Seminar „Ninpo Ne Waza® - Ju Yoku Go O Seisu“ held

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Beginners, advanced members, and professional fighters too – they all helped each other and collaborated during today’s Ninpo Ne Waza seminar. The atmosphere was incredible, while the demanding training increased the precipitation in the room that much, that water was dripping slowly from the windows.

Instructor Dovezenski this time went deeply into the details, so all the participants had the opportunity to fully comprehend the techniques for combat on the ground. Attacks and defenses were taught from the most different positions, such as uma nori, kesa gatame, kocho tai, as well as grips during rolls, jumps, using the hands, the legs, even the head.
Ninpo Ne Waza always attracts great attention, so we agreed in the near future to organize another seminar that will teach the techniques for combat on the ground.

One day seminar for Ninpo Ne Waza® - Ju Yoku Go O Seisu

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Always determined to dedicate enough attention to all aspects of defense, the Dojo for classical Japanese martial arts „Bujinkan Macedonia“ organizes a one day seminar for Ninpo Ne Waza (techniques for wrestling on the ground). Although today this way of fighting is popular because of its usage in the mixed martial sports and the success in the tournaments such as UFC, in the past the same techniques were used by the Japanese warriors as a mean of survival in the turbulent times and the everyday battles.

In Ninpo Ne Waza, in general, techniques are being used that are forbidden in the sport tournaments, and they are extremely efficient in situations when the life is in danger.

Instructor Igor Dovezenski is organizing a seminar for Ninpo Ne Waza, meant exclusively for the members of the Organization„Taiyou e no Michi“, regardless of their degree or the arts they train.

Date: 6th December (Saturday) 2014

Location: Skopje (in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia)

Time: 11:00 – 15:00

– Ninpo Ne Waza – Ju Yoku Go O Seisu (the softness controls the strength)

Additional information for Ninpo Ne Waza —> here

Women Self-defense Workshop® VI held

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Although by number the smallest so far, by atmosphere, quality, and content, the sixth in a row „Women Self-defense Workshop“ didn’t fall behind from the previous ones.

The first day of the Workshop was dedicated to techniques for self-defense from an attacker that tries to commit violence and to insert fear, as well as techniques for defense when the victim is taken down to the ground. On the second day, the participants focused more on techniques for getting free from grips on the ground, as well as controlling the opponent that is trying to commit a sexual assault. 
As always, the atmosphere during the Workshop was perfect, and the training was filled with lots of laughter and positive energy. During the breaks, apart from socializing, the participants climbed the near hill known as „Papine Chuke“, where they enjoyed the clean air and the untouched nature that surrounds the Hombu Dojo of the Organization dedicated to the study of Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“.

Women Self-defense Workshop® VI

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The successful story that begun in 2008, known as „Women Self-defense Workshop“, for the sixth time is going to educate those who belong to the gentler sex on how to protect themselves in case of an attack or a physical abuse. 
That year, the Organization dedicated to the study of Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, for the first time in Macedonia organized an event of this kind and since then the Workshop became a synonym and a place where girls and women can learn techniques for self-defense from unwanted situations. 
On 25th/26th October, the sixth Workshop will take place, titled: „With control – to victory“.
Although this event first opened only for our female members, during the years others that belong in the gentler sex started participating, regardless of their years or their level of knowledge.

Required equipment: sweatpants and a t-shirt (without zippers and buttons). We train on mats (barefoot). For all participants a freestay in the dojo is arranged.

Date: 25th/26th October, 2014
Location: Taiyou e no Michi – Hombu Dojo (62 km. from Skopje)
Additional information: 077 976 906 or by e-mail:
We kindly ask you not to feel pressured about asking any questions.

