Report for the year 2017

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Last year’s Report we ended with the question: Will we be able to maintain in 2017 the epithet “most dynamic European dojo”, and at the same time we promised for the hundredth time that as long as our feet walk this Macedonian land, our love for the Japanese classical martial arts will continually rise.

About the promise there was no question that it will be fulfilled, because the Warrior’s word is worth more than anything else in the world. And about the question, we can say with pleasure that we got our answer. And we can loudly and proudly say out: We earned the epithet!!! And not only that, we have a new record!!! Besides the regular daily training, we further organized, taught and learned at exactly 38 seminars during the year!!! Simply said, during the month, at least three weekends were planed and realized as seminars.

Let’s take it piece by piece and present to You a small part of what we managed to get done this past year.

Because of the planned trip to Japan of shidoshi Igor Dovezenski in 2018, this year we decided not to organize international seminars, but to instead visit a few of them. So, in May, the instructor Dovezenski together with his assistant Opachikj, took part in a three day seminar in the Italian capital – Rome. At the seminar lectured by our teacher for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, the shihan Antonino Certa, during which he transferred to us some new techniques from the fourth catalog of this ancient samurai tradition. In December, shidoshi Dovezenski left for Belgrade (Serbia) where he took part in a special seminar with the renowned instructor Mario Topolshek. During the seminar, Topolshek taught different techniques of breathing, energy stimulation through movement, also ways of energy canalization, and techniques of acupressure. As for the seminars during which taught the instructor Dovezenski, the list goes like this: ten seminars for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, six of which in the Hombu and four in Skopje. Seven single day ones, also nine intensive Ninjutsu seminars in the Hombu. Ten in nature, of which two were completely new: “The longest Day” and “10.000 b.c.”

Besides all these events, worth mentioning are: The Leader of Bujinkan Macedonia awarded shidoshi-ho Zoran Todorovski and shidoshi-ho Marko Opachikj with the “Genin” bronze medal as recognition for their ten years of regular training in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia; the first “Ninja Kids Camp” will now be regularly held for our youngest members; during this December’s testing we got two new holders of the brown belt (1 kyu – Mihail Drakalski and Taki Gakovski ).

Also mentioned must be the greatest event which during the years has gained a legendary status, and that is our far known “Ninja Summer Camp”, during which the instructor Dovezenski, among other arts taught Kajutsu. At the same time Dovezenski promised that during every camp he will teach a secret ninja technique from the school of Togakure ryu. As for public appearances in the media, this year Dovezenski was again interviewed by the highest visited business portal in Macedonia (

In the end, as every year, we send a giant thank you to all members of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi”, and especially to our students from Bujinkan Macedonia, which with their relentless work made it possible for us to enjoy the amazing journey through the world of traditional Japanese martial traditions (Koryu Bujutsu).

We don’t promise and we don’t announce anything about 2018, because we are more than certain that whatever we promise about Ninjutsu or Bujutsu – we will realize.

Taiyou e no Michi. Legendary Dojo – harmonious family. Bujinkan Macedonia. In our blood – forever!!! Ninpo Ikkan!!!