The Shinobi Taiso seminar – Move4Harmony® was held

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Eleven members of Bujinkan Macedonia singed up, and also had the honor of being part of the seminar during which the new slogan of the system of Shinobi Taiso – “Move4Harmony®” was promoted.

In the event that took place in the Skopje dojo of “Taiyou e no Michi”, to the participants were presented the newest discoveries of the influence of the natural frequencies of the planet Earth on people, as also the electromagnetic pollution that destroys the immune system.

During the seminar, shidoshi Dovezenski introduced the students to the ancient practice of the Japanese samurai of connecting to nature through Shinrin Joku 森林浴 meaning Washing (cleaning) in the forest.

Also, the Instructor for the first time resented the old traditional techniques of increasing of one’s bodily and mental harmony through different movements, but also way of breathing and stimulating of energy through pressure and massage on specific point on the body. Of course, the techniques for lessening and eliminating of pain in an unbalanced body were not left out.

All in all, this was another opportunity for the members of Bujinkan Macedonia to increase their knowledge, but this time with techniques that could really be classified as a “higher level”.