„Nihon no Kankaku“ seminar held

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During the seminar titled „Nihon no Kankaku“, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski tried to transfer some of the kata that he learned from his teacher during his recent trip for imrpovement in Japan. Besides that, he tasked himself with a tranferrance of his experiences acquired during his trip in The Land of The Rising Sun.
The first day of the seminar passed with training of the techniques from the rich heritage of Takamatsu Toshitsugu, that today are a part of the organization „Bujinkan Dojo“. The participants enjoyed the training with sword (katana), staff (bo), dagger (kunai) and weighted chain (kusari fundo).
The night was reserved for a lecture of Japanese culture and tradition, backed with many photos and clips that the instructor of „Taiyou e no Michi“ took in the land of the samurai.
The second day was dedicated to Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, as well as to kata from other classical martial arts that Dovezenski practiced with well-known and renowed Japanese teachers.
Immediately after the seminar some of the participants tried to transfer some of their feelings:
– I can say that this one might have been one of the most complex seminar that I’ve been to in the Hombu Dojo and that required physical and mental stamina. It was filled with many techniques, with and without weapons, and as a bonus we got to experience a new koryu school that sensei trained in Japan. Her kata were as if you dance with your opponent, as a calm water that brings you to the waterfall from which there is no escape.
The Saturday night we had the opportunity to get to know Japan through photos, videos, and kuden.
Definitely an amazing country that has to be visited. (Vladimir A.)
– This is my second seminar in Hombu, and I must say I had a great time. From the kata we trained there was something for everyone. Rough, gentle, or elegant… a for everything else we have the kunai :))) I really love this weapon and it was great that I could refresh my technique with it. I really liked the evening presentation, even though I was tired. Sensei was so into it, that he transferred all of us in Japan for a brief moment. All in all, a great weekend seminar, 10 out of 10, would do it again 😀 (Blagica S.)
– It is completely different to have a training in the dojo in Skopje and in the Hombu Dojo. For these two days we had 12 hours of training + 4 hours interactive presentation of Senseis’ trip to Japan. There were many kata, techniques, weapons, falls and rolls, that you simply get a feeling that you wouldn’t do anything else except training. And there is no other clothing except keiko gi, there is no other place under the Sun for you except the beautiful nature over there, and you don’t need other company except your friends from the dojo.  Trully!
To train with that many sempai is wonderful, I thank all of them for everything they share with us, the younger. There you have as much time as you want to try again and again, to ask some of the elder. Sensei is always with us for a conversation, for training, for joking and laughter 🙂 For those two days you fall and get up over a 1000 times, you get a quality beating (I returned with inflammation of my shoulders and back), but the feeling is amazing, you feel purified physically, mentally, and spiritually, you develop a new apetite for discovering and understanding of the arts, your love and the need for coexistence grows, you strenghten you body and your spirit, you have a great gratitude towards life for that you simply breath, move, live…
I really liked the kunai and the kusari fundo (I tried them for the first time). You can notice your weaknessess where you haven’t paid much attention before. Kamae! Kuzushi! Kiai! The new school opened a different window for us, the tales of Japan were magical, fascinating, but for that there is more to be told!!!
All in all, the concept for the two days was excellent, for me personally the time flew by quickly and I didn’t want to return to Skopje. One of the richest seminars in content with the greatest company! 🙂 (Sanja S.)
– A great seminar, excellent techniques, good times. Each training – three hours, filled with a lot of material. We had the opportunity of seeing some other Koryu schools. I got to know a lot of new weapons. My head knows best from the strike with the bo :))) But it was worth it, it really was. Thank You Sensei for the great techniques and a great weekend (Taki G.)

„Nihon no Kankaku“ seminar

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After his return from Japan, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski is organizing a seminar on subject „Nihon no Kankaku“ (Feeling from Japan). On this seminar, we plan on training techniques that the instructor learned and honed during his stay with the teachers at the Land of the Rising Sun.

Despite the techniques from the schools of Bujinkan and Daito ryu, instructor Dovezenski is going to teach kata from other kobudo ryu-ha that he had practiced during his stay in Japan.

In the evening, photos and videos that the instructor took in the various dojos, museums and temples will be presented, as well as from his visit of the graves of Iizasa Choisai Ienao (the founder of Katori Shinto ryu) and Ono Jiroemon Tadaaki (the founder of Ono ha Itto ryu).

On this seminar everyone is invited, regardless of their title or style they practice.

Date: 11th/12th October (2014)

Location: Taiyou e no Michi – Hombu Dojo

Required equipment: keiko gi and hakama (for yudansha), bokuto (katana and wakizashi), bo, hanbo, kusari fundo (from a rope) and kunai (wooden). In case someone lacks something, he could use the equipment of the dojo.


– first training 10.30-13.30
– second training 17.30-20.30
– video presentation and lecture from 21.00

– first training 09.30-12.30
– second training 15.30-17.30

Applying and information by e-mail, phone or on the Forum.

Instructor Igor Dovezenski on improvement in Japan

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In the period from 11th to 28th of September, instructor Igor
Dovezenski stayed in Japan, with purpose to grow his knowledge,
learning directly from his Japanese teachers, as well as their best

During the stay, shidoshi Dovezenski trained 8 hours
everyday, traveling in different cities and visiting various dojos.

The largest part of his time the instructor spent in the
Shimbukan dojo, of the legendary teacher Risuke Otake.
addition, sensei Otake is the only master for traditional martial
arts in Japan that is declared by the state as „living national
treasure“. His dojo Shimbukan is the place where the oldest
documented Japanese martial art is taught – Tehshin Shoden Katori
Shinto ryu Bujutsu. Sensei Risuke Otake personally taught Dovezenski
the kenjutsu kata from the level Omote. Additionally, the oldest
members of Shimbukan transferred a great deal of their knowledge,
through correcting his mistakes on his already learned
Igor Dovezenski is the first Macedonian that trained
in the Shimbukan dojo and that has been taught directly by the
teacher Risuke Otake.

