The third in the row "Shinobi Taiso" seminar in the Skopje dojo has been held

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Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski held the third in a row “Shinobi Taiso” seminar in the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia. Besides the members of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”, in the event also took part professors from the Natural-Mathematical Faculty from Skopje, as well as students of medicine from the University “Saint Kiril and Metodiy”. 
The twenty participants in the event had the opportunity  to learn in detail the techniques for managing the pain in the lower part of the back, but the rest of the body was not left out, including  the shoulders, elbows, as well as the joints of the arms. 
Right after the event, sempai Todor Angelovski published his impressions of the event on the internet Forum of Bujinkan Macedonia. 
“This was the third seminar on the topic of ‘Shinobi Taiso’ that was held in Skopje. I have been part of all of them and I remember the techniques quite well. Before the first event of this type was held, Sensei held a lecture in the barracks at NMF, somewhere in December of 2011. That was after his injury, and he talked about  recovery and the reasons for the creation of this system. 
The first seminar was held in January, 2012, in the gym of the school ‘Brother’s Miladinovci’ and it was introduction to the system through the presentation of different exercises. The second events was in November, 2015, and the topic was ‘Junan Taiso’ meaning techniques of stretching the body. And then Sensei presented us with a lot of new exercises, he also of stretching the body. And then Sensei presented us with a lot of new exercises, he also taught us about muscle balance, as well as the great importance of stretching the body. 
The day before yesterday, the number of excurses was smaller, but they were taught with attention to detail and to the highest professional level. Problems with ‘hiperlordosis’ and ‘hipolordosis’ were worked through in detail, as well as ways of prevention and healing of the same. But I have to point out that although the topic is always the same, each seminar brings different information and techniques. Each and every one of us can gain some minimal level of knowledge that he can use to help himself. Not to mention how useful this is for the members who have chosen to specialize this system and visit the intense seminar for Shinobi Taiso in the Homby Dojo. I am glad for those who took interest and are improving  themselves in this  field. As Sensei often says, he who is regular and attends for long enough in the dojo, will learn a lot and will accumulate a great store of knowledge. 

Another seminar has been held on the topic of: "Jissen Heiho - The Next Step"

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In the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, this Sunday another Jissen Heiho seminar was held , in which participated fifteen members of “Taiyou e no Michi”.
The event was actually a continuation of the December Jissen Heiho , and so it was logical that the subheading should read “The Next Step”.
Contrary to the previous event, when the instructor Dovezenski taught more about the poses of the body, as well as the basic punches and blocs with the arms and legs, this time combinations of already known techniques were practiced. 
For four entire hours, the members of the dojo mercilessly and relentlessly threw themselves at the training, and in the end everybody went home happy, knowing that their tehniaues have been elevated a level. 
The next seminar in the Skopje dojo will be on the topic of: Shinobi Taiso. 

Winter Ninja Training was held – Means of Survival in Nature VII

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Yesterday the seventh in a row Winter Ninja Training was held during which the members of Bujinkan Macedonia had the opportunity to again study the ways of survival in nature during the coldest months of the year. 
The first six events were given to polishing the skills for managing in a forest in the winter months, while from this year the instructor Igor Dovezenski started the new cycle of lectures about the skills of winter survival in hilly terrain meaning regions. 
Because of the specificity of the seminar, because we think that they can only be felt through direct participation, but that’s why we will transmit the impressions of kohai Taki Gakovski which he published on our internet Forum.
“One more great adventure in the annals of the martial artists from Bijinkan Macedonia.
The weather served us perfectly, all though we didn’t wish for it. It was warm for the majority of the day, and the cold joined us only near the end of the seminar. But that was probably because of the good location for camping and training, chosen by  Sensei.
It was marvelous to see the golden hills of Orlak, Elenac and Lipac, which this time  were covered in snow. I finally escaped the fogs of Skopje. I was in a perfect place -with perfect people. 
After a long walk through the white hills, we arrived at the place where we were stationed. We immediately began with our work. Everybody had a task. I personally enjoyed in the weaving of the wooden walls of the sanctuary. My hands were ‘like grated’ and full of thorns, but that did not cause my mood to sour. After we finished the cottage, it looked amazing. The feeling when you entered can not be described with words.
When we were going back to the Hombu, we saw a rabbit running up the hills. Fast and unstoppable. The sky was clear and only one star lay upon it. Together with Shidoshi Ho Marko we came to the conclusion that that star in most likely the star of the Hombu Dojo. The one that shines the brightest and keeps it safe in cold winter nights.
To many people their favorite places are outside the borders of our country. Those are places that they can go to only once a year. And my favorite place is the Hombu Dojo, where we can go anytime we wish to. ‘Normal people’ spent yesterday in their warm homes, with coffee in front of their monitors. They can live through an adventure only through their screens. I love the seminars in nature and that’s why they are so important and significant because adventures are lived personally and only in reality!
Great thanks to Sensei for EVERYTHING.
One more story has been written in the histories of Bujinkan Macedonia”.

Report for the year 2016

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Unbelievable – but true. This year we repeated last year’s success and held 29 seminars again. We almost broke that record, because all that was missing was one more participant on the event “Ninpo Ne Waza”, and because of that we had to call off the seminar that was going to be the “30th in 2016”.
Allow us to present but a small part of what we managed to do during the last year.

And this time we begin with international seminars organized in Macedonia by the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”.
In April, we again had our teacher for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, the shihan Antonino Certa who held his annual seminar in our dojo, during which he taught new techniques from this ancient samurai tradition.
And in May, in the Homby Dojo arrived Sensei Erik Louw, accompanied by a student of his. During the days that he was here he tried to transfer as much as he could from his rich experience of Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu.

As for the seminar during which the lecturer was the instructor Dovezenski, the list look like this: seven held seminars for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, of which four in Homby and three in the Skopje dojo. Eight ninjutsu seminars in the Homby Dojo beneath Lipac and two in the Skopje dojo. Seven in nature, among which, this time we will mention the legendary “Way of the Shugenja”, who on the request of the members of the dojo was brought back from the dead. During which, a astounding feat was accomplished which will be talked about for many years, because shidoshi Dovezenski and kohai Gakovski managed to travel an amazing 100 kilometers in one day, with no rest or pause.
This year, for the first time since the creation of the Organization, the instructor Dovezenski lessened his travels and improvements in other countries, and so took part in only one international seminar in another country specifically in Milano (Italy) where the lecturer was the shihan for Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu – Nobutoshi Otake.
Besides these events, others also deserve a mention: our youngest members ( Ninja Kids ) trained two times in the Hombu Dojo; we held a seminar for the organization CEED Macedonia, for which Bujinkan Macedonia received a thanking diploma for the support provided and the special part it had in the development of the business program for kids and young people in the country; during the December testing we got two new Sempai ( Vladimir Antonovski and Mihail Drakalski ). 
The summer period was of course reserved for our widely known “Summer Koryu Camp”, during which the instructor Dovezenski, among other schools also taught the oldest Japanese one: Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu.

We also must say, that in 2016, Bujinkan Macedonia got a new nidan ( II dan ) meaning shidoshi ho Marko Opacik past the test for this masters degree.

Concerning the public appearances, this year we were guests on the show “Urban Tag” on TV21, as also a story with an interview in the newspaper “Vecer”.
In the end, as always we send a great thank you to all the members of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”, especially our students from Bujinkan Macedonia, who with their tireless work allowed us to again enjoy our amazing journey through the world of the traditional Japanese martial traditions ( Koryu Bujutsu ). We are not sure if next year we can keep the epithet “most dynamic European dojo”, but we promise that as long as our feet thread this Macedonian ground, our love towards the classical martial Japanese skills will keep growing. 
Taiyou e no Michi. One dojo – one family, Bujinkan Macedonia. Our life story. 
Ninpo Ikkan!!!

The seminar Jissen Heiho has been held

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Fifteen members of Bujinkan Macedonia took part in yesterdays “Jissen Heiho” seminar. Most of the them never before come in contact with this system of combat developed by shidoshi Igor Dovezenski , but their impressions after the seminar were on the highest possible level.
Because of the low external temperatures and the dynamic and furious training inside the dojo, the entire room was filled with moisture, and in certain moments the vapors from the bodies of the trainees lowered the visibility causing a curtain of tiny drops.    
During the event were practiced and trained the techniques of dakentaijutsu, jutaijutsu, ninpo ne vaza and shinobi taiso. Despite the powerful rhythm, at no time did the training lower its dynamic meaning all participants exsibited excellent will to improve their body and mind.
More information for Jissen Heiho —?here
Also, this was the 28th seminar this year and in “Taiyou e no Michi”, and the last one will be held next week.

The Nage Waza seminar has been held

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Yesterday in the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, a seminar was held dedicated to the techniques of throwing the opponent ( Nage Waza).

During the event, shidoshi Dovezenski explained in minute detail all of the fazes that preclude the throw itself, beginning from the hold with the opponent ( Kumi Uchi ), and then to the throwing off balance ( Kuzushi ), and all to the moment when the opponent under the influence of several inter-playing forces starts to “lift off” from the ground. 
At the end of the seminar, the instructor Dovezenski taught the technique O Soto Guruma which provoked a strong reaction in the attendants, especially because this was their first encounter with this truly powerful throw. 
The next seminar will be on the subject of: Ne Waza ( Techniques of ground fighting ). 

A seminar has been held on the topic of: Shurikenjutsu

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Yesterday in the yard of the Homby Dojo of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“ a seminar was held on which the instructor Igor Dovezenski schooled his students on the ninjutsu skill of throwing metal blades, otherwise known under the name shuriken. 

On the seminar in attendance were nine members of Bujinkan Macedonia, but the majority of them were from the beginners group which is led by shidoshi-ho  Marko Opacik. After the seminar ended, he on the Forum of the dojo posted this text:
“This was my fiftieth seminar in nature and i can say that I enjoyed it amongst my students, but that for the first time i am satisfied by their efforts since i took over the beginner group in January, 2013. 
On the event there was six of them, and i expect them to volunteer in January for the ‘winter survival’. On those fifty seminars and almost ten years of my membership in the dojo, in attendance were a lot of kid. Some left, few stayed and in some way each chose his own way. Some left with ’embedded’ warrior characteristics and traits, while some forgot what the dojo made out of them and for them. 
When i gather all the thought that pass in a few seconds through my mind, i understand how privileged and unique we are that are members of this dojo. 


Do you know how many kids grew up running through the leafs in the yard ? How many of them had their hearts warmed by the fireplace in the dojo ? Do you know that on those tatamis are laid all the pure souls of our youngest members and that for them there is no greater satisfaction that the chance to grow amongst true Warriors ?

My children, i need to tell you something. Today you got a ride with Sensei in his own vehicle, afterwards you trained a school which only a few clubs in the world know, you threw real shurikens  that you have only seen in movies. Are you aware how different you are from your peers ? Or that you are the future of our dojo ? That you have chosen the best path ? 

You trained exposed to the cold fall wind. All that knowledge gained in this way remains forever ‘stuck’ to You. Training inside the dojo and outside of it is not the same and i am glad that you felt that for a little bit. This today was a crucible for your character, endurance, patience, perseverance and fortitude.

I want to express my gratitude for Sensei for again ( as always ) maximally truing to convey all that he can in those few hours, and also for the new details about the techniques. On every seminar there is something new, something different, that has not been previously said and noted by us and in that lays all that beauty of the art”.

Certificate for Bujinkan Macedonia from CEED EDU

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In the crowded gala hall of the hotel „Aleksandar Palace“ in Skopje, in front of more than five hundred guests, our dojo „Bujinkan Macedonia“ received a certificate for the shown support and its contribution to the development of the entrepreneurial program for the children and the young in the country.
This kind of acknowledgement by CEED EDU comes after the special one day seminar held in the Hombu Dojo of „Taiyou e no Michi“, where instructor Igor Dovezenski taught the participants about the ways to acquire patience, discipline, to define goals, for the success and failures, as well as the benefits of teamwork. 
On behalf of Bujinkan Macedonia, the award on stage was received by kohai Sanja Simonova, who again met with the children and young who participated the Hombu seminar and for their successful work also received certificates from CEED EDU.


„Bujinkan Macedonia“ on the cover of „Vecher“

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One of the oldest daily papers in our country – „Vecher“, in its weekly issue published a text dedicated to our dojo Bujinkan Macedonia, as well as to our Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“.

In the introduction, the journalist Elizabeta Arsoska is interviewing our outstanding member Sanja Simonova, and here we publish a small part of it:

– It is especially important to never allow ourselves to be the victims of our own carelessness and indifference and to be always ready to protect ourselves from unforeseen situations that could endanger our physical and psychological integrity. As women, we can do so much for ourselves and our surroundings, but unfortunately sometimes we are focused on superficial things. I’m very happy that our club traditionally, eight times in a row organizes the Workshop for Self-defense for Women, that was also held the last weekend. On this event firstly we learn how not to get ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, followed by what are the things that increase the risk of an attack, and lastly how to defend ourselves in case we are attacked. It is really important for as, as women, to have that feeling that regardless of the danger we might get into, we will not give up or surrender, and we will try to defend our life or the lives of our loved ones no matter the cost. This way you gain a priceless skill who cannot be learned in any other way, but through work and sweat, and it will benefit us greatly in our everyday lives, not only when we are subjected to danger, says Sanja.

„Workshop for Self-defense for Women® VIII“ held

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The eight Workshop for Self-defense for Women met the participants’ expectations, and that could easily be seen from their reactions after the event was officially finished.
The news in the media in our country lately frequented with stories of attacks on mothers with their children, and that attracted several members of the gentler sex who were accompanied by their children on this traditional seminar. All this made the atmosphere more pleasant, especially that the ladies were better motivated to learn the self-defense techniques.
During the first day, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, taught techniques used to defend from various body grips (on the hair, collar, neck…), followed by situations when the victims is tackled to the ground.
The next day the „attacks“ got a new dimension, meaning the combat scenarios that the participants practiced contained situations where the victim is pinned to the wall from the front or from behind, and ways to escape from this position. All this was followed by many details and advice that Dovezenski constantly emphasized, hoping that it would remain engraved in the participants memory for a really long time.
The participants left the seminar with an experience richer and with wonderful memories from this eight in a row traditional Workshop for Self-defense for Women, hoping that the next year’s event would be even more visited.