The first "Kids Ninja Marathon" was held

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The day before yesterday in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia in organization by the section “Ninja Kids” the first kid’s ninja marathon was held. This event will be repeated regularly one a month during the winter months (November, December, January and February), during which even the youngest members of our dojo can spend time together though training and fun. The event is envisioned to last five hours, and the kids will be taught by several instructors from Bujinkan Macedonia, who beside martial arts, will teach them about other Japanese arts, such as origami, chado, shodo, etc. In the first “Kids Ninja Marathon”, took part shidoshi ho Marko Opacik who taught techniques for child self defense, after which shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, who taught them Taihenjutsu , afterwards sempai Taki Gakovski who taught Origami, as also kohai Sanja Simonova and kohai Filip Trajanovski which were assisting during the event.

The next marathon will be during the month of January.

Extremely successful edition of another "Shinobi Taiso"

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The members of our dojo, as some of our friends who wished to learn how to help themselves and others, took part in today’s new edition of Shinobi Taiso.

Instructor Igor Dovezenski advertised this seminar as such, because besides the basic techniques of Junan Taiso, for the first time he publicly demonstrated techniques from Ki Undo ( the third level of Shinobi Taiso ).

The participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the areas of acupuncture points, Japanese massage, as also skeleton manipulation with the goal of correcting the imbalances brought upon by incorrect body posture.
Beside this repeated were the already well known exercises for restoring balance of the muscles.

This was another wonderful day filled with a lot of love, knowledge and positive atmosphere in the dojo.

A seminar on the topic of Koto ryu Koppojutsu has been held

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Yesterday in the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, the instructor Igor Dovezenski held a seminar on the topic of “Kurai Dori” which means the taking of defensive postures in the traditional Japanese ninja school of Koto ryu Koppojutsu.

During the event, shidoshi Dovezenski explained in detail all five postures which are used in Koto ryu, as also the basic techniques of Kurai Dori.

When the seminar ended, the participants voiced their satisfaction about the things learned, and also noted that after this event their level of understanding of this martial school is now at a much higher level.

The seminar: “Knife Defense and Combat” has been held

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Under the leadership of the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, today in the Skopje dojo the seminar for knife defense and combat was held.
Shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, for whom this was the 419th seminar which he has taught at, as always selflessly shared his great knowledge with his students which truly enjoyed every moment of the event.

Immediately after the seminar, shidoshi ho Marko Opacik shared his impressions on the internet Forum of the dojo, which we integrally show to you.

“This was the 30th seminar this year for ‘Taiyou e no Michi’ and I have to say that today we managed to topple the record from last year when we all in all realized 29. But do you know in which way we toppled that record?
Sensei firstly explained which are the most common attacks, but also how to defend from the same. He taught us a lot of nit bits about psychology, and as I said the techniques were deconstructed down to the smallest detail. At the same he asked of the attackers to strike and cut as fast as they can, pull the knife back after the attack and strike again, with the goal of teaching us to move our body correctly and with a flow. During the seminar, many times the movements of Sensei looked like a sped up take from a Hollywood movie.

Although the dynamic was vicious, everybody was in a training mood and we weren’t mistaken to spend this rainy autumn day not lazing about at home, but in the dojo. Some of the techniques were really hard and at high level, and I have to add for those that weren’t there that for 4 hours we trained in knife defense when we also are armed with the same weapon. This was another excellent seminar and I have to say that all those that didn’t take part – missed a whole lot”.

The ninth "Workshop for Female Self defense®" has finished

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The season of intensive seminars for 2017 in the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia ended better than expected. The girls who took part in the ninth in a row “Workshop for Female Self defense”, heroically held out for then hours of dynamic training which was implemented by instructor Igor Dovezenski.

In the Workshop took part nine members of the fairer sex from all ages. Some of them are members who regularly train in our dojo, some are former members, and some of them take part in an event of this nature for the first time. With the goal in mind to learn techniques of self defense which today are crucial to protect ourselves from ruffians who are all around us.

During the first day, the ladies had the opportunity to learn how to defend themselves from an assailant who is attacking by pulling on their clothes or parts of their body, as also techniques for defense from hits and trips. The next day, the program was enhanced with techniques for freeing oneself from different grapples and attempted rapes on the ground or when the victim is pressed to a wall.

Naturally, the free time was used for walks through the beautiful nature around the Homby, and all of that was accompanied with a lot of humor caused by the jokes told between the participants.

