Shidoshi ho Marko Opachikj passed the nidan (II dan) test

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The younger instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia, Marko Opachikj, on Saturday in the Hombu Dojo of „Taiyou e no Michi“ successfully passed the nidan (II dan) test. Around 30 past and current members of Bujinkan Macedonia gathered for this special occasion, who traveled to show their respect for this outstanding and esteemed member of our dojo.

Under the leadership of his teacher, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, Opachikj started his Path on 27.02.2007. So far he had been to six summer camps, 13 international seminars organized by Bujinkan Macedonia, 47 outdoor seminars where the instructor Dovezenski held a lecture, as well as to two international seminars abroad which were taught by the shihan for Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu – Nobutoshi Otake Sensei. Apart from this, he was studying the classical Japanese martial arts by taking part in 23 intensive seminars in the Hombu Dojo of Bujikan Macedonia, as well as in 24 one-day seminars organized by his teacher. Opachikj is responsible for teaching the new recruits in the dojo by managing the beginner group (shoshinsha), and at the same time he is the only member of „Taiyou e no Michi“ who at the same time practices all koryu traditions that are being taught in our organization (Bujinkan Takamatsu-den, Daito ryu Aikibudo and Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu).
We congratulate Marko wholeheartedly for his current success and we wish him even greater progress in developing his personality and character as a warrior.

„Strenght of Yari VII“ held

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The seminar that draws a great interest from the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, once again justified the epithet „legendary“. Once again the place „Slepo Kolo“ on the hill Orljak was echoing from the powerful screams of our warriors that were practicing with pleasure the techniques of spear combat.

During the previous day, at the event, the weather conditions were constantly changing, so in the same day we experienced the March sun, the dark clouds that were lingering above the mystical mountain Lipac, the brief icy rain, and the strong wind that kept lowering our body temperature. As always, that wasn’t enough to shake our self-esteem and desire for an intense and hard training with the Yari (spear).

