Workshop for Self-defense for Women® VIII

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– Calm, but awake. 
– Relaxed, but ready.
– Supple, but sharp. 
– Humble, but confident.

These will be the directions of the eight consecutive Workshop for Self-defense for Women, which is traditionally held every year in October in organization by Bujinkan Macedonia.  

The Organization dedicated to the study of classical Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, in the year 2008 for the first time in Macedonia organized this kind of event and since then the Workshop became a synonym and a place where girls and women could learn techniques for self-defense in unwanted situations.

Although the event started being organized primarily for our members, as time went by an increasing number of members of the fairer sex took part, regardless of age or level of knowledge.
Required equipment: sweatpants and shirt (without of zippers and buttons). The training is held on mats (barefoot). For all participants there is free accommodation in the dojo. 
Date: 15/16 October, 2016 
Location: „Taiyou e no Michi“ – Hombu Dojo (62 km. from Skopje)
Additional information: 075 564 011 or by e-mail:
Please don’t be shy with your inquiries.

Second course from „Shinobi Taiso“ Intensive courses held

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Under the leadership of the head of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“ – Igor Dovezenski, the past weekend the second course from the Intensive course series for „Shinobi Taiso“ was held. The three students of Bujinkan Macedonia who chose to study this system, this time got to know the exercises and the ways to strengthen the body, also known as Junan Undo.
After the end of the seminar, one of the participants shared her impressions on our internal Forum.
„We finished the second level of Shinobi Taiso. We went through much theory in the past two days, that Sensei explained systematically and in detail all things that interest us as martial arts practitioners, and as future lecturers on the subject.
I understand now that everything we do in the dojo during our regular training sessions makes sense from start to finish, and that Sensei maintains our weekly, monthly, and even yearly fitness balance using this system. We discussed the triangle „training-nutrition-rest“ numerous times, and how to design a training session in order to achieve the wanted results. We also learned how to balance our nutrition so we could see the results, and how much and how to rest, because the muscles are made during training, thanks to the choice of food and the rest time! 
For practice, we went through one isometric training to increase endurance, and afterwards a training session with a hydraulic machine, where we focused our attention to what result you can get by working specific muscles of the body, and how to program the sets and repetitions. In addition, we had a training session where we used our own weight only, and that way of training has a big advantage because you can have it anytime and anywhere.
We finished the seminar with an outdoor training where we practiced with props that offer a great increase for endurance and strength. Here we focused on the correct movement form for the exercises.
At the end I must again say that Hombu dojo is the right place to refresh the body and the spirit. Inside as a museum, outside as a fairy tale. And you couldn’t even imagine the smoothie we drank. You could feel every vitamin and mineral from those natural and organic fruits.“

The Fall Ninja Kids Seminar held

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The Ninja Kids successfully completed the fall „invasion“ of the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, taking with them wonderful memories which will forever be kept in their hearts.  
This past Sunday, the youngest members of our dojo had another chance to be part of the beautiful nature that surrounds the Hombu and to spend the day playing, training and socializing.  
The training was held under the watchful eye of sempai Todor Angelovski and kohai Taki Gakovski, and the topic was: The basic principles of the martial art of Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu and Daito ryu Aikijujutsu.

During the second part of the day, the chief instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia , Igor Dovezenski, held a Junan Taiso training, in which he tried to explain to the kids the importance and usefulness of a correct daily training, and specifically the benefits from the exercises for stretching the body for their correct development.
The Ninja Kids during the day enjoyed and sweetened themselves with the fresh fruits which grow in the area, but also with the lunch prepared from the freshly picked products from the wonderful garden of the dojo.  
Because the seminars for the Ninja Kids are held twice during the year, in spring and in fall, we are informing our youngest members that the next event of this type will be held in May, 2017.  

