Naginata seminar for the Sempais

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A day after the BattoJutsu seminar for the Sempais, the teacher Igor Dovezenski held another, this time dedicated to the Naginata.

The topic for the Sunday seminar was purposefully chosen because the school of Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu is simultaneously simple and attractive. 

Notably, this is the last seminar for the first half of 2024, and the only thing that remains before the semester closes is the legendary Summer Ninja Camp.

BattoJutsu seminar for the Sempais 

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This past Saturday in the yard of the Hombu a seminar was held dedicated to the simultaneous and rapid drawing and cutting with a sword (BattoJutsu) open only for the Sempais of Bujinkan Macedonia.

During the seminar techniques were taught from the school of Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu, and the participants studiously repeated and practiced the techniques so they could hone their abilities. 

The free time was dedicated to socializing and bathing in the nearby river, so they can relax their muscles and bodies after the exhausting training sessions.