During his improvement in the land of
the rising sun, the leader of Taiyou e no Michi trained in the Hombu
Dojo of Masaaki Hatsumi, the last living ninja master and successor
of nine traditional Japanese martial schools. At the same time, he
had private sessions with several Japanese shihans, where he had the
opportunity to learn in more detail some aspects and principles of
the schools that are taught in the organization Bujinkan.

During one of the training sessions in the Hombu, soke Masaaki
Hatsumi personally awarded a hachidan (8th dan) to instructor Igor
Dovezenski, and expressed gratitude for the work of spreading the
arts of his organization that the Macedonian instructor had done.
Also, soke Hatsumi was interested in Macedonia, as well for the
current situation that surrounds it. Igor Dovezenski is the first
Macedonian from the Republic of Macedonia that had trained in the
Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan, and for now, he remains the only
representative of the organization for our country, acknowledged
personally by the chief Masaaki Hatsumi.

Along the visit of
the many museums and dojos, with purpose to dive deeper into the core
of the Japanese traditional martial arts, the training for Daito ryu
Aikijujutsu is worth to be mentioned, that instructor Dovezenski had
with sensei Yoneda in the city Kawasaki. This teacher is a personal
friend of sensei Antonino Cherta, with whom many years ago studied
that art from the last successor Takimune Takeda. The experience
gathered on those training sessions is invaluable for the further
improvement of Dovezenskis’ skill.

To describe the feelings
and to transmit the experience acquired during the stay and the
training in Japan, would take thousands of pages, so we will finish
this report with forwarding a gratitude by instructor Dovezenski to
his teachers, students and friends for the continuous support for his
work in the field of the martial arts.

Accepting new members in Bujinkan Macedonia and the start of the second semester

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Although the Dojo for classical Japanese samurai and ninja arts „Bujinkan Macedonia“, enrolls new members throughout the whole year, the month September is the best moment to open a new page in Your life history.

We inform all interested that the first class for the beginners is on 2nd September, starting at 20:30 o’clock, while the advanced group continues with its work one day earlier (at 20:00 o’clock).

For all those unacquainted with our work, the dojo is established on 2nd July, 1995, and for now, it is the only dojo in our country acknowledged by the chief of Bujinkan, soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

Bujinkan Macedonia counts as one of the most dynamic clubs in Europe with many and active memberships and with the most organized activities throughout the year.

Within the dojo several sections for adults (from 12 to 113 years), as well as for kids (from 5 to 12 years) exist.

Additional information about us you can get on the following link

About the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia

About the timetable and the locations 

If you have any questions, please contact us by or on 077 976 906.

The sixth in a row Summer Ninja Camp ended

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The biggest yearly traditional event, known as the „Summer Ninja Camp“, where the members of Bujinkan Macedonia for whole nine days train continuously and study traditional Japanese martial arts – ended.

One day after the departure of the students and subsiding of the emotions, we can freely say that this camp was one of the most intensive and most successful so far.
The participants of the camp, had the opportunity to enjoy training jujutsu techniques for getting free from various grabs of the body, as well as mastering the combat with katana and wakizashi. 
Regarding the training for strengthening the body, this year the exercises were really demanding, so the students’ stamina increased even more.
The free time, that we barely had, was used for swimming and training in the nearby river, as well as visiting different cultural and historical monuments near the Hombu Dojo of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“.
The late evening hours were planned for the night ninja actions, something that our dojo is well known for.
As always, the food was organic and healthy, arranged in such way to ensure enough calorie and nutrient intake needed for the hard training, and for that always local and fresh products gathered directly from the garden surrounding our dojo were used.
The last night, even though is always reserved for having fun around the campfire, as every year was slightly sad because of the farewell of the members until the start of September, when the first class is planned in the dojo in Skopje.

Summer Ninja Camp VI

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The countdown begun. In five days starts the sixth in a row Summer Ninja Camp organized by the dojo for classical Japanese martial arts – Bujinkan Macedonia.

As every year, the camp is being held for the period from 4th to 12th August, in the hombu dojo of the organization Taiyou e no Michi, and is located in the valley under the mountain Lipac. 

While some of our members use August as the only month for rest from the demanding training, others give priority to the Summer Ninja Camp of Bujinkan Macedonia. So, the training continues with even greater speed, „enforced“ with unbelievably good fun and socializing.

This event is open for all, regardless of the style or the degree in any martial art. This is a chance to get acquainted with our work closely and to get to know the members of Bujinkan Macedonia. 

Several days remain for applying. 

Additional information here: