A sucessfull Path of Shugenja ® seminar

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26092011104917shu7.jpgAll of the eleven attendants that were announced to this year`s `Path of Shugenja` seminar succeeded in finishing the 50 kilometer route in twelve and a half hours.

This event began at 08.00 in the morning, when the members of Bujinkan Macedonia headed towards their goal – the location `Kamena Svadba` in the Kuklica village.
As every year, we visited every sacred place on the way, each of them radiating with their energy around, creating a positive effect on us.
Around 15.00, we arrived at our goal, followed by a half-hour rest and continuing back towards our starting point.
Around 20.30 hours, we returned beneath Lipac, from where we started.
During the day, we passed through the villages Beljakovce, Konyuh, Shopsko Rudare, Vak`v, Kuklica and Dimonce, by which we made a big circle around out intended route.
The biggest impression on us made the village Kuklica, which is indeed big with so many sections that are rich in various beautiful landscapes. Some of it`s parts are so mysterious and hidden from civilization, that we were literally able to see places that have been left untouched by human hand for years.
The attendants showed real strength of spirit, even though they were intentionally provoked and tested by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski.

Once again, it was proven that the Path of Shugenja seminar is one of the hardest, but at the same time most attractive seminars in organization of our dojo.

A sucessfull Path of Shugenja ® seminar

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26092011104917shu7.jpgAll of the eleven attendants that were announced to this year`s `Path of Shugenja` seminar succeeded in finishing the 50 kilometer route in twelve and a half hours.

This event began at 08.00 in the morning, when the members of Bujinkan Macedonia headed towards their goal – the location `Kamena Svadba` in the Kuklica village.
As every year, we visited every sacred place on the way, each of them radiating with their energy around, creating a positive effect on us.
Around 15.00, we arrived at our goal, followed by a half-hour rest and continuing back towards our starting point.
Around 20.30 hours, we returned beneath Lipac, from where we started.
During the day, we passed through the villages Beljakovce, Konyuh, Shopsko Rudare, Vak`v, Kuklica and Dimonce, by which we made a big circle around out intended route.
The biggest impression on us made the village Kuklica, which is indeed big with so many sections that are rich in various beautiful landscapes. Some of it`s parts are so mysterious and hidden from civilization, that we were literally able to see places that have been left untouched by human hand for years.
The attendants showed real strength of spirit, even though they were intentionally provoked and tested by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski.

Once again, it was proven that the Path of Shugenja seminar is one of the hardest, but at the same time most attractive seminars in organization of our dojo.

The Path of Shugenja ®

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18092011201311shugendo876.jpgTraditionally, every year on the last week in September, the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia hold The Path of Shugenja seminar.

This year we chose a route from the summit of the Mountain Lipac to the locality Kamena Svadba located in the village Kuklica (and back).

Shugendo is an ancient japanese method which explores the relations between man and nature. Translated, Shugendo means `The path of training and testing`, in other words it`s an ascetic discipline which aims to achieve self perfection through retreat on mountains, meditation under waterfalls and cold rivers, breathing practices on inaccessible terrain, that leads to achieving astonishing accomplishments through testing one`s body and mental strenghts. Those who practice this method are known by the name Shugenja, and this discipline is studied in Japan even today.

The founder of this teaching is considered to be En no Gyoja, 18092011201332shugendo987.jpgwho lived nearby Kyoto in the 7th century A.D. The other name this followers are known is Yamabushi or Mountain Warriors. They crossed the ridgelines on the Japanese islands visiting and protecting the numerous temples. Some scholars believe that this people, united with the deserter Chinese generals after the fall of the Dinasty Tang, are the founders of the art Ninjutsu.

Date: 25th September, 2011 (Sunday)

Location: Lipac – Kuklica – Lipac

07.00 hours – departure from Skopje
08.00 hours – arrival and the start of march
Returning home – only God knows!

Equipment: Take whatever you like. Everything is on your responsibility and conscience.

P.S. Encounter with wild animals, rain, storm and other unforseen things are not excluded.

* Before you make an entry, please check the information of the previous years on our web-site.

The Path of Shugenja ®

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18092011201311shugendo876.jpgTraditionally, every year on the last week in September, the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia hold The Path of Shugenja seminar.

This year we chose a route from the summit of the Mountain Lipac to the locality Kamena Svadba located in the village Kuklica (and back).

Shugendo is an ancient japanese method which explores the relations between man and nature. Translated, Shugendo means `The path of training and testing`, in other words it`s an ascetic discipline which aims to achieve self perfection through retreat on mountains, meditation under waterfalls and cold rivers, breathing practices on inaccessible terrain, that leads to achieving astonishing accomplishments through testing one`s body and mental strenghts. Those who practice this method are known by the name Shugenja, and this discipline is studied in Japan even today.

