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„Bujinkan Macedonia“ on the cover of „Vecher“
In the introduction, the journalist Elizabeta Arsoska is interviewing our outstanding member Sanja Simonova, and here we publish a small part of it:
– It is especially important to never allow ourselves to be the victims of our own carelessness and indifference and to be always ready to protect ourselves from unforeseen situations that could endanger our physical and psychological integrity. As women, we can do so much for ourselves and our surroundings, but unfortunately sometimes we are focused on superficial things. I’m very happy that our club traditionally, eight times in a row organizes the Workshop for Self-defense for Women, that was also held the last weekend. On this event firstly we learn how not to get ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, followed by what are the things that increase the risk of an attack, and lastly how to defend ourselves in case we are attacked. It is really important for as, as women, to have that feeling that regardless of the danger we might get into, we will not give up or surrender, and we will try to defend our life or the lives of our loved ones no matter the cost. This way you gain a priceless skill who cannot be learned in any other way, but through work and sweat, and it will benefit us greatly in our everyday lives, not only when we are subjected to danger, says Sanja.
„Workshop for Self-defense for Women® VIII“ held
Workshop for Self-defense for Women® VIII
These will be the directions of the eight consecutive Workshop for Self-defense for Women, which is traditionally held every year in October in organization by Bujinkan Macedonia.
The Organization dedicated to the study of classical Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, in the year 2008 for the first time in Macedonia organized this kind of event and since then the Workshop became a synonym and a place where girls and women could learn techniques for self-defense in unwanted situations.
Second course from „Shinobi Taiso“ Intensive courses held
The Fall Ninja Kids Seminar held
Special One-Day Seminar for CEED EDU
„The Path of Shugenja VIII (Revival)“ was held
The Path of Shugenja VIII (Revival)
By request of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, after a three year break, the leader of the dojo Igor Dovezenski decided the revive the legendary feat „The Path of Shugenja“.