Togakure ryu Shuriken 

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In the yard of the Hombu dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia a four hour long Togakure ryu Shuriken seminar was held, during which the students of the teacher Igor Dovezenski had the opportunity to learn or repeat the throwing techniques of the Boshuriken from this ancient ninjutsu school. 

During the event throwing techniques were practiced from the sitting and standing body positions, trowing while running and throwing by way of twisting the body . It is becoming obvious that the participants are slowly mastering the Togakure techniques, which is known as the hardest to master of all the ryu-ha.

Goton Po

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Using the five elements of nature to help our escape (Goton Po), was the topic of this past Saturday’s seminar, which was held in the forest of Mlaka near the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia. Beside the members of our dojo, there was a guest participant from the Republic of Serbia.

In addition to the detailed class on the theory and uses of Goton Po, the teacher Dovezenski also demonstrated the techniques,  afterwards the participants practiced several practical ways of hiding through the use of Mokuton no Jutsu.

The Fifth BuYuKai has been held 

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The international friendship seminar, known as BuYuKai, has confirmed for the fifth time the traditional friendship between the members of Bujinkan Macedonia and Bujinkan Turkey. 

This time the event was held at the city between two continents, the famous city of the Bosphorus – Istanbul. The event took place with around forty participants from Macedonia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Iran, who dedicated themselves to tirelessly learning from the instructor Igor Dovezenski and the host Erjan Sharbat.

Besides the training, the participants spend their time exploring the city together and learning more about the culture and history of their host country.

Iaijutsu seminar 

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This past weekend was dedicated to training techniques for simultaneous drawing and cutting with a sword, or in other words – Iaijutsu. 

The weather was pleasant, the nights aglow with the light of the full moon, and nature was full with the first signs of the approaching Fall. All that made for a special atmosphere during this seminar dedicated to the Japanese sword. 

During the seminar several Iai and Batto techniques were taught, all from schools that Igor Dovezenski is the representative of in Macedonia, unsurprisingly the participants showed great interest and joyfully absorbed their teacher’s lessons. 

With the eminent arrival of Fall, the end of the seminar season at the Hombu is fast approaching, there are no more than a few seminars remaining at our dojo’s backbone – the Hombu.

Team Building at the Hombu 

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The first Japanese zen garden in Macedonia, together with the “Ninja Village” project, continue to arouse the Macedonian people’s interest in this beautiful and unique place.  

After a fruitful year long partnership, mainly focused on Japanese Yoga (Shinobi Taiso) classes, with the successful Macedonian company TGG – MK, they decided to grant us the opportunity to organize a team building event for them, which was held at our Hombu Dojo and its surrounding areas. 

And so, this past weekend the employees of TGG – MK had the opportunity to partake in the different activities and beautiful nature that our Hombu and its surroundings provide, they were also treated to some amazing food made from locally sourced organic products, some of which came from our own garden at the Hombu.

An agreement was made, to mutual satisfaction, that our cooperation shall continue and that there shall probably be another team building event in the spring, replete with some new experiences and adventures.