Seminar in Gradsko held

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28052012025843gradsko89897.jpgShidoshi ho Marjan Proshev and shidoshi ho Marko Opachikj, this Sunday held a seminar for the section of Bujinkan Macedonia in Gradsko. This is the last of the series of seminars that the younger instructors taught in this community, and the reason is the upcoming kyu-testing which will take place at the end of June.

This is the first testing in the section in Gradsko, and also the first testing that Proshev and Opachikj will lead. After the event, the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia, shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, officially is going to appoint the younger instructors responsible for the work of Bujinkan Macedonia – Gradsko (shibu dojo).

For the time being, shidoshi ho Proshev and shidoshi ho Opachikj are content with the work of this section and they expect the progress to continue, and that can only be achieved with hard and merciless training.

P.S. On this photo is one of the younger members of Bujinkan Macedonia – Gradsko Shibu Dojo, candidate for the test of 10th kyu.