Rokkon Shojo - the theme for 2010

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As you may already know, soke Masaaki Hatsumi announced the theme for 2010, which is: Rokkon Shojo (purification of the six senses). This is a shugendo doctrine, which the older students of Bujinkan Macedonia have been studying for the last three years (see lower in our website).

Concerning the armed combat techniques (Buki Waza), during the year of the tiger (2010) our attention should be pointed towards the Tachi, a sword slightly longer than the katana which is carried with the blade facing downwards.

Because this is a new theme for us all, and it is possible for it to undergo some changes during the year (as soke often does), our focus in 2010 will be the school of Koto Ryu Koppojutsu (“Knocking down the Tiger School”). As for the Tachi, we shall fully accomplish the training with it, as we have a good amount of experience practicing it. For us, the first real experience with Rokkon Shojo will be gained during the seminar with the shihan Sveneric Bogsater in april, who is going to transfer to us a part of his knowledge regarding this theme.

The program for 2010 of Bujinkan Macedonia is already written on our website.


During the holidays, The martial arts School Taiyou e no Michi – Bujinkan Macedonia isn’t going to work only on the 1st and the 6th of january, while regular training sessions will be held for the rest.
To all our members and friends, we wish you all the best in the new 2010. Merry Christmas!

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!