Report for 2009

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29122009002719Shurikeni_Bo.jpgAnother year is behind us. It was dedicated to our spiritual growth through Saino Kon Ki. We strived to discover what that means through the study and practice of the school of Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu.
As well as the last one, this year we organized two international seminars, of which one was with the world-renowned shihan Sveneric Bogsater. The instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, held seven outdoor seminars, as well as many sunday trainings. We are especially happy with the great number of attendants to our traditional „Survival“ and „The path of Shugenja“ seminars. This year, for the first time, we had guests from outside our country visiting those seminars which we see as a great accomplishment. Also, members of our Dojo attended three international Bujinkan seminars and three seminars held by other Japanese traditional martial arts (koryu) schools. 

Currently our Hombu dojo has 41 regular students.
But we don’t stop there. We aren’t fooling ourselves that it’s better to have a few good than many bad students. That is a loser’s justification. Bad students are indeed rare in our art, but we strive to make good people out of them too. We believe that bad teachers  that lose their students because they have nothing to teach them, are a bigger issue. Those seek afterwards followers who shall blindly seek their guidance and cherish their „pretty“ words. We do not produce blind followers – we create warriors (leaders).
This year we had one failure as well. Our dojo located in Bitola ceased working, or more accurately – never began to do so. In the future we should be more careful with whom we give our trust to. Contrary to that, we opened another Dojo in Skopje, which gave great results. The standards for opening a new Dojo will be far more strict from now on. The same strict standards that were set by the Hombu of Bujinkan Macedonia will be applied.
During 2009 we held two grade testings. Our Dojo is among those that pay special attention to the testing standard. For a shodan, the requirements are a minimum of five years of training without missin more than two classes a month (and we have about 14 a month). That means – a lot of effort and a sincere approach to the art. 
Among othe things, we held out traditional woman self-defense workshop,28122009174516DSC01257.JPGwhich
attracted a great deal of attention from the media here, by which we successfully presented our art and organization to the Macedonian public. We tried to present soke Masaaki Hatsumi in the grandest possible light.
We built our own Ninjutsu Training Center, in which we held a Ninja Camp. Our center, on our property. What took place their is impossible to describe in this little time and space. 24/7 Koryu Bujutsu and Ninjutsu. Incredible!
A few more statistical pieces of information about our work this year. From the 1st of January 2009, until today, our web page was visited  by over 12.000 people, among which the most regular visitors are from Germany, USA, Serbia and Croatia (sorted by number of visits). Of course, that isn’t really a large number, which one can „brag“ with – but considering that we don’t do any other type of self-marketing, the number isn’t that bad.
In 2010 we expect even better results. As always. Ninpo Ikkan!

Yesterday, in the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia we held a testing for student degrees.
The 9th kyu test was passed by Tina D. Katerina D., Goran B., Goran M.,  28122009174505DSC01254.JPGDragan M. and Anton P., while the test for 7th kyu was passed by Maja I., Igor S. and Miron C. For 5th kyu, the test was taken and successfully passed by the students Bojana G., Zoran T., Darko B. and Blagica S. Rightfully, the 3rd kyu degree was earned by Marjan P. and Marko O.
For their efforts, dedication and regular attendance and love for the art and school, certificates were given to the students Marjan P., Marko O., Darko B., Maja I. and Anton P. This year, our gratitude certificates for help and aid in advancing the Bujinkan Ninjutsu un Macedonia were given to Marjan P. and Darko B. (all the names awe written in short in out of respect and in order to keep their privacy).

Report for 2009

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29122009002719Shurikeni_Bo.jpgAnother year is behind us. It was dedicated to our spiritual growth through Saino Kon Ki. We strived to discover what that means through the study and practice of the school of Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu.
As well as the last one, this year we organized two international seminars, of which one was with the world-renowned shihan Sveneric Bogsater. The instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski, held seven outdoor seminars, as well as many sunday trainings. We are especially happy with the great number of attendants to our traditional „Survival“ and „The path of Shugenja“ seminars. This year, for the first time, we had guests from outside our country visiting those seminars which we see as a great accomplishment. Also, members of our Dojo attended three international Bujinkan seminars and three seminars held by other Japanese traditional martial arts (koryu) schools. 