After the end of the seminar, the warriors of Bujikan Macedonia immediately shared their impressions on our Forum, so we transfer a small section of them:
– „A wonderful weekend! Definitely! I like that we were similar in numbers – beginner and advanced students. „Slepo Kolo“ is a wonderful place. You can see Elenac from there and the mystical mountain Lipac. It’s a ‘million dollar view’. And while we’re at the event, I would like to quote shidoshi ho Marko, what he said a couple of years ago: ‘Such a force that could keep me from participating the seminar for a spear does not exist’. The weather was constantly changing, and as our warrior’s perspective should always be positive, it was great to learn how to fight in windy, rainy, sunny conditions etc. I participated this event for three years now. And every following time my love and interest for this weapon grows. I would like to congratulate the youngest students from the ‘Ninja Kids’ section. Kosara not even for a moment showed a hint of boredom or complained about the cold. A child with a warrior spirit. Davorche and David were good too. They both managed well. Sensei gave me the task to watch over them, so they were fed, changed, dry etc. I was strict with them at times and I would like their forgiveness for that. I did that out of care for their well-being and safety. We have a great youth. Kudos to Sashe from the beginner group. He went to the winter training, then to ‘Haragei’, and now to this seminar. Just keep attending the training sessions and seminars. Kudos to Tamara and Mila, as well as the one and only – Damjan. He is an example where hard work trumps talent. I think that he was going to start crying when Sensei gifted his hand-made shuriken. The appraisals of the teacher hold great value in our dojo. Just keep going forward. А great thanks to Sensei and his family for everything. I’m constantly looking for a way to show my gratitude, because words cannot express that. And the sleeping in Hombu is unbeievable. When I woke up on the Sunday, I felt a burden on my soul from the previous day. My body wouldn’t function, everything was put to a stop. But when I got out of my sleeping bag I was reborn. I was full of life, with positive energy and I felt great. That’s why the sleeping in Hombu is so wonderful and so magical“. – Taki Gakovski
– „Honestly, I don’t know what to say. And that doesn’t happen to me a lot. I’m still sitting here with my jaw dropped. During this seminar I lived through the best hours of my life. The documentary that we watched in the dojo, the jokes, the announced events that will soon arrive…
Hombu is an incredible place to spend the night. My back was hurting for a month from an injury from a bad fall, but after one night on the tatami – my back is like new again. The spear is an amazing weapon for its simplicity and adaptability. It enables you to play with your opponents mind, and that is always the best tactic. I must thank all kohai, sempai, shidoshi ho, shoshinsha and Sensei that are still not giving up on me – ‘slightly hit on the head as a child’. I don’t know from where they’re getting their patience because I definitely don’t have it. When we returned from the seminar to the Hombu Dojo, Kosara came and told me that Sensei called for me. I expected that I made some mistake, as usual, so maybe he needs me for a new mobile shuriken target. What Sensei said to me then I will not repeat because I can’t, but I remained with my jaw dropped. The shuriken that I got as a gift I will keep, and I will express my gratitude toward Sensei by improving myself. For the next year I would like him to gift me a katana, so starting tomorrow I will clean his house, maybe clean his jeep spotless :))). Thanks to kohai Taki for his kind words and I hope one day to achieve his level. And if I go too far with my jokes sometimes, I deeply apologize. You are free to ‘hit me unconscious’, and when I wake up I promise to be real quiet. I hope that I will be in Bujinkan Macedonia for many years to come. And to participate on a thousand more seminars, but this one I will never forget“. – Damjan Serafimovski
– „When it comes to sharing impressions from a seminar, it’s hard for me. It is hard because when you’re there, in the Hombu Dojo, and you steal from the village’s beauties, everything’s different – better. I never feel the same as when I am there. That’s because the feeling is unique and indescribable. This weekend is going to be remembered by three incredible things. Firstly, by the shuriken seminar. It is amazing when you touch that metal in various forms capable of killing. When you listen to that ‘music’ that it makes when it spears the air… that’s amazing. Although my hand gave up during the throws, I was still enjoying watching my fellow warriors skillfully digging the shuriken in the targets. We couldn’t wait for the nidan testing, which came right after, for our one and only shidoshi ho Marko, who did a fine job. I must confess, even though I was trying to keep myself in order, after the first applause my tears came rolling down as the river Zhivusha. My heart was full. I might know him for a short while, but believe me, it’s a pleasure and an honor to know such a man, who leaves his heart and soul in the dojo every Tuesday and Thursday. Once more I congratulate and I wish him a chain of successes in his future and an even greater walk along the Path to the Sun (Taiyou e no Michi). The night featured an interesting documentary, and right after that shidoshi ho Zoki honored us with his humorous jokes – as a good night. I claim that sleeping there on the tatami is the best sleep I’ve ever had, but this time it was even better. The morning we were all ready with the spears in our hands rushing to „Slepo Kolo“. Although we felt all four seasons of the year, we kept the same warrior spirit while practicing the techniques non-stop. The spear is an interesting weapon that can be used to manipulate your opponent, and we were manipulating the time as well. And the best of all moments is the shared meal with the ‘Bujinkan Macedonia’ family. Even if you were eating a plain bread paired with salt, you would have had the best time because the atmosphere makes everything seem magical.
To get to the point, I would like to thank Sensei, who made this spiritual beauty and his knowledge available to us. Also, shidoshi ho Marko and shidoshi ho Zoki that always help us. I really feel happy being a part of this family. Love to everybody“. – Tamara Gjorgievska

„Shurinken Jutsu“ in the Hombu Dojo of Bujikan Macedonia

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Divided in two group of eight people, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia had the opportunity on Saturday to improve their throwing shuriken skills. The two targets that were set up in the yard of the Hombu Dojo were completely holed up by the powerful throws of our warriors.
Beside the veterans from the advanced group, this time many members from the „beginner“ group took part, as well as four kids from the „Ninja Kids“ section.
The seminar started at 10:00 o’clock with the basic throwing technique „Gyaku Nage“, and soon afterwards followed another six techniques that the participants had the chance to try during the whole day.
During this event we used senban and iga (shaken) shuriken, as well as juji shuriken from the school Yagyu Shinkage ryu.
Due to the injury of the right arm and the torn shoulder ligaments, the instructor Igor Dovezenski was teaching by throwing the blades with his left arm, and the senior members of the dojo could demonstrate the shown technique with its full force.
Naturally, the great interest gives us the right to keep organizing this seminar at least once during the year.

