Bujinkan Macedonia in „Life Magazine“

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05022011123858lajf1.jpgThe popular monthly „Life Magazine“ in it`s new (February) edition, published a reportage about Bujinkan Macedonia`s latest outdoor seminar. The text titled as `A winter training session with the Macedonian samurai` was written by the journalist Katarina Stojanova, while the photographs are by the photo-reporter Andrej Ginovski.

As always, the school for classical Japanese Martial Arts `Bujinkan Macedonia` presented the organization led by soke Masaaki Hatsumi in the best possible manner, and our events are attracting the attention of the public repeatedly.  

The team from `Life Magazine` also wished to do an article about our traditional summer seminar – `Survival`, where out members are training in a temperature of +40 degrees Celsius, with no food or water for two days straight.