
Posted on Categories Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu is an old martial art that has until today remained covered with mystery, therefore it is so little known even for the Japanese people. In medieval Japan, in the times when it was divided among several commanders, often there was a clash between their armies lead by the samurai warriors. For the samurai it was a great honor to die in the battlefield because their code said so. On the other hand, the code of the bushi (warriors) do not apply for the ninja. They used to use special, unconventional way of fight. For them, the only thing that mattered was how to fulfill the task, to protect ones own family and to survive. That was their code.

It would be most appropriate if we say that ninjutsu is a skill (martial art) for survival and self-defense. But, we mustn’t think that ninjutsu is applicable only in the times of war. On the contrary, its philosophy is universal and functions regardless of the time and space.

Ninjutsu teach us how to understand the Universe and how to establish a harmony with the nature. It helps us to develop our mental and physical potentials, to develop our own creativity, to enhance our individuality, to increase the self-esteem and goodness, to deepen our life and to learn to enjoy it more. In one word, to become tatsujin (complete person who is able to succeed in any segment of the life).

People without honest and clean heart, without open and positive spirit, who cannot recognize their mistakes, to regret for them, as well as those who cannot deal with their ego, are unlikely to remain in this martial art. Those people often take the wrong way.

Training in ninjutsu is cruel, but at the same time it is honest with us the same way our life is. Through training we learn how to accept punches of the rival at the same way we get punches from our destiny. But, we learn how to attack back.

This martial art teach us to accept pain and suffering as a part of life and reality, not to bend over obstacles, but on the contrary, every new problem to make us tougher. Every trouble in our lives is for the reason. Solving and accepting the troubles make us stronger and better. Only the weak give up and fall in a self pity.

Practicing ninjutsu is an honor. Through training we understand the joy of life and the true values. Differing from the other popular Japanese martial arts, such as aikido, judo or karate, that have become recreational or sport disciplines aiming to achieve sport results or to recreate, ninjutsu helps us to survive in the daily situations. The goal of this martial art is to teach us how to defend our life with the least consequences for our body and spirit, and with the large scale consequences for the enemy.

Practicing ninjutsu make us physically stronger, more prepared and more skillful. At the same time, we develop sincerity, honesty, empathy and dignity. But we have to admit it cannot be achieved easy and over a night. The way that lead us to the goal is hard and thorny. Still, those who succeed to go through it get the feeling of inner peace, self esteem, perfect control over one’s body, positive attitude and joy towards life. The biggest benefit is the strength that wouldn’t allow us to fall during the hard times that are expecting us in future.

Many people think that these days a complex martial art such as ninjutsu is unnecessary. But they all forget that nobody can predict the future. As the great Chinese sage Tsun Tsu said “In peace prepare for war, in war prepare for peace”. We cannot predict if we sometimes should defend the lives of our children, our closest, or ourselves. We may find in a situation where the skill and the endurance will mean survival.

The training in our dojo (training hall) is real. Every drop of sweat and every bruise we get prepares us for the unpredictable situations we will face in future. Ninjutsu is well more than receiving punches and strikes back. This primeval martial art has an attitude towards life, it has a life-worth value. Therefore no other martial art is similar to it.

In ninjutsu there is no competition between practitioners, nor a fights for points. Instead, practitioners help each other and cooperate in a friendly atmosphere. Ninjutsu has no a secret goal. It has a way how to get to know yourself and to increase your abilities and potentials to the unbelievable limits. Ninjutsu is simply – a way of life.