The founder of this teaching is considered to be En no Gyoja, 18092011201332shugendo987.jpgwho lived nearby Kyoto in the 7th century A.D. The other name this followers are known is Yamabushi or Mountain Warriors. They crossed the ridgelines on the Japanese islands visiting and protecting the numerous temples. Some scholars believe that this people, united with the deserter Chinese generals after the fall of the Dinasty Tang, are the founders of the art Ninjutsu.

Date: 25th September, 2011 (Sunday)

Location: Lipac – Kuklica – Lipac

07.00 hours – departure from Skopje
08.00 hours – arrival and the start of march
Returning home – only God knows!

Equipment: Take whatever you like. Everything is on your responsibility and conscience.

P.S. Encounter with wild animals, rain, storm and other unforseen things are not excluded.

* Before you make an entry, please check the information of the previous years on our web-site.

A successfully finished Daito Ryu and Ono ha Itto Ryu seminar in Macedonia

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12092011222906certa76.jpgThis weekend in the capitol of Macedonia, there was a seminar for Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda Den) teached by the only non-Japanese shihan of these two traditional Japanese schools, Antonino Certa from Italy.

The seminar was organized by the the branch of the European organization Daito Kai in Macedonia, `Koryu Dojo` which together with the dojo `Bujinkan Macedonia` forms the only organization that teaches classical Japanese martial schools in our country – Taiyou e no Michi.

In agreement with sensei Certa, we decided this event to be closed to the public and it can be attended only by members of our organization and the one we plan on doing next year will be open to anyone that wills to learn more of these arts.

Sensei Certa arrived in Macedonia as early as Thursday morning, and immediately began training with his personal student and representative for Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski. The next day, their training sessions continued at the summit of mount Lipac, nearby the place where the Hombu dojo of Taiyou e no Michi is currently built. On Saturday, we began with the official part of the seminar, on which we
12092011222930certa897.jpgstudied different techniques from  the levels Ikkajo, Nikkajo and Sankkajo from the Hiden Mokuroku, while the afternoon hours were dedicated to suburi, kihon and kata from Ono ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu.
That same schedule was followed during the Sunday, when the official part of the seminar was over.

During the five days of sensei Certa`s stay in Macedonia, he had the chance to get acquainted to the Macedonian culture and tradition, which we can freely say left him speechless. He also visited a few Macedonian villages and cities, where he enjoyed the traditional Macedonian kitchen, and even more enjoyable were his visits of our beautiful shrines and hole places.

About the quality of sensei Certa`s teachings, there isn`t really anything to say. As usual, at the highest level, supported by his selfless effort to transmit as much as he can from these two traditional Japanese schools.

Одржан семинар за Даито рју и Оно ха Итто рју во Македонија

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12092011222906certa76.jpgВикендов во главниот
град на Македонија се одржа семинар за Даито рју Аикиџуџутсу и Оно Ха Итто рју
Кенџутсу (Такеда ден) под водство на единствениот нејапонски шихан за овие две
традиционални јапонски школи, Антонино Черта од Италија.

Семинарот беше организиран од страна на огранокот на Европската организација
Даито Каи за Македонија, „Корју доџо“, кое заедно со доџо-то „Буџинкан
Македонија“ ја сочинуваат единствената организација која ги негува класичните
јапонски боречки школи во нашата земја – Пат кон Сонцето.

Во договор со сенсеи Черта, одлучивме настанот да биде затворен за јавност и на
него да можат да учествуваат само членовите на нашата организација, додека
следната година семинарот ќе биде отворен за сите кои сакаат да научат повеќе
за овие вештини.

Инаку, сенсеи Черта пристигна во Македонија уште во четврток наутро, по што
веднаш го започна тренингот со неговиот личен ученик и претставник за
Македонија, Игор Довезенски.
Следниот ден, тренинзите продолжија во подножјето на планината Липац односно на
местото каде што се гради Хомбу доџо-то на Пат кон Сонцето.
Во саботата започна и официјалниот дел на семинарот, 12092011222930certa897.jpgна кој се работеа техники
од нивоата Икаџо, Никаџо и Санкаџо од Хиден Мокуроку, додека во пладневните
часови се вежбаа субури, кихон и кати од Оно ха Итти рју Кенџутсу.
Истиот распоред продолжи и во неделата, кога заврши и официјалниот дел од

За време на петте дена колку што сенсеи Черта беше во Македонија, тој имаше
можност да се запознае и со македонската култура и традиција кои што слободно
можеме да кажеме дека го оставија без зборови. Учителот посети неколку
македонски села и градови, каде што уживаше во македонската традиционална
кујна, а уште повеќе во разгледувањето на нашите преубави светилишта.

За квалитетот на подучувањето на сенсеи Черта, нема што многу да се зборува.
Како и секогаш, тоа е на највисоко ниво, а тој несебично се труди да пренесе
колку што може повеќе од ове две традиционални јапонски школи.