Although strenuous and tiring, the techniques learned during the Workshop, combined with the tips and experience gathered during the two days, will forever stay in the memories of all the girls and women who graced us with their presence during this traditional event.

Now begins the so called winter period in which the Homby Dojo will hibernate until the beginning of march, when it will again open the gates for the activities of the most dynamic club for traditional Japanese martial arts in Europe, and maybe even further.

Ninpo Ikkan.

The Ninja Kids of Bujinkan Macedonia occupied the Homby dojo for the fifth time

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Another successful occupation of the Homby dojo by the Ninja Kids of Bujinkan Macedonia.

The autumn invasion brought 20 kids thirsty for new knowledge and ready to delve into the secrets of the fearless ninja warriors.

Self-defense from an attack through the use of classical Japanese martial arts, but also a lecture about the history of Japan through pictures and tapes – this was only a small part of all that the kids learnt during the rainy, but pretty autumn day.

After this children’s seminar, they left with many new memories and learnt life lessons.

Till the next Homby adventure in spring – Ninpo Ikkan.

Successfully completed the march of the "Way of the Shugenja IX"

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All nine Warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia, which early this Sunday started on this legendary challenge, known under the name “The way of the Shugenja”, during the night reached their goal passing through the day 53 kilometers during eleven and half hours.
The first part of the march was along the river Zivusha, till the instructor shidoshi Igor Dovezenski changed by ordering a change of direction through the steep rocky hills which stretch between the villages of Strezovce and the western part of Beljakovce. After a meeting with a wild deer which stoked the curiosity for the terrain, the participants in the challenge entered the locality of the village of Rugince, from where they descended to the village of Suv Orah, after which the climb towards the mountain of Kozkaj began and the final destination – Mokro Ezero.
Before the finish line, a single short lunch break was made which was used to explore the Karpinski Manastir whose beauty captivated the hearts of the Warriors.
Meeting Mokro Ezero was also magical, especially when a heard of nearly 200 free roaming cows descended from the nearby forest to drink water. The return trip went in a opposite arch from the original route, meaning this time the group went in a half circle from west to east, during which they entered the village of Oblavce, from where through the western part of Strezovce they sheered away toward east and in a parallel line with the hill Orljak they entered Beljakovce. During the descent towards the north side of Orljak, in some members the first and only crisis appeared, which included pains in the back of the knee, but the same quickly disappeared as the goal drew nearer.
Five kilometers frоm the Homby, the instructor Dovezenski ordered that the traditional 20 push ups with full “combat gear” must be made, with the goal of demonstrating the strength of spirit of the Warriors of Bijunkan Macedonia.

After arriving in the Homby meaning the starting location, only in a few participants a slight elevation of body temperature was noticed which was followed by a slight fewer, which is a normal response from the body when it is put through extreme hardship.

Till the next odyssey!

An intensive seminar was held for the third level of Shinobi Taiso (Ki Undo)

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The seminar that was held this weekend under the guidance of shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, to many who are not highly knowledgeable of the Japanese martial traditions, would seem weird or unreal. But, the members of Bujinkan Macedonia know very well the connection that exists between man and Nature meaning the Universe, so with pleasure answered to this strange event.

During the seminar, Dovezenski held a series of lectures for the first three modules of the system Shinobi Taiso, during which the participants had the opportunity to learn a few techniques for breathing (kokju ho), afterwards five basic techniques of meditation (mokuso), as also advice for a correct and healthy way of eating (eijo).

Now there will be a longer pause of a five months, during which, the members which are in some way specializing for this system, will need to put in practice and overcome the techniques learned, and in the spring they will have the opportunity to learn the remaining three modules of Ki Undo.

Another intensive seminar for the first level of Shinobi Taiso (Junan Taiso) was held

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The new cycle of seminars dedicated to Shinobi Taiso started this past weekend, and two more members of Bujinkan Macedonia gave themselves to the task of mastering this system.

During the event, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski taught the participants how to recognize the symptoms caused by muscle imbalance in the body, and afterwards how to remove the same.

The lectures were detailed, during which anatomical atlases were used with the goal of better explaining the mechanisms of the human body, but also the consequences of a improper lifestyle meaning the profession in which take part daily.

Already in three weeks time another Shinobi Taiso seminar is scheduled during which the first three modules from the third level Ki Undo will be studied.