Report on the year 2019

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In the year 2018 we accidentally set an amazing record after we held 45 seminars, and to clarify what kind of an achievement this is, we will remind you that in the year there are 52 weekends. This past year (2019) that number dropped to 41 seminar and all that beside our intentions of concentrating more on the international seminars, and also the public promotion of our dojo.

Still, our love and commitment to the traditional Japanese martial arts have done their own, and so in 2019 we continue to bare the epitome of “the most dynamic dojo in Europe”.

And this is how the entire endeavor looks in numbers.

Through “Bujinkan Macedonia” the teacher Igor Dovezenski organized and taught on 28 seminars for Ninjutsu, meaning the schools that Hatsumi Sensei inherited from Toshitsugu Takamatsu Sensei. From them, 12 were in the Hombu Dojo of “Taiyou e no Michi”, nine in the Skopje dojo, five in nature, as also two international seminar outside of Macedonia.

Here we shall mention the seminars held in Switzerland and in Turkey, during which Dovezenski was invited to transfer a part of his knowledge about the schools of Ninjutsu, but also the organization of the international seminar in our country, during which the leader “Taiyou e no Michi” taught together with his friend from Germany – Pino Durante.

We have to mention the jubilee of the tenth In a row “Ways of winter survival, the sixth in a row “Life in the Wild”, then the third “10.000 years B.C.”, and the eleventh “Way of the Shugenja”. And of course, lets not forget the legendary “Summer Ninja Camp” that this year was held for the eleventh time, and also the third in a row “Kids Summer Ninja Camp”.

As for “Daito ryu Macedonia – Koryu Dojo”, the numbers look like this: six intensive seminars in the Hombu Dojo, five in the Skopje dojo, one in nature, as also one international in Switzerland, where the teacher Igor Dovezesnski was invited to teach Daito ryu Aikijujutsu in the dojo Kashikavan In the city of Bil.

Beside all these events, also noteworthy are the media presentations and interviews for the national television, radio and portals, and also the multiple public demonstrations in Skopje and Gostivar. Here should be mentioned the two humanitarian workshops that “Bujinkan Macedonia” organized for the children with autism and developmental difficulties, and it is important to mention the engagement of the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia as a technical consultant in the movie “The Plaid Ninja” that was screened through the cinemas in Macedonia.

In the year 2019 we finally got two more masters in Bujinkan Macedonia, specifically Vladimir Antovski and Mihail Drakalski passed the test for shodan (master degree – first dan), while Marko Opacik passed the test for the sandan (3th dan) with which he became the first student of Dovezenski to have reached this degree.

As always, we send our warmest regards to all members of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”, and especially to the older members of Bujinkan Macedonia, which with their tireless work allowed us to enjoy the incredible journey through the world of the traditional Japanese martial arts (Koryu Bujutsu).

In the coming year (2020) we have big plans and announcements for many events that are yet to happen, and we promise you that we will again give it our all to keep the high standards that we have set not only in the region, but also globally. We are sure that we shall continue to show, in the best light, our fatherland – The Republic of Macedonia wherever we go.

“Taiyou e no Michi” —- One life – one Dojo.

“Bujinkan Macedonia”—- My life – my story.

“Daito ryu Macedonia” —- The myth of the Japanese samurai.

“Katori Shinto ryu Macedonia” —- A Legend yet to be discovered.

Bufu Ikkan!!!