A succesfull seminar with Steffen Frohlich

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25102010073046Frolo1.jpgThe Budo Taijutsu seminar, titled Takagi Yoshin Ryu, will stay in the best of memories among those that attended it and practiced hard for two days in the „Yasmin“ venue in Kavadarci.
At the event, there were 35 people that took part in it from both Bujinkan Macedonia and Bujinkan Kavadarci Dojo. Master Steffen Frohlich did a great job with this seminar. In his unique way, he showed the way in which this art is practiced in the Hombu Dojo in Japan.

Shihan Frohlich, who is a good friend of instructor Dovezenski and completely enamored with Macedonian tradition and culture, during the five days in our country visited many interesting archaeological sites and historical locations. The leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, an ethnologist by profession, told a great part of the Macedonian history in a picturesque way, during these visits. Shihan Frohlich, in return tried to transfer his experience about Bujinkan training in Japan.

On Saturday, instructor Frohlich, together 
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the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, arrived in Kavadarci, where for the first time happened a seminar with a 15th dan Shihan.
The techniques developed through this year`s theme given by Bujinkan Dojo – Rokkon Shojo. The most dominating aspect of these teachings were taijutsu kata, as well as Tachi (sword). During the seminar, the shihan asked instructor Dovezenski to show kata from Takagi Yoshin Ryu and Koto Ryu, and before it was over, he asked every student to demonstrate a technique they learned here.Our students demonstrated what they learned in the best way they could, which earned them a lot of praise.

The organization by the leader of the Kavadarci Dojo, m-r. Blagoj Tanevski, was great. Great socializing during both days in his city, as usual. It is an example of good cooperation and how one should walk the path in order to achieve something worthy of respect.