Special One-Day Seminar for CEED EDU

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The Hombu Dojo of the Organization dedicated to the study of traditional Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, on Saturday held a special one-day seminar, where the instructor Igor Dovezenski taught the participants about the ways to acquire patience, discipline, to define one’s goals, about the success and failure, as well as the benefits of teamwork.
The event was organized by request of the coordinators from CEED Macedonia, that estimated that Dovezenski was just the person to teach the youngsters that are in their program how to gain new techniques that are going to help them to further develop their entrepreneurial skills.
In fact, CEED Education (CEED EDU) is a program that brings closer the entrepreneurial spirit to the young through transmitting, experiencing and practicing successful stories from the business world, while feeding their spiritual and creativity needs. The program was built upon the knowledge and experiences from the education experts, as well as the experiences of various entrepreneurs and managers.
Although far from the business world, Igor Dovezenski with the help of his students managed to transmit to the young participants part of the philosophy and psychology that was being used by the Japanese samurai and ninja warriors, and those exact skills are necessary for all young people who want to make progress in their carriers of the chosen profession. 
Apart from the lecture on the mentioned techniques and the history and tradition of the Japanese knights, Dovezenski spent a lot of time explaining the hierarchy that ruled in an organized society, such as the Japanese society. Afterwards, together with his students, he demonstrated techniques from the arts that are being practiced in „Taiyou e no Michi“, at the beginning from the ninja schools of the Bujinkan Dojo, and soon after from Daito ryu Aikijujutsu and Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu.
The day was filled with a great energy and a wonderful atmosphere, and thanks to the amazing harmony between the hosts and the guests, the collaboration was agreed to be continued in the future.

„The Path of Shugenja VIII (Revival)“ was held

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The eight edition of the legendary seminar known as „The Path of Shugenja”, created another feat that will forever be remembered and retold by the future generations of warriors from Bujinkan Macedonia. In 20 hours of nonstop marching through varied terrain, two of the participants in the event managed to walk a road 100 kilometers long.
The starting point began in front of TC Biser in the municipality of Aerodrom, while the end goal was to arrive at the Homby Dojo of the Organization  „Taiyou e no Michi“ in the valley under the mountain of Lipac. 
For the seminar there were declared 10 members of Bujinkan Macedonia, who under the leadership of the instructor Igor Dovezenski exactly at 07.00 began their journey.
The first 35 kilometers went by almost routinely, thanks to the great stamina that the members of the dojo poses, of course reached through the strong psycho – physical training during the year.
During the climb on the hills above the village of Vince, in a few participants the first signs of a crisis started to appear, caused mostly by a lack of drinking water.
To clarify, what is being discussed is an area that is quite dry and devoid of water, and the main obstacle to the Homby Dojo is the Gradistanska Mountain which is nine kilometers wide, and 30 kilometers long. Those that are familiar with the terrain in the Kumanovo area, know that although it’s a question of low mountains, climbing them is quite hard because of the terrace like hills that the mountains are made of. Or simply said, behind ever hill walked, a new one looms, with regularly deep and impassible ravine, and all of it filled with a dense, low and thorny impassible vegetation, which often causes walking on all fours.
Exactly during the climb of the penultimate hill in the area of the village Kolicko, with 43 kilometers conquered, in one of the participants cramps appeared, after which the movement of the group was severely impaired. In that moment, the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski, had to make a seemingly strange decision meaning to change the direction to the west or rather to go back in a wide arc to the nearest village where there was transport to the nearest city.
After a short briefing about the nature of the decision, the group descended to the village of Pcinja, from where onwards three participants continued: Igor Dovezenski, Sanja Simonova and Taki Gakovski. With a strong march, in a couple of hours they reached Kumanovo, where Simonova had to cancel any further travel because of wracking pains in the muscles and a fever caused by the huge strain.
At 03.00 hours in the morning, exhausted, but with a bright spirit, after 20 hours of constant walking, at the end line before the door of the Homby Dojo arrived Igor Dovezenski and his close student Taki Gakovski. At the same time they toppled the previous record of 80 kilometers passed, set during “The Path of Shugenja III” in the year 2009.
In the end, we want to congratulate all those who participated in the seminar, regardless if the finished it or not, for the bravery to sign up meaning to be a part of such an unusual event, which is nearly unfathomable for the majority of the population of world.

The Path of Shugenja VIII (Revival)

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By request of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, after a three year break, the leader of the dojo Igor Dovezenski decided the revive the legendary feat „The Path of Shugenja“.

