The 10th Kids Ninja Summit 

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Under the leadership of sempai Taki Gakovski, this past Saturday at the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, was held the 10th Kids Ninja Summit. 

As every other kids seminar, the atmosphere was amazing, and the dynamic pace only got better as the seminar neared its end.

The last kids summit for the first half of 2025 will be held in February, and we hope that the battle cries of our youngest will be heard far and wide.

“Ways of Winter Survival XV”

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The study of ways to survive in winter is the traditional way in which we start each and every new year. This year too, for the 15th time, we had the opportunity to enrich and perfect our knowledge concerning this topic.

The event was held in the forest of Mlaka, situated in the valleys under the mountain of Lipac, in the event partook around ten warriors from Bujinkan Macedonia, which tirelessly worked on their own self improvement during yesterday’s events. 

At the same time, a test was organized for the skills and techniques of winter survival of Kosara Dovezenska, with which she became the first girl from Bujinkan Macedonia to be tested during this hard trial, but she sadly failed to pass the test this time.

Several hours after the event’s conclusion, the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia wrote a public message to commemorate his daughters trial, which we show here in its entirety:

“This girl is my hero of the day!

Today Kosara Dovezenska was the first girl from Bujinkan Macedonia to be tested during the hard trial of the “Ways of Winter Survival”, but she sadly failed the test. 

The test is such that the candidate is left alone in a forested area with only a knife and a small axe, while the rest of the group leave the immediate area. He/she then needs to build a shelter sturdy enough to weather the elements, start a fire using only a fire-starter and show many other types of skills and knowledge that we shall not waste time explaining here. 

So that there can be no hint of special treatment or nepotism, because she is the daughter of the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, a commission was formed just for her, made up of all of the Sempais that had previously managed to pass the test, judging her on her performance. 

At 15:00 we started towards the place where she was one her own and when I saw her caked in mud and freezing, with ripped gloves and soaked to the bone – as a father I couldn’t hide my sorrow, but as her teacher I must admit that I was more than proud of her, although I already knew that she had failed, owing to two mistakes that I immediately noticed.

With her face caked in mud, she was cute as a button, but that did nothing to mellow out the harsh judgment handed down by the Sempais, which rated her performance in the same strict but just way that they were  judged by me throughout the preceding years.

One thing that I am known for is my strictness when advancement through the ranks of the Dojo is concerned, that is why our Dojo is considered to be one of the best in the world, and that same level of strictness has been instilled in my oldest students (Sempai). The test for survival in winter conditions is especially difficult, but Kosara will have a chance to fix her mistakes next year.

I LOVE YOU MY DEAR DAUGHTER!!! And I am proud of you!!!

Never give up!!!

Report on the year 2024

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There was a significant reduction in seminars in comparison to 2023, when we managed to realize 44, but we need to be grateful even for these 31 that we managed to organise and hold.  I say that we need to be content with this number, because much of our energy and resources were dedicated to the creation of our “Japanese Zen Garden and Ninja Village” project in the yard of the Homby Dojo. If we want to keep our epithet of the “world’s most dynamic ninjutsu dojo”, we will have to find a balance between the planned work on the first Japanese Zen garden in Macedonia and it’s opening to the public, and the regular organization of our legendary Bujinkan Macedonia seminars.

Let us start with the international seminars. This year the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski taught during three international events. The first was held in Macedonia, where, together with his friend from Turkey (Erjan Sharbat), he taught during the well known BuYuKai. After this he attended BuYuKai Serbia, held in Novi Becej, and afterwards was the visit to Istanbul where the teacher Dovezenski shared his knowledge with the members of Bujinkan Turkey.  

In this past year, the teacher Igor Dovezenski managed to visit Japan twice for his regular self-improvement trips, and during the second trip he also managed to bring with him his two daughters Kosara and Ksenija, so they had to opportunity to train with and witness the souls of the japanese ninjutsu teachers. Both of the two week stays, and the achievements at the Homby Dojo in Noda (Japan), are impossible to sum up in such a short report, so we will leave those stories for some other time. 

During the summer, we held our legendary Summer Ninja Kamps, one for children and the other for adults. We have to mention that during our sixteenth camp for adults there was a new record set, with 32 people attending, and so in 2025 the number of open spots will be raised to 35. 

Other notable events were: The promotion of both of our Bujinkan manga comic books at the city library of Novi Becaj in the Republic of Serbia, organised by the municipality as part of the “A breath of Japan” event, then the international and home promotion of the movie “Kill the children first” – in which the teacher Dovezenski was the fight choreographer while his daughter Kosara was a stunt double, next is the improvement or better said the certification of Konstantin Anastasievik for the first level (Shoden) of Shinobi Taiso, and the interview of the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia by the only macedonian martial arts magazine Three new names have been added to our Hombu Dojo’s Nafuda Kake: Marina Jovanova, Sara Gilevska and Ljubomir Pavlovski.
Maybe the most important event for this past year, besides the myriad seminars, was the visit of the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia by the eminent professor from the Japanese University of Mie and one of the leading experts on the topic of Ninjutsu, d-r. Yuji Yamada.

To sum it all up, we shall give count to all the seminars for the year 2024: 7 ninjutsu seminars at the Skopje Dojo, 12 in the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia and in nature, three international ones, two summer camps, two two-week Japan trips, five Daito ryu Aikijujutsu seminars – of which four in Skopje and one at the Hombu.

In the end, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, Daito ryu Macedonia and the “Taiyou e no Michi” organisation whose tireless work allowed us to spend another year on this marvelous adventure through the world of traditional japanese martial arts. We can no longer guarantee that we shall achieve even better results next year, but what we can guarantee is that as long as our legs can carry us, our love for the heritage of the Japanese martial arts that was left to us by the preceding generations shall never wane.

The topic for the first half of 2025 shall be Koto ryu Koppojutsu. 

One Dojo – One Love! Bujinkan Macedonia – loyalty, dedication, honour. 

A beautiful neverending story!

Ninpo Ikkan!!!

The December testing (Shinken) at Bujinkan Macedonia 

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As every year, the end of December is reserved for the testing for advancement in the student levels and titles of Bujinkan Macedonia, and afterwards comes the celebration (BonenKai) of another successful season of training. 

We would like to extend our congratulations to the children from our children’s groups which successfully passed their tests, and also to congratulate the adult members of Bujinkan Macedonia for their new levels and titles. 

May we be even stronger next year!!!