Yet another team building event at the Hombu 

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Just a week after the team building event with “Kreativa”, this past Saturday there was another one, this time with the graphical design company “Kontura”.

With a bit of an altered program, in accordance with their wishes, we held a short shuriken throwing lesson, coupled with a bow and arrow shooting course, and then the participants enjoyed some shinobi taiso downtime topped off with a few meditation exercises.

At the end of the day, completely satisfied by the extraordinary day, the employees and managers from “Kontura” already scheduled our next get-together. 

Team building at the Hombu Dojo

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Our longstanding relationship with “Kreativa”, where our instructors hold regular Japanese yoga classes, has further grown. This past Saturday we organized a “team building” exercise for them, during which we had a wonderful day, filled with friendship, activities and adventures. 

Unlike others, Bujinkan Macedonia organizes another kind of “team building”, where our clients can pick between different kinds of activities. 

The wonderful girls from “Kreativa” decided to visit the neolithic observatory and settlement “Cocev Kamen” and the “Konjuska Tvrdina”. Both localities can be found in the vicinity of our Hombu Dojo. And to top it all off, we had a communal vegan lunch (noodles with vegetables) cooked by the teacher Igor Dovezenski. 

All interested firms, that would like to organize a unique “team building” experience for their staff, can write to us using our inbox or they can call us at +389 75 564 011.

Hojutsu in the Hombu courtyard

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A seminar dedicated to the art of handling a rifle was held in the courtyard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization for the study of classical Japanese martial arts – Taiyou e no Michi.  

During the event, the students from Bujinkan Macedonia had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the techniques and shooting stances form the school of Geki ryu Hojutsu. To that end, instead of a japanese matchlock rifle, the participants used air-rifles, all the while taking care to stick to the principles and forms of the Tanegashima. 

It is interesting to note,  that during the golden days of the Japanese ryu-ha, in the Land of the Rising Sun there were around 400 Hojutsu schools. 

At the seminar’s end, it was agreed upon that if there is any further interest in repeating this event, it should become part of the standard yearly event calendar of Bujinkan Macedonia. 

“The strength of the Yari” - held for the thirteenth time

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Thirteen years in row the hills and valleys under Lipac reverberate with the thunderous voices of the Warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia that always make sure to use the last weekend of March to gather at the Hombu Dojo intent on perfecting their spear fighting (SoJutsu) techniques. 

This year, the seminar was held at the edge of the forest of Mlaka, in a clearing surrounded by many centennial weeping willows, and it was attended by 20 members of our Dojo.

Under the tutelage of the teacher Dovezenski and with the heartfelt help from his assistant Marko Opacik, the participants had the opportunity to enjoy the glorious SoJutsu techniques from the school of Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu. 

We expect that next year the number of participants shall grow and we will  finally be able break the previous record of number of participants at this legendary seminar called: “The strength of the Yari”.

A shuriken seminar in courtyard of the Hombu 

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A one-day seminar on the topic of Shuriken Jutsu was held this Saturday in the courtyard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”.

This year’s event attracted a lot of interest from the beginners group of Bujinkan Macedonia, which made the atmosphere that much grander. 

All of the participants showed solid results, but some of them showed great improvements, and so the teacher Igor Dovezenski awarded his student Vladimir Antovski a copy of the Densho (instruction manual) containing the techniques for throwing Shuriken.

In the evening there was a video presentation of the school of Asajama Ichiden ryu Taijutsu, afterwards there was a “ninja movie night” during which the participants enjoyed a classical shinobi movie from the eighties: “Pray for Death”

Gyokko ryu / Koto ryu - Kamae, Tsuki, Uke, Keri seminar 

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The rain that fell all day yesterday made for an amazing atmosphere during yesterday’s seminar, the seminar was held at the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia. 

The participants had the opportunity to study the basic stances, the strikes and blocks from the schools of Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu and Koto ryu Koppojutsu. 

Starting next weekend, the Hombu dojo season opens for the “Taiyou e no Michi” organization, and in two weeks time the first of many seminars for 2022 is about to take place, all of them to be held at this temple of Japanese classical martial arts.

The tenth “Kids Ninja Marathon” was held 

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The tenth and last “Kids Ninja Marathon”, was held at the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia. The seminars program focused on self defense techniques and ways of silent movement. 

And with the conclusion of this seminar, the cycle of seminars titled: “Kids Winter Marathons” , is officially closed, but there is already another event in the works for the next winter, it will be titled “Kids Ninja Summit”, at which, beside the ninjutsu techniques, there will be many new games and also a lottery.

Bujinkan Macedonia as guests at “Stew” on Channel 5 

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The second season of the culinary show “Stew” is already being prepared at the Channel 5 studio, and in the first episode you shall be seeing sempai Sanja and shidoshi-ho Vladimir, who will be representing Bujinkan Macedonia.

The taping and post production should be finalized in about a month, at which time you will be able to watch our guest appearance at this show. You shall see us perform several self defense techniques, and you will learn a few interesting things about our ninja diet.

Although we try to avoid guest appearances in television shows and programs, we simply could not deny the charming Kiril Trajkovski Maksim, because there was a time, albeit a short one, when the actor and show host trained at our Dojo, and we have a maxim that we go by: “Once a friend of the Dojo – always a friend of the Dojo.”

The eleventh “Women's self defense workshop” has been held

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Over thirty female participants enjoyed yesterday’s wonderful atmosphere that simply permeated the air during the traditional “Women’s self defense workshop” that is held and organized each year by Bujinkan Macedonia. 

This event was organized for the first time in the Republic of Macedonia in the year 2008 and since then it has become a synonym for quality training for the members of the fairer sex. 

During the Workshop, many different self-defense techniques for dealing with ruffians were taught and all according to different possible and real scenarios that could potentially happen. 

It is important to note, that during the seminar the teacher Igor Dovesenski insists on equal training of the physical and mental faculties and techniques as to better prepare the women for all possible unfortunate circumstances, and so he and his assistants play the role of brigands, all with the goal of allowing the female participants to face the real fear and intensity that come with a real attack. 

If you are interested in training or participating in special self-defense seminars in our dojo, you can call any of our official numbers or write to us at our official email. 



Shinobi Taiso seminar for instructors

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A Shinobi Taiso seminar geared for instructors was held this past Sunday in the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia.

Those that attended the seminar had the opportunity to learn some new Junan Taiso and Junan Undo techniques, and some new ways to manipulate the body and balance out all types of muscle imbalances. 

Furthermore, the teacher Igor Dovezenski taught ways in which the body could be stretched using the so-called Shinobi Wheel, a prop used as a support during some of the exercises.