The day before yesterday in the dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia in organization by the section “Ninja Kids” the first kid’s ninja marathon was held. This event will be repeated regularly one a month during the winter months (November, December, January and February), during which even the youngest members of our dojo can spend time together though training and fun. The event is envisioned to last five hours, and the kids will be taught by several instructors from Bujinkan Macedonia, who beside martial arts, will teach them about other Japanese arts, such as origami, chado, shodo, etc.
In the first “Kids Ninja Marathon”, took part shidoshi ho Marko Opacik who taught techniques for child self defense, after which shidoshi Igor Dovezenski, who taught them Taihenjutsu , afterwards sempai Taki Gakovski who taught Origami, as also kohai Sanja Simonova and kohai Filip Trajanovski which were assisting during the event.
The next marathon will be during the month of January.