The June testing held in Bujinkan Macedonia

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At the yesterday’s testing for student degrees that took place in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia in Skopje, total of 15 students successfully passed the test.

The 10th kyu was passed by Jovan G., Jane N., Martin P. and Filip T., and the ninth by: Kristijan A., Martin G., Sofija D. and Daniela G.
The students Taki G. and Kristijan M. successfully passed the test for the eight, and Risto Ch. and Sanja S. for the seventh kyu.
The sixth kyu was passed by Mihail D., and the fifth by Vladimir A.
Bujinkan Macedonia also got a new sempai, and that is Todor A., who successfully passed the test for the second kyu.
We congratulate all members that earned a higher degree for their dedication and we wish them even greater success in the future.