Profesor Yamada from the University of Mie in Japan, a guest of the Hombu of Bujinkan Macedonia 

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As an eminent professor at the Japanese University of Mie and a leading researcher of the history of the legendary Ninja warriors and their Ninjutsu arts, d-r Yuji Yamada was a guest, this past Tuesday, of the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia – Igor Dovezenski.

During their meeting, which was held at the Hombu Dojo of the Macedonian Bujinkan organization, professor Yamada and the teacher Dovezenski discussed many different topics pertaining to the history, philosophy, psychology and techniques of the ancient Japanese art of Ninjutsu. While sharing their knowledge and experience, these highly educated people had the opportunity to expand and reinforce their already sizable knowledge about the hidden world of the shinobi warriors. 

The professor Yamada was pleasantly surprised by the enormous knowledge that the teacher Dovezenski possessed, especially his knowledge about the Japanese traditions and culture, he was further delighted by the Japanese zen garden that the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia managed to create in these past few years, forming it according to all the rules that govern the creation of a garden of this type. In fact, the Japanese professor was simply amazed by the fact that someone that was born and lives in Macedonia could, on their own, build a Japanese dojo and create a complete Japanese garden with an entire Ninja Village in an almost perfect simulacra of medieval life in Japan. 

During the traditional Macedonian comunal lunch in the shadow of the Hombus’s great walnut trees, Dovezenski and Yamada agreed upon the need for further cooperation through a visit of the University of Mie by the leader of Bujinkan Macedonia and their continued and mutual sharing of knowledge and experiences on the topic of Ninjutsu.