An advanced Shinobi Taiso workshop for instructors took place

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The teacher Igor Dovesenski today held a special workshop for Junan Taiso tailored for the licensed instructors of the Shinobi Taiso group.

During the event, the participants learned techniques with the so called “yoga bricks”, during which they had to come to know, down to the details, with the desired results.

In the end was scheduled the next Workshop which will be held in January, and during which more techniques with the new props will be taught

The BuYu Kai seminar in Turkey was held

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On invite by Bujinkan Turkey, the teacher of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski held a seminar in Istanbul during which he taught together with his friend Erjan Sharbat – instructor and representative of Bujinkan in this country.

During the wonderfully organized event, Dovezenski taught the school of Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu, while his colleague from Istanbul taught martial techniques with a tanto, and also unarmed defense from the same.

The full Dojo and the words of praise at the end of the seminar, as also the invite directed towards Dovezenski to again teach in Turkey, are just one more confirmation of the quality that Bujinkan Macedonia has possessed for a long time now.

In the end let us mention that together with the teacher Dovezesnki, traveled his students Marko Opacic, Vladimir Antovski, Mihail Drakalski, Taki Gakovski, Kosara Dovezenska and Ksenija Dovezenska. All of them showed perfect knowledge and were often called upon by their teacher to help during the demonstration of the katas.

The instructor Dovezenski held an seminar in Biel - Switzerland

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The leader of the Organization “Taiyou e no Michi” , the instructor Igor Dovezenski, this past weekend held a seminar for classical Japanese martial arts in the Swiss city of Biel.

Invited by his compatriot Boris Leskarovski, at the same time a karate master of the highest order who has been living and working in Switzerland, Dovezenski taught traditional techniques of Bujutsu, Aikijujutsu and Ninjutsu.

In the event took part around fifteen members from Switzerland and Macedonia, who during the two days enjoyed the katas that the teacher from Macedonia selflessly shared.

Interestingly, although in Switzerland there exist a lot of clubs for martial arts and sports, Kobudo is almost unknown for most of the citizens of this European country.

One of the goals of the master Leskarovski is for his karate club “Kashivakan” to be a gathering place where those interested could train two times a year with the Instructor Dovezenski and to grow acquainted with the roots of the Japanese martial arts. Towards that goal, already this spring the next “Kobudo Gashuku” seminar is scheduled, that will surely have even more visitors, judging by the fact that the first one had the goal of introducing the members of Kashivakan Dojo to the Koryu martial arts that are the predecessors of modern Budo.