The Strenght of the Yari VII

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Here we go, for the seventh time with the traditional seminar titled „The Strenght of the Yari“. Another opportunity for all members of Bujinkan Macedonia to repeat and learn the techniques for a spear combat and to feel the spirit of the past at the same time.
This event attracts a great number of participants every year, so we have а reason to believe that this time too the hill Orljak will be filled with the echoes of the war screams of the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia.

„The Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu school uses the following weapons: Yari (spear), Ono (war axe), O Tsuchi (a big hammer), and Naginata. The legend says that one night a demon (Tengu) came to the dream of the founder of the art and taught him how to fight with a Yari. These techniques are considered even today as the school’s biggest secret.“

On this seminar all interested students of the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia / Taiyou e no Michi can participate, regardless of their experience or title.
Required equipment for training: bokuto and yari (hakama for yudanshi)
Theme: The Strenght of the Yari
Date: 27.03.2016 (Sunday)
Location: Slepo Kolo
08.00 o’clock – departure from Skopje
09.00 o’clock – arrival
10.00 – 16.00 o’clock – theory and practice
17.00 o’clock – return
The previous day (Saturday), a shuriken jutsu training will be held at the Hombu Dojo of Taiyou e no Michi for all interested.
At 16.00 o’clock there is going to be a nidan testing for shidoshi ho Marko Opachikj.
Applying and information via inbox, phone, or on the Forum.

The third seminar for Haragei successfully held

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This Sunday the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski, held the seminar for Haragei for the third time. On this event the members of the dojo had the opportunity to study the esotheric aspects of ninjutsu, in other words, to establish a contact with the nature via various breathing techniques, meditation, and using the senses. The goal is to get to know one’s self and to increase our consciousness about the surroundings.

Immediately after the seminar, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia shared their impressions on our internal Forum.

Sanja Simonova – „Haragei for the second time. And every next seminar I would apply again. Sensei ‘opened’ the seminar introducing us with the meaning of haragei and gave us a detailed explanation how to harmonize our body’s energy through our breathing. If we take into consideration the fact that we couldn’t go on for a long time without breathing, the air would be our primary ‘food’. On the seminar we studied exactly that – how to use all of the available capacity. ‘Breathing with the stomach’ is a really powerful technique that calms the body and powers down the mind. In the exercises for increasing the reaction speed, we can feel how through the correct breathing the body relaxes and the reaction is faster and more precise. I really liked those meditative and visualization exercises. Especially the eight-sided. I believe that by practicing this we move our limits, our mental frames that we exist in every day, and that is really important for us – to keep raising our standards toward a continuous improvement. The day was good, we had a beautiful sunset, a great company, and we had circled another very special seminar where we learned new and repeated some techniques that are important for our future development. Mastering the knowledge that Sensei transmitted us on Haragei would be helpful to tackle the remaining knowledge that we are going to acquire in Taiyou e no Michi.“

Taki Gakovski – „I would like to say that the uke’s intention is really important. And I finally understood that intuition you suppose to feel when a sword is going straight for your head is still a science fiction to me. It is too far from the place I’m currently at. But that doesn’t disappoint me, on the contrary, it motivates me to overcome all the obstacles. We need to learn and get better all the time. The seminars could only be experienced, because many moments and events are hard to be described. Sensei, I thank you for everything“.
Marko Opachikj – „On the first seminar we were just getting acquainted with the exercises that were being taught. We got something, the rest wasn’t clear and we were left wondering until the next event. The second seminar we already had a feeling of connection with the techniques, like we were getting deeper, but there was still a barrier that kept us from executing them fully. Already on the third, we started to feel like we were becoming a part of them. Sensei as always treated us with some new exercises, that I honestly really liked and they opened a whole set of new questions for the next event. On the beginning he followed with a great kuden for Haragei, and afterwards he explained in details the way to breathe correctly that we all should be implementing, especially if we were practicing koryu. Of course, a great thanks to Sensei who honored us with new skills and unforgettable moments from the world of the classical Japanese martial arts“.