In the yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“, this Saturday a special seminar was held on the topic of Shuriken Jutsu. In the event participated over ten members of Bujinkan Macedonia who during the day threw more than five hundred metal blades , characteristic of the ninja warriors from the time of medieval Japan. The participants, who were from different ages, had the opportunity to throw Senban and Iga shuriken, and at the end of the day the wooden targets were almost completely damaged from the powerful piercing strikes of the metal star like tools. Some of the students of shidoshi Dovezenski, who regularly and yearly take part in this traditional seminar, are already achieving significant results in this old Japanese art, while does who are just now getting to know it are taken away by its power.
Shuriken Jutsu in Hombu
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