Shugendo is an ancient Japanese method of exploring the relations between man and nature. Literally translated, Shugendo means “Way of training and testing”, in other words it is an ascetic discipline which has a goal to achieve self-improvement through retreat in the mountains, meditating under cold rivers and waterfalls, breathing exercises in unreachable remote terrains, and all in between to reaching unbelievable feats through testing of one’s physical and mental endurance. Those practicing this method are known by the name Shugenja, and the teaching is practiced in Japan to this day.
The founder of this teaching is considered to be En no Gyoja who lived near Kyoto in the 7th century A.D. Another name, by which the followers of this teaching were known, is Yamabushi or Mountain Warriors. They roamed the mountain tops of the Japanese islands, visiting and protecting the many temples.
These people, together with the deserting Chinese generals after the fall of the Tang dynasty, are considered to be the founders of the art of Ninjutsu.
The event is to be carried out on 24th September, and the route is already set:
Skopje – Hombu Dojo „Taiyou e no Michi“
Length: 62 km (according to the length of the highway)
Departure: Saturday at 07:00 o’clock
Return: only God knows 🙂
Important: every participants needs to undertake proper medical examinations before the beginning of the event.
Equipment: Take whatever you like. Everything is on your responsibility and conscience.
P.S. The possibility of encountering wild animals, rain and bad weather conditions, as well as other unforeseeable things isn’t excluded. Before applying, check the information on our website from the previous years.

The start of the second semester and enrolments in Bujinkan Macedonia

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The Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“ for the 21st year in a row opens the dojo’s doors to the new candidates that has the desire to enroll in the world of the Japanese ninja and samurai.

Even though the Dojo for classical Japanese samurai and ninja arts „Bujinkan Macedonia“ accepts applications during the whole year, the month September is the best moment to open a new page of Your life’s story.

We inform all interested that the first class for the beginners is going to be held at 1st September, starting at 20:30 o’clock, while  the advanced group continues its work one day later (at 20:00 o’clock).

For all those who are not yet acquainted with our work, the dojo is founded on 2nd July 1995, and for now is the only in our country acknowledged by the chief of Bujinkan, soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

Bujinkan Macedonia is considered to be one of the most dynamic clubs in Europe with many active members and with the most organized activities throughout the year.

Within the dojo there are many sections for adults (from 13 to 113 years old), and for children as well (from 5 to 12 years old).

Additional information about us you can read on the following link

About the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia

About the schedule and the location

Please let us know if you have additional questions by our mail or phone number 075 564 011.

Summer Koryu Camp VIII has been held

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According to the words said by the participants of the
Summer Koryu Camp, one has the sensation 
that each consecutive event, from year to year, becomes ever more
interesting and better organized. That is an incentive to continue to hold and
raise the quality bar on this splendid event. 

This year thirteen participants again felt on their own skin
the dynamic training regiment characteristic for Bujinkan Macedonia  and for the Organization  “Taiyou e no Michi”, and two of
them came all the way from Romania, with the goal to feel even for a short time
the furious rhythm that we impose during the Summer Camp.

The topic of this year’s event, was the
samurai martial school Takagi Yoshin ryu Jutaijutsu, and also the oldest
documented Japanese martial art Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujustsu. We
can freely say that the participants of this camp completely surrendered themselves
and enjoyed in discovering the secrets of the two ryu-ha, but also in the
personal body transformation caused by the powerful Shinobi Taiso training
regiment, organized by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski.

The barely existent free time was used to
bathe in the nearby river, as well as exploratory expeditions on the golden
hills of Orljak. The friendships and mutual connections of the members of the
dojo are always an extra incentive to participate in the Summer Camp, because
nothing contributes to strengthened connection between the participants as joint
nine days of training in the valley bellow the mountain of Lipac.

Next year we promise an even better organization and even better
quality of training. The topic Is already known, and for those who want to know
more, they can visit our web page at

Summer Koryu Camp VIII

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The most excellent, biggest, and dynamic of all yearly events in the
Organization “
Taiyou e no Michi” is nearly
here. In only four days starts the eight issue of our well known “Summer Koryu

The topic to be studied and practiced during this year’s camp will
be the traditional Japanese martial art Takagi Yoshin ryu Jutaijutsu, as well
as the oldest documented samurai school Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu
Bojutsu. As always, the instructor Igor Dovezenski will try to transfer to his
student’s part of his 28 years of experience in the field of Koryu Bujutsu.