Currently our Hombu dojo has 41 regular students.
But we don’t stop there. We aren’t fooling ourselves that it’s better to have a few good than many bad students. That is a loser’s justification. Bad students are indeed rare in our art, but we strive to make good people out of them too. We believe that bad teachers  that lose their students because they have nothing to teach them, are a bigger issue. Those seek afterwards followers who shall blindly seek their guidance and cherish their „pretty“ words. We do not produce blind followers – we create warriors (leaders).
This year we had one failure as well. Our dojo located in Bitola ceased working, or more accurately – never began to do so. In the future we should be more careful with whom we give our trust to. Contrary to that, we opened another Dojo in Skopje, which gave great results. The standards for opening a new Dojo will be far more strict from now on. The same strict standards that were set by the Hombu of Bujinkan Macedonia will be applied.
During 2009 we held two grade testings. Our Dojo is among those that pay special attention to the testing standard. For a shodan, the requirements are a minimum of five years of training without missin more than two classes a month (and we have about 14 a month). That means – a lot of effort and a sincere approach to the art. 
Among othe things, we held out traditional woman self-defense workshop,28122009174516DSC01257.JPGwhich
attracted a great deal of attention from the media here, by which we successfully presented our art and organization to the Macedonian public. We tried to present soke Masaaki Hatsumi in the grandest possible light.
We built our own Ninjutsu Training Center, in which we held a Ninja Camp. Our center, on our property. What took place their is impossible to describe in this little time and space. 24/7 Koryu Bujutsu and Ninjutsu. Incredible!
A few more statistical pieces of information about our work this year. From the 1st of January 2009, until today, our web page was visited  by over 12.000 people, among which the most regular visitors are from Germany, USA, Serbia and Croatia (sorted by number of visits). Of course, that isn’t really a large number, which one can „brag“ with – but considering that we don’t do any other type of self-marketing, the number isn’t that bad.
In 2010 we expect even better results. As always. Ninpo Ikkan!

Yesterday, in the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia we held a testing for student degrees.
The 9th kyu test was passed by Tina D. Katerina D., Goran B., Goran M.,  28122009174505DSC01254.JPGDragan M. and Anton P., while the test for 7th kyu was passed by Maja I., Igor S. and Miron C. For 5th kyu, the test was taken and successfully passed by the students Bojana G., Zoran T., Darko B. and Blagica S. Rightfully, the 3rd kyu degree was earned by Marjan P. and Marko O.
For their efforts, dedication and regular attendance and love for the art and school, certificates were given to the students Marjan P., Marko O., Darko B., Maja I. and Anton P. This year, our gratitude certificates for help and aid in advancing the Bujinkan Ninjutsu un Macedonia were given to Marjan P. and Darko B. (all the names awe written in short in out of respect and in order to keep their privacy).

Rokkon Shojo – the theme for 2010

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As you may already know, soke Masaaki Hatsumi announced the theme for 2010, which is: Rokkon Shojo (purification of the six senses). This is a shugendo doctrine, which the older students of Bujinkan Macedonia have been studying for the last three years (see lower in our website).

Concerning the armed combat techniques (Buki Waza), during the year of the tiger (2010) our attention should be pointed towards the Tachi, a sword slightly longer than the katana which is carried with the blade facing downwards.

Because this is a new theme for us all, and it is possible for it to undergo some changes during the year (as soke often does), our focus in 2010 will be the school of Koto Ryu Koppojutsu (“Knocking down the Tiger School”). As for the Tachi, we shall fully accomplish the training with it, as we have a good amount of experience practicing it. For us, the first real experience with Rokkon Shojo will be gained during the seminar with the shihan Sveneric Bogsater in april, who is going to transfer to us a part of his knowledge regarding this theme.

The program for 2010 of Bujinkan Macedonia is already written on our website.


During the holidays, The martial arts School Taiyou e no Michi – Bujinkan Macedonia isn’t going to work only on the 1st and the 6th of january, while regular training sessions will be held for the rest.
To all our members and friends, we wish you all the best in the new 2010. Merry Christmas!

