Упис на нови членови во Буџинкан Македонија

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24082011081755Upis_2011.jpgШколото за
класични јапонски борбени вештини Буџинкан Македонија, во текот на месец
септември ќе врши упис на нови членови во своето доџо. Сите заинтересирани
треба да го најават своето присуство на и-мејл или на телефоните: 071 277 457
или 077 976 906.

Пред да се одлучите да станете наши ученици, Ве молиме да прочитате неколку
факти, но и да размислите дали Буџинкан Македонија е вистинското место за Вас.

Нашето доџо (школо) е основано во 1995 година од страна на шидоши (учител) Игор
Довезенски, единствениот признат инструктор кај нас од страна на меѓународната
организација Буџинкан Доџо и нејзиниот соке (поглавар) Масааки Хатсуми. Шидоши
Довезенски има полагано за годан (5 дан) пред 20 шихани (мајстори од највисок
ранг) и е првиот и единствениот Македонец во светот носител на ова високо
признание. Тој поседува менкјо (лиценца) која му дозволува да раководи со
единственото доџо за класични самурајски и нинџа вештини во Македонија.

Буџинкан Македонија е еден од најголемите и најдинамични Буџинкан клубови во
целиот свет. Ние се согласуваме дека квалитетот е поважен од квантитетот, но
сме убедени дека квалитетот неминовно носи квантитет. Полното доџо е само
потврда за големото знаење и напредок кое се стекнува кај нас.

Тренингот во нашето доџо е тежок, а Патот е исполнет со многу пот, солзи и
откажувања. Доколку сте подготвени да промените некои работи од Вашиот живот,
тогаш придружете се и бидете дел од нашето семејство – Буџинкан Македонија.

Дознај нешто
повеќе…(тука) и (тука)

Our summer ninja camp 2011 has finished

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The third Summer Ninja Camp ended in a manner one can expect when there are so many good and honest students in one place, who with each passing year advance in all fields in their lives.

The nine days passed in an unforgettable atmosphere, the training sessions were hard and the capacity for this camp was completely filled in April – two weeks after the announcement was made.

We started practicing at 08.00 with Junan Taiso, and continued after the breakfast in 09.30 with Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu. Afterwards we had a Junan Undo and Atemi no Tanren training, after which the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia set off for swim in the river, to relax the muscles and `heal` the wounds and bruises in the fresh water.
The fourth training session was dedicated to Togakure Ryu Bikenjutsu which was a real pleasure for all the students. The late hours of the night were used for night ninja trainings and watching old Japanese samurai movies.

The food was prepared in a traditional Macedonian manner as usual, by using mostly fresh and ecological products from our own produce, and the menu was filled with local specialties and varieties.

All students left satisfied and happy for a great and active summer vacation, and most of them immediately reserved spots for the next Summer Ninja Camp 2012. All of them saw that this camp is one of the best ways for quality advancement, detailed learning and study of the kata and techniques of the traditional Japanese martial schools.

Our summer ninja camp 2011 has finished

Posted on Categories Home

The third Summer Ninja Camp ended in a manner one can expect when there are so many good and honest students in one place, who with each passing year advance in all fields in their lives.

The nine days passed in an unforgettable atmosphere, the training sessions were hard and the capacity for this camp was completely filled in April – two weeks after the announcement was made.

We started practicing at 08.00 with Junan Taiso, and continued after the breakfast in 09.30 with Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu. Afterwards we had a Junan Undo and Atemi no Tanren training, after which the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia set off for swim in the river, to relax the muscles and `heal` the wounds and bruises in the fresh water.
The fourth training session was dedicated to Togakure Ryu Bikenjutsu which was a real pleasure for all the students. The late hours of the night were used for night ninja trainings and watching old Japanese samurai movies.

The food was prepared in a traditional Macedonian manner as usual, by using mostly fresh and ecological products from our own produce, and the menu was filled with local specialties and varieties.

All students left satisfied and happy for a great and active summer vacation, and most of them immediately reserved spots for the next Summer Ninja Camp 2012. All of them saw that this camp is one of the best ways for quality advancement, detailed learning and study of the kata and techniques of the traditional Japanese martial schools.