Another black belt in Bujinkan Macedonia

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After successfully passing the test for shidan (first dan) that took place this Sunday in the Hombu dojo of “Taiyou e no Michi”, after a decade of training in our Dojo, sempai Taki Gakovski definitely earned the long-awaited “black belt”. And with that, Bujinkan Macedonia received another Yudensha (carrier of a master degree) and another Shidoshi Ho (junior instructor).

As we have already mentioned, the test (Shiken) was held at the Hombu dojo of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”, where this rare event was celebrated with a wonderful atmosphere.

After the event concluded, the teacher Dovesenski held a short speech that caused tears of joy in all those present. This was not out of the ordinary, if you take into account the amount of work needed to reach the black belt in Bujinkan Macedonia. At least ten years of regular training, and the shedding of a lot of blood, sweat and tears upon the tatami.

Shidoshi Ho Taki Gakovski is one of the most dedicated members of Bujinkan Macedonia, responsible for the functioning of the kids group (Ninja Kids). He has taken part in almost all of the seminars organized by our Dojo and never misses even the regular weekly training classes.

We congratulate him from the bottom of our hearts and wish him many more years of bravely walking upon the Path.

Bujutsu – between myth and reality II

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Another seminar titled “Bujutsu – between myth and reality” was held this past Sunday in the yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”.

First through Randori (free sparing) and then through the teaching of techniques and kuden, the teacher Igor Dovezenski confronted his students with the brutal reality of fighting with real weapons.

In the end, the students repeated their wish that this seminar become a tradition and be held at least once a year.

A seminar for Tanbo (short stick) at the Hombu

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A seminar for fighting with a short stick (TanboJutsu) was held this Saturday in the yard of the Hombu Dojo of Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”.

In the event took part several students from Bujinkan Macedonia, who met for the first time with this simple, but quite useful tool.

At the seminar’s end, the participants expressed their wish to further expand their knowledge of this skill thorough the organization of a similar event in the second half of this year.

Togakure ryu Ninjutsu – weekend camp

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At a place called Zaevac, on the slopes of the mythical mountain of Lipac, this weekend a mini-camp was held in which took part around ten members of Bujinkan Macedonia stemming from all age groups.

Quartered at a very well organized Ninja encampment, in tents and sleeping bags, with kettle cooked food upon an open fire, the students from the dojo enjoyed the atmosphere and the idyllic nature that surrounded them.

During the event, the teacher Dovezenski taught techniques with the Kunai, Senban and Shuko from the school of Togakure ryu Ninjutsu. And, as always, when talking about seminars organized by the leader of “Taiyou e no Michi”, the katas were broken down to smallest details. Some of the members of the dojo, and especially those that were introduced to these weapons for the first time were delighted at the opportunity and by their efficiency.

By the event’s end, all the participants grew so attached to the location that they simply didn’t want to leave. Luckily, in just two weeks time another great seminar will take place – “Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac”, and so all the Warriors from the dojo will have another opportunity to socialize and while perfecting their skills.