Во Хомбу доџо-то на Школото за борбени вештини Пат кон Сонцето, вчера
во рамките на Нинџутсу Сојузот Буџинкан Македонија се одржа полагање за
кју (ученички) степени.
За 9 кју, тестот успешно го положија учениците Маја Илиевска, Елена
Ангеловска, Стефан Робески, Перица Давитков, Билјана Тасева и Дамјан
Стојановски, додека со 7 кју се „закитија“ учениците Дарко Божиновски,
Благица Стојаноска и Кристијан Антовски.
На сите, од се срце, им честитаме за направениот напредок.
Следното полагање ќе се одржи во текот на месецот декември, 2009 година.
Month: June 2009
Goton Po seminar held
could say that this Goton Po was a continuation of the last years. The
training begun on the place called Elenacki Karpi, where the students
of Bujinkan Macedonia
were learning how to climb and get down from rocks without any
protection gear, actually, only with the help of a rope and sword
(boken). After that, techniques for climbing with the use of two knifes
and with the help of a partner were studied.
with the help of instructor Igor Dovezenski, the older students taught
the younger ones how to make a trap, and the best part of the seminar
was the arranged action for surprising the “enemy chasers”.
After that there was explanation and making of the so called Fire Ball, which will be studied further on another seminar.
from these skills, the students were introduced to healing plants and
the use of their surroundings in case of survival in nature. The
seminar was successful besides the hot and moist weather, which tried
to influence the physical and psychical abilities of the students.
Goton Po Outdoor Seminar
The traditional outdoor seminar on subject: Goton Po (usage of the five elements), will be held on the 7th of June 2009.
Po is an integral part of the legendary skill of Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu,
Inton Jutsu, actually a skill of hiding, avoiding and camouflaging. The
participants of the seminar will have the possibility to learn how to
use the natural elements: earth, water, wood, fire and metal, in order
to be able to hide, camouflage and avoid the threatening danger.
Day: 7th of June (2009)
Place: Mlaka and Elenacki Karpi
08:00 hours – leaving from Skopje
09:00 hours – arriving
10:00-16:00 hours – theoretical and practical part
16:30 – going back
Price: 1000 denars (the price includes: seminar fee and transportation)
This time it will be a small group. Registering till friday.
Goton Po seminar held
could say that this Goton Po was a continuation of the last years. The
training begun on the place called Elenacki Karpi, where the students
of Bujinkan Macedonia
were learning how to climb and get down from rocks without any
protection gear, actually, only with the help of a rope and sword
(boken). After that, techniques for climbing with the use of two knifes
and with the help of a partner were studied.
with the help of instructor Igor Dovezenski, the older students taught
the younger ones how to make a trap, and the best part of the seminar
was the arranged action for surprising the “enemy chasers”.
After that there was explanation and making of the so called Fire Ball, which will be studied further on another seminar.
from these skills, the students were introduced to healing plants and
the use of their surroundings in case of survival in nature. The
seminar was successful besides the hot and moist weather, which tried
to influence the physical and psychical abilities of the students.
Goton Po Outdoor Seminar
The traditional outdoor seminar on subject: Goton Po (usage of the five elements), will be held on the 7th of June 2009.
Po is an integral part of the legendary skill of Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu,
Inton Jutsu, actually a skill of hiding, avoiding and camouflaging. The
participants of the seminar will have the possibility to learn how to
use the natural elements: earth, water, wood, fire and metal, in order
to be able to hide, camouflage and avoid the threatening danger.
Day: 7th of June (2009)
Place: Mlaka and Elenacki Karpi
08:00 hours – leaving from Skopje
09:00 hours – arriving
10:00-16:00 hours – theoretical and practical part
16:30 – going back
Price: 1000 denars (the price includes: seminar fee and transportation)
This time it will be a small group. Registering till friday.