The first seminar in south-eastern Europe with Mario de Mol

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04122011133536flaer2.jpgOn 21st/22nd of April, 2012, Bujinkan Macedonia organizes a seminar with Mario De Mol 6th dan Jinenkan (highest level so far).

The theme of the seminar is: Jinen ryu Tantojutsu.

is a great opportunity for everybody, regardless of your style or rang
to familiarize with the way of knife fighting based on the experience in
Koto Ryu and Gyokko Ryu by Sensei Fumio (Unsui) Manaka – one of the
first students of soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

All interested who want to take part in this seminar, please write us on:
or contact us on Skype: daito_macedonia.

Feel free to ask anything that interests you.

For participants from abroad, we offer help with accomodations and transport in Macedonia (from the airport to the hotel).


11.00-13.00 training
13.00-15.00 lunch
15.00-17.00 training


11.00-13.00 training
13.00-15.00 lunch

15.00-17.00 training

The first seminar in south-eastern Europe with Mario de Mol

Posted on Categories Home

04122011133536flaer2.jpgOn 21st/22nd of April, 2012, Bujinkan Macedonia organizes a seminar with Mario De Mol 6th dan Jinenkan (highest level so far).

The theme of the seminar is: Jinen ryu Tantojutsu.

is a great opportunity for everybody, regardless of your style or rang
to familiarize with the way of knife fighting based on the experience in
Koto Ryu and Gyokko Ryu by Sensei Fumio (Unsui) Manaka – one of the
first students of soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

All interested who want to take part in this seminar, please write us on:
or contact us on Skype: daito_macedonia.

Feel free to ask anything that interests you.

For participants from abroad, we offer help with accomodations and transport in Macedonia (from the airport to the hotel).


11.00-13.00 training
13.00-15.00 lunch
15.00-17.00 training


11.00-13.00 training
13.00-15.00 lunch

15.00-17.00 training

Shinken gata Tora no Maki seminar held

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Twenty of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia who today attended the Shinken gata Tora no Maki seminar, were literally dying in Dolnja Reka while they were trying to grasp as much knowledge as they can from this fighting system.

During the eight-hour training, shidoshi Dovezenski taught the students the basic techniques of this school. as well as the 12 katas from the first level named shodan. All that time, the students trained hard and without holding back they were trying their best to repeat the shown techniques by the instructor.

The seminar started with a brief lecture for Tora no Maki, afterwards continued with training in Kihon Gata. After the body postures (kamae) were learned, the training continued to ukemi, and after that – kihon suvari gata.
With the first kata from the shodan level it was already clear that the location meant for training will become a battlefield. That desire and energy stuck around until 17.00 o`clock, when the bodies and the minds of the participants started to renounce obedience, mostly because of weariness caused by the vigorous rhythm of training.

At the end, it is worth mentioning that the day was beautiful, with a blue sky and strong sun that made up for the lost energy. All that contributed to the great atmosphere during the seminar.

Shinken gata Tora no Maki seminar held

Posted on Categories Home

Twenty of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia who today attended the Shinken gata Tora no Maki seminar, were literally dying in Dolnja Reka while they were trying to grasp as much knowledge as they can from this fighting system.

During the eight-hour training, shidoshi Dovezenski taught the students the basic techniques of this school. as well as the 12 katas from the first level named shodan. All that time, the students trained hard and without holding back they were trying their best to repeat the shown techniques by the instructor.

The seminar started with a brief lecture for Tora no Maki, afterwards continued with training in Kihon Gata. After the body postures (kamae) were learned, the training continued to ukemi, and after that – kihon suvari gata.
With the first kata from the shodan level it was already clear that the location meant for training will become a battlefield. That desire and energy stuck around until 17.00 o`clock, when the bodies and the minds of the participants started to renounce obedience, mostly because of weariness caused by the vigorous rhythm of training.

At the end, it is worth mentioning that the day was beautiful, with a blue sky and strong sun that made up for the lost energy. All that contributed to the great atmosphere during the seminar.