Togakure ryu Shuriken at the Hombu

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In the yard of the Hombu of the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi”, a seminar was held on the topic of Togakure ryu Shuriken, during which the participants trained in the techniques of throwing a Senban and Uchi Bari. 

The teacher Igor Dovezenski managed to teach the entire densho in just six hours, thanks to the speedy advancement and quick learning abilities shown by the event’s participants. 

The next Autumn event at the Hombu is scheduled for the 12th and 13th of October, when techniques with the Kusari Gama and Kyoketsu Shoge will be taught.

Chigiriki seminar at the Hombu

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This past Saturday the regularly scheduled Chigiriki seminar was held in accordance with this year’s Bujinkan Macedonia event program. 

Autumn was in full swing during this seminar, the weather was sunny and mild, while September filled the air with all the colors and smells of this time of the year. All the while the participants had the opportunity to repeat all of the Chigiriki techniques.

And, as always, the loyal Sempai only enhanced this atmosphere by their tireless dedication to training, all the while helping others by being a bridge between the younger members of the dojo and their teacher Dovezenski.

The teacher of Bujinkan Macedonia taught yet again during the International BuYuKai in Serbia 

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As is now tradition, in the middle of September, the teacher of Bujinkan Macedonia teaches during the Serbian BuYuKai event, which is held every year at the city of Novi Becaj in the north of our northern neighbor.  

The event, which has been envisioned as a meeting of different Bujinkan members from Southeastern Europe, and during which nine different instructors from several European countries take turns teaching, manages to attract a growing number of participants year after year. 

This year, the teacher Igor Dovezenski thought the school of Takagi Yoshin ryu Jutaijutsu, and upon the event’s organizers request, during the Friday training session he also taught the samurai school of Daito ryu Aikijujutsu. 

And as always, the techniques demonstrated by Dovezenski were followed by thunderous applause and amazement, and after the training concluded many participants from different countries wished to be acquainted and even have photographs taken with him. 

Together with the teacher, there can always be found the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, who also pique everybody’s interest with their love and dedication to Ninjutsu.

The world’s first Bujinkan manga (comic book) promoted in Serbia 

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As part of the “Breath of Japan” event, supported by the city of Novi Becaj (Serbia), this past Saturday a promotion event was held for the world’s first Bujinkan manga (comic book): “Takamatsu in China”. 

The event was held at the city library of the quaint and beautiful city of Novi Becaj in the north of the Republic of Serbia, while the moderators and the public had the opportunity to have their questions answered by the author Igor Dovezenski himself. 

The promotion was also attended by reporters from several local TV channels and news sites, all of which managed to interview Dovezenski.

In the meantime, the author, together with the talented artist Taki Gakovski, are working on the third installment of this series about the life of the last operational Japanese ninja Toshitsugu Takamatsu during his time and adventures in China.

The legendary Summer Ninja Camp’s record breaking numbers  

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Over thirty participants from our country and abroad had the rare opportunity to spend the dates from the 4th to the 12th of August studying the ancient school of Togakure ryu Ninjutsu under the leadership of one of the most prolific kobudo teachers in the world – Igor Dovezenski.

This year, the legendary summer camp was attended, for the first time, by a large group of martial arts students from the Republic of Turkey. When the event concluded, they enthusiastically shared their amazement that this kind of event exists, and that they have newer before taken part in something that offers so much knowledge and hard physical training at the same time.  

The many activities that fill all the time from dawn till dusk, and the unforgettable atmosphere, is what make this event so unique, and so every year more and more people from Macedonia and from across the globe come to experience and learn during this event.

You can reserve your spot for the seventeenth Summer Ninja Camp beginning from the 1st of January 2025, and we believe that the majority of openings shall be filled during the first 15 minutes of the new year. 

Bujinkan Macedonia’s eight Kids Summer Ninja Camp has been held

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This year’s Kids Summer Ninja Camp will be remembered by its incredible atmosphere, and like last year, this year we again hosted a participant from abroad, which already gives this event some international significance. 

Twenty-two kids from Macedonia and Italy took joy in training in the Japanese ninja arts that were brought to our country by the teacher Igor Dovezenski, all the while being watched by the astute eyes of Taki Gakovski and his helpers Kosara, Ksenija and Petar Dovezenski.

The camp was marked by a lot of fun, training and myriads of other activities, and the children returned to their homes delighted by their experience and into the waiting arms of their parents, who were very happy by their children’s acquired lifelong memories.

See you next year!

Naginata seminar for the Sempais

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A day after the BattoJutsu seminar for the Sempais, the teacher Igor Dovezenski held another, this time dedicated to the Naginata.

The topic for the Sunday seminar was purposefully chosen because the school of Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu is simultaneously simple and attractive. 

Notably, this is the last seminar for the first half of 2024, and the only thing that remains before the semester closes is the legendary Summer Ninja Camp.

BattoJutsu seminar for the Sempais 

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This past Saturday in the yard of the Hombu a seminar was held dedicated to the simultaneous and rapid drawing and cutting with a sword (BattoJutsu) open only for the Sempais of Bujinkan Macedonia.

During the seminar techniques were taught from the school of Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu, and the participants studiously repeated and practiced the techniques so they could hone their abilities. 

The free time was dedicated to socializing and bathing in the nearby river, so they can relax their muscles and bodies after the exhausting training sessions. 

Profesor Yamada from the University of Mie in Japan, a guest of the Hombu of Bujinkan Macedonia 

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As an eminent professor at the Japanese University of Mie and a leading researcher of the history of the legendary Ninja warriors and their Ninjutsu arts, d-r Yuji Yamada was a guest, this past Tuesday, of the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski.

During their meeting, which was held at the Hombu Dojo of the Macedonian Bujinkan organization, professor Yamada and the teacher Dovezenski discussed many different topics pertaining to the history, philosophy, psychology and techniques of the ancient Japanese art of Ninjutsu. While sharing their knowledge and experience, these highly educated people had the opportunity to expand and reinforce their already sizable knowledge about the hidden world of the shinobi warriors. 

The professor Yamada was pleasantly surprised by the enormous knowledge that the teacher Dovezenski possessed, especially his knowledge about the Japanese traditions and culture, he was further delighted by the Japanese zen garden that the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia managed to create in these past few years, forming it according to all the rules that govern the creation of a garden of this type. In fact, the Japanese professor was simply amazed by the fact that someone that was born and lives in Macedonia could, on their own, build a Japanese dojo and create a complete Japanese garden with an entire Ninja Village in an almost perfect simulacra of medieval life in Japan. 

During the traditional Macedonian comunal lunch in the shadow of the Hombus’s great walnut trees, Dovezenski and Yamada agreed upon the need for further cooperation through a visit of the University of Mie by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia and their continued and mutual sharing of knowledge and experiences on the topic of Ninjutsu.

Togakure ryu weekend in nature 

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On a small grassy meadow below the breathtaking Elenacki Karpi under the hill of Elenac, this year’s Togakure ryu seminar was held, in which around ten members of Bujinkan Macedonia participated. 

Camped out in tents, the warriors from the dojo used the weekend to learn and train in techniques concerning the use of a tanto, senban shuriken, shuko and kunai. 

The down time was dedicated to classes on the philosophy and psychology of the shinobi warriors, something that is of great importance to all those that practice this ancient art.