The tenth in a row “Workshop for Female Self-Defense” managed to gather 26 members of the fairer sex in one place and enabled them to take a two day voyage in the world of the Japanese classical martial arts. Eleven years in a row, the dojo Bujinkan Macedonia organized this event, and this year for the first time under the leadership of sempai Sanja Simonova, who together with the teacher Igor Dovezenski teaches techniques of self-defense from all kinds of situations. During the seminar, the participants had the opportunity to learn how to defend themselves from attacks with strikes, pinning to a wall, kicks, as well as situations when they find themselves on the ground. As support for Simonova and Dovezenski, always present were some of the older members of the dojo – Vladimir Antonovski, Mihail Drakalski and Filip Trajanovski.
Besides the amazing companionship and incredible atmosphere, all the members of the fairer sex during the entire seminar kept the smiles on their faces, and for us that is the greatest sign of the success of the Workshop. Till next year.