.

The event is going to be held regardless of the weather conditions. 

Introduction with Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu

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leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski,05052013091514erik.jpg has visited
Netherlands for several days, where for the first time he had an
opportunity to train the oldest documented traditional Japanese martial
art – Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu.

During the visit,
Dovezenski has been accepted as a student by sensei Erik Louw, who is a
personal student and a representative of shihan Risuke Otake. Apart from
sensei Erik, the leader of the organization Taiyou e no Michi trained
with his oldest students, where he got acquainted with the basics of
this ancient martial arts school.

Until recently, Katori Shinto
ryu was almost completely closed for the public, this report will not
contain details for the trainings, but all interested can contact
instructor Dovezenski personally or by mail if they have any questions.

Information from Wikipedia about the school:

„The strenght of Yari - The Beginnings“ seminar held

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31032013163616yaride.jpgThe seminar dedicated to the means of spear combat, „The strenght of Yari“, refreshed the memories from the previous years and moreover it fortified the knowledge of the ancient Japanese art Sojutsu.

The first location predicted for the seminar was replaced with the Hombu Dojo, because of the continuous rain throughout the day.

Instead of a report, we will transfer part of the experience of shidoshi ho Marko Opachikj – a student who participated in all of the seminars of spear combat held under the leadership of shidoshi Igor Dovezenski:

„So far four seminars for Yari have been organized, and the first and the last were dedicated to the basics. I was writing down notes (in a form of a densho) after every seminar, but I was missing the last piece of the puzzle which I`ve put together today.
Four years were required to understand the ways of spear combat. But the knowledge wouldn`t be complete without the kuden transferred by the teacher. As always, on the short breaks, Sensei gone into detail and explained the techniques, respectively the warfare with a spear in the „old times“. He especially pointed out that for us to be good with a spear, we should have perfect motor functions, which will enable a great taisabaki.
In koryu the things are earned with hard training. There is no „cutting corners“. Time is needed to learn, to understand and to perfect a weapon. Very few people are ready to accept that, but the most persistent ones will rise to the surface and survive. The others will wander around and try to get to a diploma overnight, and the wind will take them with it.“

The strenght of Yari - The Beginnings

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The time has come for having this years traditional seminar for yari combat (So Jutsu). As you already know, during this event, the participants of Bujinkan Macedonia study the secrets of combat with a spear (yari).

Every year, instructor Igor Dovezenski teaches new aspects of the art, revealing new techniques, means and strategies for use for this weapon.

15032013080339yari%20kjh.jpgThis year, we are going to go back to the beginnings, or the basics, and that is a great opportunity for those who haven’t got to know the spear yet.

„The school Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu uses the following weapons: Yari (spear), Ono (war axe), O Tsuchi (big hammer), Tachi (sword) and Naginata. The legends says that one night a demon (Tengu) came to a dream of the founder of the art and taught him how to fight with Yari. These techniques even today are still considered as the greatest secret of the school.“

On this seminar all students of the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can participate.

Required equipment for training: bokuto and yari

Theme: The strength of Yari – The Beginnings

Date: 31.03.2013 (Sunday)

Location: Slepo Kolo


08.00 hours – departure from Skopje
09.00 hours – arrival
10.00 – 16.00 hours – theory and practice
17.00 hours – return

Igor Dovezenski - responsible for the development of Daito ryu Aikibudo in South-Eastern Europe (Balkans)

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By decree of my Daito ryu Aikibudo teacher,
Shihan Antonino Certa, I (Igor Dovezenski, Shidoin) am authorized to
represent the European Daito Kai organization in the region of
southeastern Europe (ie. the Balkan countries).

I call for
everyone interested who would like to take the 01032013042627sga.jpgresponsibility of
spreading the Daito ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono ha Itto ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda
den) arts in their country, to contact me via my email: daito_macedonia@yahoo.com.

Prioritized are the leaders of clubs that are my personal friends and
have friendly relations with Bujinkan Macedonia. People who are
considered diploma hunters and would prefer overnight success without
hard training, I would ask not to contact me.

The European
Daito Kai has been founded by Antonino Certa at the request of his
teacher Kato Shigemitsu Soshi with the goal of spreading the Daito ryu
Aikijujutsu through the European countries in the same manner they were
taught ages back in the Aizu clan.

Sensei Certa is the only
non-Japanese in the world to earn the title of Shihan, directly from the
Daitokan dojo in the city of Abashiri. He was first accepted as a
student to the last Soke Tokimune Takeda and after his death, he started
training with Kato Shigemitsu Sensei.

This is a great
opportunity to become a part of the history of one of the oldest
Japanese martial arts, also known as the mother of Aikido. Be the one
that will be responsible for organizing the Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu school
in your country and a representative of the European Daito Kai.

Igor Dovezenski
shidoin, Daito ryu Aikibudo
shidoshi, Bujinkan Budo