For those who do not know, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski is the man who
in the year 1995 opened the first and to this day only dojo in Macedonia for
classical Japanese martial arts and whit that literally ‘brought’ them to our
country. Thanks to him thousands of our fellow citizens have been introduced
with the martial arts that once were practiced and used by the legendary
Japanese samurai and ninja warriors.

The camp will be held in the period between the 4th and
12th of august, in the Homby Dojo of the organization “
Taiyou e no Michi”, which is nested in the valley under the
mountain of Lipac.

Usually august is the only month when the members of Bujinkan
Macedonia take a rest from the exhausting training regime, but a part of them
always give priority to ferocious training with an even greater zeal in this
summer period.

Besides the great intensity by which our summer camp is known, the
great friendships and relaxation must also be mentioned, and so we are calling
all, regardless of their style or skill of martial art, to take part and become
familiar with our work from up close.

Only a few more days remain to register.

More information here:

The seminar “Life in the Wilderness III” held

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After having previously mastered the
techniques of organized living in a community on low mountains and near rivers,
this year we dedicated ourselves to studying the skills to surviving as a larger
group of people in a forest.  And this
past weekend proved that some of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia are
unstoppably taking in all the knowledge that has been piling up through the
years in the instructor Igor Dovezenski, and who is always unselfishly trying
to pass on a part of his experience on to his students.

The seminar was held in the forest Mlaka,
in the valley under the mountain of Lipac and in two different locations. About
the feeling of being a part of this event, we will share part of the
impressions of some of the participants.

“We arrived at Homby Dojo at 08.00 hours,
and Sensei was already ready waiting for us. Before we started for the forest
he said that from all the excitement he couldn’t fall asleep and he could
barely wait for us. Afterwards I learned that a day earlier he had ‘caught’ a
stomach bug, but I didn’t notice any signs of weakens from him during the
entirety of the seminar.
When we found the location we were looking for, Sensei first held a lecture and
told us the most important thing we should know if we find ourselves in a
situation to organize living in a forest for a longer amount of time.  Our questions were answered in great detail.
After Sensei assigned different tasks, we went to work.  We arranged the sleeping pads, we readied the
fire, and we cleaned the field where we were supposed to camp for the next two
days. Afterwards we started to prepare the ‘lunch’. We dug a big hole next to
the fire and we filled it with 
potatoes which we subsequently covered in embers
from all sides. Immediately after satisfying our hunger we started to prepare
the next meal. As Sensei always teaches us, surviving quickly becomes a fight
for calories. When it got dark, we started to prepare for sleep. The watch was
set, and from all sides started ‘coming’ the sounds of the forest. The sun rose
and Vlatce started rousing us. After we were done with the mourning hygiene ,
we dispersed the camp and moved to another location. Sensei and Taki went to
find some ‘proteins’, and the rest of us started to tidy up our equipment and
the location. We cleaned the ‘proteins’ from guts, we cooked them and got them
‘inside’. Then Sense showed us how we can with primitive tools make bows and
arrows for a hunt. 

The second day ended with ‘breaded’ snails which were very tasty” – Todor

“I’ll start from the end. While returning
home I got to thinking how few have the opportunity in a time of peace and
prosperity to taste how it feels to organize life in the wild and to survive in
some seriously hard conditions. When you don’t have access to 99.9% of the
resources you have at your disposal while in the city. To understand this
feeling, meaning to feel it on your own skin, it is necessary to go out in the
field and to experience directly how hard it is to survive outside of a
populated area.
This kind of seminars I will always support and I will try to take part in as
many as possible, because in this way not only are many useful techniques
learned, you also learn to appreciate life in its entirety. And not only your
own, but those of the people around you, and the life of all the plant and
animal life around you. Only in moments like this we can understand that we are
not the center of the Universe” – Vladimir Antovski