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu! 

Rokkon Shojo - the theme for 2010

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As you may already know, soke Masaaki Hatsumi announced the theme for 2010, which is: Rokkon Shojo (purification of the six senses). This is a shugendo doctrine, which the older students of Bujinkan Macedonia have been studying for the last three years (see lower in our website).

Concerning the armed combat techniques (Buki Waza), during the year of the tiger (2010) our attention should be pointed towards the Tachi, a sword slightly longer than the katana which is carried with the blade facing downwards.

Because this is a new theme for us all, and it is possible for it to undergo some changes during the year (as soke often does), our focus in 2010 will be the school of Koto Ryu Koppojutsu (“Knocking down the Tiger School”). As for the Tachi, we shall fully accomplish the training with it, as we have a good amount of experience practicing it. For us, the first real experience with Rokkon Shojo will be gained during the seminar with the shihan Sveneric Bogsater in april, who is going to transfer to us a part of his knowledge regarding this theme.

The program for 2010 of Bujinkan Macedonia is already written on our website.


During the holidays, The martial arts School Taiyou e no Michi – Bujinkan Macedonia isn’t going to work only on the 1st and the 6th of january, while regular training sessions will be held for the rest.
To all our members and friends, we wish you all the best in the new 2010. Merry Christmas!

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu! 

Successfully held woman self-defense workshop

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06122009142330DSC_1519.jpgUnder the guidance of the instructor Igor Dovezenski and with the assistance of senior students, Marjan Proshev and Bojana Grunevska, today we held a woman self-defense workshop, organized by the Ninjutsu Union Bujinkan Macedonia.

Besides the female members of our club, we had additional attendees, who never had an opportunity to train martial arts of any kind. After the workshop was over, they all agreed that the techniques they learned here are completely useful an efficient.

The workshop began by studying the psychology
 06122009142308DSC_1505.jpgof the male attacker, as well as the means and places at which it is most probable for an attack to happen over girls and women in whole. Afterwards we moved on to training techniques through different scenarios, like hand-to-hand attack, grappling as well as tries of ground submission in attempt of rape. The girls had an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the body positions which allow an easy defense and also, those that „close“ the opportunities of action.

It was wonderful to teach such a group, which was
 06122009142316DSC_1514.jpgstrongly willing to learn the ways and techniques of self-defense. Even though the training was physically hard and tiresome, physically and  mentally, the attendants showed great determination and talent by which they easily mastered all the techniques shown. During the entire training session, they were smiling and happy with what they learned, which of course, a great motivation for us to continue working and organizing Workshops dedicated to self-defense of the members of the gentler sex, who today showed that with little effort, if needed, they can become the stronger sex.   

Successfully held woman self-defense workshop

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06122009142330DSC_1519.jpgUnder the guidance of the instructor Igor Dovezenski and with the assistance of senior students, Marjan Proshev and Bojana Grunevska, today we held a woman self-defense workshop, organized by the Ninjutsu Union Bujinkan Macedonia.

Besides the female members of our club, we had additional attendees, who never had an opportunity to train martial arts of any kind. After the workshop was over, they all agreed that the techniques they learned here are completely useful an efficient.

The workshop began by studying the psychology
 06122009142308DSC_1505.jpgof the male attacker, as well as the means and places at which it is most probable for an attack to happen over girls and women in whole. Afterwards we moved on to training techniques through different scenarios, like hand-to-hand attack, grappling as well as tries of ground submission in attempt of rape. The girls had an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the body positions which allow an easy defense and also, those that „close“ the opportunities of action.

It was wonderful to teach such a group, which was
 06122009142316DSC_1514.jpgstrongly willing to learn the ways and techniques of self-defense. Even though the training was physically hard and tiresome, physically and  mentally, the attendants showed great determination and talent by which they easily mastered all the techniques shown. During the entire training session, they were smiling and happy with what they learned, which of course, a great motivation for us to continue working and organizing Workshops dedicated to self-defense of the members of the gentler sex, who today showed that with little effort, if needed, they can become the stronger sex.