Togakure ryu Ninjutsu – weekend camp

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At a place called Zaevac, on the slopes of the mythical mountain of Lipac, this weekend a mini-camp was held in which took part around ten members of Bujinkan Macedonia stemming from all age groups.

Quartered at a very well organized Ninja encampment, in tents and sleeping bags, with kettle cooked food upon an open fire, the students from the dojo enjoyed the atmosphere and the idyllic nature that surrounded them.

During the event, the teacher Dovezenski taught techniques with the Kunai, Senban and Shuko from the school of Togakure ryu Ninjutsu. And, as always, when talking about seminars organized by the leader of “Taiyou e no Michi”, the katas were broken down to smallest details. Some of the members of the dojo, and especially those that were introduced to these weapons for the first time were delighted at the opportunity and by their efficiency.

By the event’s end, all the participants grew so attached to the location that they simply didn’t want to leave. Luckily, in just two weeks time another great seminar will take place – “Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac”, and so all the Warriors from the dojo will have another opportunity to socialize and while perfecting their skills.